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 From:  none (EVALON)
8123.69 In reply to 8123.68 
Hi Michael,

& thanks for your prompt & helpful reply ;-)

However, when I try your script I get an error message saying that " Typeerror: Result of expression 'moi.ui.findElement' [undefined] is not a function. " ... I have attached a screendump of what the moi.ini looks like an the error message. Maybe I need to change something somewhere to make it work ... ?

Cheers, Jesper
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8123.70 In reply to 8123.69 
Hi Jesper,

> However, when I try your script I get an error message saying that " Typeerror: Result
> of expression 'moi.ui.findElement' [undefined] is not a function. "

The script uses some infrastructure that was added in MoI version 4, but you're using MoI version 3, so that's the problem.

Try this instead, it should work ok in v3:

script: /* Show edit size menu */ moi.ui.showMenu( 'EditSizeMenu.htm', moi.ui.sidePane.PropSizeContainer, 0, 0 );

- Michael
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 From:  none (EVALON)
Hi Michael,

Thanks again for helping out with this - I have copied the script to my .ini list and it works fine! ... Much appreciated ;-)

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 From:  pafurijaz
This topic saved my life..
Now I works too fast, thanks to all!
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