Real case OBJ to Nurbs!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8095.9 In reply to 8095.8 
Hi Pilou, so possibly using a different vendor that has prior experience with doing figurines would be a better approach.

It's possible they will still have problems because what they are receiving is structured very differently from what they are used to receiving even if it is in NURBS form now.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8095.10 In reply to 8095.9 
Limitation that i have seen in Moi is the number of surfaces with the Max SUbdiv plugin!
(8 000 seems the maximum) Very Speed! less than 3 minutes!

Maybe they have more strong one by their side!
Objective was to send them a nurbs file with edges welded! (not subdivided) :)

File Step was something like 420 megas, a file 3dm 290 megas : with 50 000 faces welded! :)

EDITED: 16 Sep 2016 by PILOU

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 From:  chrisd (CHRIS_DORDONI)
8095.11 In reply to 8095.10 

The nurbs file created from the obj may still present a problem for a few reasons. Its possible there are now intersecting surfaces, even if there were none in the original polygon model. Also, the number of surfaces as well as very sharp, thin areas can present a problem as well.

Typically, when a nurbs model is required it is due to the type of CAM system used to create the mold. Mold makers will typically refuse a polygonal file, but a straight conversion to nurbs may not be acceptable either.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8095.12 In reply to 8095.11 
So situation is blocked! ... ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  chrisd (CHRIS_DORDONI)
8095.13 In reply to 8095.12 
See what they say, maybe they will accept it. :)

But if they do have an issue with it, I hope they will explain specifically what the issue is. Some of these guys don't want to give away any secrets, you know.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8095.14 In reply to 8095.13 
Wait & see! :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  mkdm
Hi everyone,

I'm testing a new particular workflow, to use when I need to explicitly transform a Low-Poly/Low-SDS obj into a Nurbs object.

For this particular case i'm testing two alternatives, one requires Rhino V6 WIP while the other one requires Moi+Max's ImportObj and SubDiv scripts.

Obviously the two strategies produce different results.

Strategy 1.
I will use it mainly when the Low-Poly/Low-SDS obj contains Ngons :

1.A) Import the obj into Rhino V6 WIP

1.B) Run the experimental SubDFromMesh command onto the imported obj.
I use in this case the lowest PatchDensity value, that is two, in order to minimize the number of resulting Nurbs patches.
I'm testing SubDFromMesh with these parameters :
Creases=NO Output=Nurbs PatchDensity=2 ClampKnots=Yes SetPatchName=NO

1.C) Joining the resulting Nurbs patches to obtain a joined surfaces

Strategy 2.
I will use it mainly when the Low-Poly/Low-SDS obj contains only Quad+Tris :

1.A) Import the obj into Moi with Max's ImportObj script

1.B) Run the SubDiv script onto the imported obj

Here's two links of a simple test i made :

The zipped .3dm file :

The Moi's screen cap :

Who knows if the experimental SubDFromMesh Rhino V6 command will have a future...

Good experimentation to all and have a nice day!

- Marco (mdkm)
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Marco,

thanks for posting your results. Out of curiosity i tested your model with ViaCAD Pro 10 beta and you can see the result in the attached image. It's the blue model in front from ViaCAD's subd to NURBS conversion.


EDITED: 30 Oct 2016 by STEFAN

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 From:  mkdm
Hi PaQ,

And thank you very much for your suggestions!
I answer here to your post

> You shouldn't care that much about ngones or tris, just add a subdivision level to your mesh before import/conversion.
>By doing that, you will always end up with a full quad mesh.

Yes, I agree with you but by doing so I certainly will increase the total polygons count, and in my experiments
I'm trying to work with less polygons as possible, in order to obtain the lightest Nurbs objects.
Clearly in relation with the level of details I need for the particular object.
Only if I need I will do a SubDiv step in most detailed area of the object.

> What's important, is to 'hide' as much as you can any vertex that is not connected with 4 edges.
> The surface quality in those 'poles' area will always be a problem (surface continuity problem, or pinch).
> By hiding, I mean avoid to place those vertex where there is a big curvature change.

Also in this case i agree with you. The poles area are always a problem...
In fact in my example this is clearly evident.
But, what do you mean with "hiding" vertexes ?
Could you please be more precise ?

> I have to say that MAX SubDiv script is doing an amazing job in that area, way better than anything I have seen so far.
>It's very obvious in your example, the middle area where 12 edges are connected to one vertex looks much better
> (I would even say perfect) with Max's script than Rhino result.

Yes, Max's SubDiv is amazing in treating this situation!
But I'm testing the SubDFromMesh Rhino V6 command, mainly for two reasons :

1) I have a commercial license of Rhino too and I'd like to make the most of it :)
And I'm also very curious about what McNeel will give us in the long-awaited official V6 version.

2) Max's SubDiv + ImportObj scripts are very slow compared to Rhino, especially with mid-poly obj (> 1000 faces).
(And I have i7 4790K 4.4 Ghz, not a monster but...)
After all Max's SubDiv is Javascript while SubDFromMesh is compiled into Rhino...
And furthermore, I want to test the possible results obtained converting mid/high-poly count Quad+Tris obj into Nurbs,
in order to find a decent workflow to manually produce a simplified Nurbs version of high-patches version.

Anyway, thanks a lot and have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  mkdm
8095.18 In reply to 8095.16 
Hi futagoza (STEFAN),

and thank you for your test.
Very interesting to see what ViaCAD Pro 10 beta ca do...

I will continue to experiment with a decent workflow for "Low-Mid-Poly-SDS to Nurbs" conversion.
Using both automatic and manual operations.

Nice day!

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
You're welcome Marco.

One thing i should mention is that ViaCAD Pro requires their separate product PowerPack Pro, which offers this functionality and much much more. PowerPack Pro is however included in the beta for testing purposes.


EDITED: 21 Sep 2016 by STEFAN

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 From:  mkdm
8095.20 In reply to 8095.19 
Thank you for the clarification, STEFAN.

Nice day,

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Here is a link, in case you like to see or try out new features:

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 From:  mkdm
Hi everyone,

...Anyway....regarding all the job "Obj to Nurbs"...

It's clear that all the efforts are justified only if it should happen that it's necessary to carry out additional manipulations of the obj model
inside the Nurbs environment (for example booleans, filleting, trimmings, blending etc..) and we want to treat the original obj as a real Nurbs object.

Otherwise, if we don't need to do those stuff, all those efforts are totally useless.

Nice day,

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  mkdm
Hi everyone,

That's a meaningless doodle made in 15 minutes for fun.
Simple "Obj to Burbs" workflow, made by using Max's ImportObj + SubDiv scripts and doing some little nurbs modelling (fillet, trim, boolean).

Here's all the links :

Scree cap 1 : Moi's whole model :

Scree cap 2 : Nurbs main actor :

Scree cap 3 : Imported obj from NVIL :

File 1 : Zipped whole 3dm file :

File 2 : Low-poly obj from NVIL :

Nice day,

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Another Workflow! :)
Rocket 3F (OBJ)-->Fusion 360 Tsplines (IGES)---> Moi (3DM) = Nurbs
(i know that is a direct bridge Rocket --> Moi : it was for see what happend inside Fusion! :)
Artifacts' lines on the top round is just due to the bad angle position of the view!

Rendering Fusion 360 till Moi has one! ;)
(absolutly not any regulates anywhere)

EDITED: 21 Sep 2016 by PILOU

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 From:  mkdm
8095.25 In reply to 8095.24 
Hi Pilou,

Et voilĂ ...Moi's jewelry!


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  mkdm
Hi everyone,

...and that's a 10 minutes job with 3DCoat.
A random painting, sculpting, and rough renderings of the "Obj to Nurbs" objects of my previous post.

Large view

Detailed view

Nice day,

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Big size indeed!
Any idea of the time of the rendering itself?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  mkdm
8095.28 In reply to 8095.27 
About 7-8 min of total render time in 3DCoat (for all renderings).

...the complete job took 13-14 min...not 10 :)

Ciao Pilou!

- Marco (mkdm)

EDITED: 21 Sep 2016 by MKDM

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