Opinion about some good and robust Polygonal-SDS modeler under 200$
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 From:  Mik (MIKULAS)
8090.30 In reply to 8090.29 
Hi Marco,

Have you tried http://meshmixer.com/ ?

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 From:  mkdm
8090.31 In reply to 8090.29 
Hi Pilou,

I'm testing Rocket3F and NVIL too...

Rocket3F seems to be a good modeler and i know that it is only at early beta stage, but there's at least three things that
don't convince me :

1) For the moment it misses too many features of its "father" NVIL

2) Although Samardac, on the Rocket3F forum and on NVIL forum, says that Rocket3F is a NEW product
that is separate from NVIL, i must say that this statement to be inaccurate.
For the moment Rocket3F seems nothing more then a NVIL with a make-up.

In fact i tried to run Rocket3F using all the configurations files of NVIL and...surprise....in front of me
I saw NVIL without the menu!!!

This thing confuses me and it doesn't make a good impression...

Certainly its workflow seems to be very, very good, like Moi, and this is a very important feature.

3) Like NVIL, on my laptop (i7 4790K 4.4 Ghz 32 Gb Ram, Nvidia Quadro K3100M 768 cores), it present the same
strange behavior. That is, an high and unjustified use of Cpu.
When i do any operation that involve the Rocket3F's viewport, the Cpu usage always jump to 15-22%,
and my laptop cooler always keep pumping.
Very annoying thing !
Silo for example is completely silent....

Nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)

EDITED: 15 Sep 2016 by MKDM

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8090.32 In reply to 8090.31 
<< workflow seems to be very, very good, like Moi

Seems UI 's Moi found a school! ;)
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 From:  mkdm
Hi Mik (MIKULAS) and Pilou,

and thanks a lot for your suggestions.

Yea...I already knew all this products : MeshMixer, NeoBarok, etc...etc...
and I currently, often or occasionally, use all of them.

But I think that all those products, although they are with no doubt very powerful and very useful for some "exotic" or particular situations,
they can't be used for "standard" Poly/SDS modelling.
They can be rather a good companion to couple with a main modelling software.

For example i also use the fantastic MagicaVoxel (https://voxel.codeplex.com/), but it could never be my main modelling package...

Anyway, thanks to all.


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
And this exoctic very cool one! (my favorite) I made the French UI in the big long past! ;)
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 From:  mkdm
8090.35 In reply to 8090.34 
Hi Pilou,

Yeah! Sometimes i use also TopMod.

It's a very, very particular piece of software. For alchemists of 3D!


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
A free one more! :)
Formzfree : some usefull fonctions : like Stair, Rof, Terrain, Unfold volum Minutes 24.08

Export DAE, STL, KMZ so maybe some converters are needing! http://meshlab.sourceforge.net/

Works fine with MOI! ;) Thanks to Max Smirnov for the astonished _Import OBJ & _SubDiv_Beta9

EDITED: 15 Sep 2016 by PILOU

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 From:  mkdm
8090.37 In reply to 8090.21 
Hi Michael and everyone!

I finally choose the Poly/SDS modeler under 200$ to include into my current workflow (Rhino+Moi+3DCoat+Thea Render).

After spending much garbage time, to test Silo NVil, Rocket3F and Metasequoia
(thanks a lot Michael because i didn't know Metasequoia and i must say that it was a good surprise), I decided to buy NVIL (for about 72 Euro).

I have just discarded Rocket3F because right now (IMHO) it's only a downgraded version of NVIL.

NVIL has a tons of modeling tools and its SDS capabilities a very good.

IMHO for the moment it lacks mainly in the viewport speed rendering, but its streamlined workflow allows to work
at speed of light!
And like Moi it's very deeply customizable.

Right now, it's the unique modeler that really can be compared to Moi regarding the streamlined workflow.

Anyway, considering that Metasequoia 4 EX costs about 150USD, i will continue to test it because it has some very interesting features,
like Armature, Blobs, and the support of the Pixar's OpenSubdiv.

Thanks to all for all your good advices and have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8090.38 In reply to 8090.37 
Bonne chance! :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  mkdm
8090.39 In reply to 8090.38 
Hi Pilou,

Thanks and good experiments to you too!

I'm not afraid by NVIL's apparent complexity, I really appreciate its deep customization.

Anyway, I will continue to test Rocket3F and wait for next betas.


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8090.40 In reply to 8090.39 
After seen Rockect i am affraid of course by NVil! :) But It's because I am fan of SketchUp & Moi!

Wish for you that ZBrush Core has not less price than NVil! ;)

By Marco Splash
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 From:  mkdm
8090.41 In reply to 8090.40 
Hi Pilou,

No problem for me, because I don't like Zbrush and its workflow. :)

I suppose that this sentence may be seem a blasphemy...but I never liked ZBrush UI and its philosophy!

Instead I really appreciate 3DCoat and its voxels.

> After seen Rockect i am affraid of course by NVil! :) But It's because I am fan of SketchUp & Moi!

Rocket3F is a promising product but NVIL well customized it's fast and easy as Rocket, but with much, much more tools.

Ciao !

- Marco (mkdm)

EDITED: 20 Sep 2016 by MKDM

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8090.42 In reply to 8090.41 
Yes but with some menus! Or some Shortcuts to memorise! Prefect for young brains! :)
Rockets where you have all in one glance has another philosophy!
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 From:  mkdm
8090.43 In reply to 8090.42 
Pilou I agree with you regarding the headaches caused by shortcuts...

But i much prefer to spend some times to customize a powerful app like NVIL, as I did in Moi, instead have a fraction of the available tools...

But clearly this is a very personal opinion. :)

3DCoat 9 minutes assembly and rendering. Very rough but ...9 minutes. From a model roughly downloaded from GrabCad library.

Robocop movie enemy.




- Marco (mkdm)

EDITED: 20 Sep 2016 by MKDM

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8090.44 In reply to 8090.43 
And don't forget that Rocket is very sweet to use with a Pen Graphic or on tablett or screen touch!
No menu to open! ;)
Always other philosophy - another concept!
Maybe not for Pro (who is always speedy) but for hobbyist or amateur or oldies or very youngs! ;)

PS I am happy few of 3D Coat : If i had good memory, it's me who has made the French UI for Andrew and thousand of Tooltips! :D
(look at the Thanks inside the prog)
I have not yet the last one (4.7) so tell me if it's always the case!
Because system online of translations "Participate" seems dispeared!

EDITED: 20 Sep 2016 by PILOU

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 From:  mkdm
8090.45 In reply to 8090.44 
Hi Pilou,

I'm happy to know that you are in the About window of 3DCoat!
Wow... that's great!

Yes, your name is present also in the newest version 4.7.

Here the link to my screen cap : http://take.ms/5QOGx

I'm an enthusiast user of 3DCoat!

> And don't forget that Rocket is very sweet to use with a Pen Graphic or on tablet or screen touch!

Sure! This feature is certainly remarkable.
Also Moi has this great facility.

But consider these two things :

1) I always do 3D modelling, and gfx in general, with my laptop, having the mouse or Wacom pen in the right hand
and ALWAYS the left hand above the keyboard, because in this way i can quickly use UI buttons and shortcuts.

2) I'm customizing NVIL in order to diminish the use of the menus to the minimum.

Ciao and have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8090.46 In reply to 8090.45 
Thanks for the infos! :)

When you have a tablette in one hand, Pen in other hand, you can't have mouse in third hand! :D

Ask to Michael : i believe he made shows of Moi3D on a dentist's chair! :)
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 From:  mkdm
8090.47 In reply to 8090.46 
> Ask to Michael : i believe he made shows of Moi3D on a dentist's chair! :)

Aaaaahhhhhh Pilou, LOL :):)

P.S. In fact i don't use tablet but laptop.


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8090.48 In reply to 8090.47 
That was something like that but i don't refind it! (but with a dentis't chair! )
(siggraph ?) Maybe Michael has always this document in its archives? :)

EDITED: 20 Sep 2016 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8090.49 In reply to 8090.37 
Hi Marco, that's great that you were able to make a decision, now you can just dig in and use it instead of testing everything!

@Pilou - sorry I don't remember that picture.

- Michael
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