How to automate creating something like this?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8088.19 In reply to 8088.11 
Hi Chipp, that turned out great!

- Michael
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 From:  dinos
8088.20 In reply to 8088.15 
Thanks Chipp!

This was really just a fun project, a sort of an 8bit version of the classic Pin Art Game :-)
Here is a photo of the physical, 3D printed version.

Pilou, this was done a few years before Max's script.
The principle is the same though, and it would be relatively easy to modify Max's script to perform a similar job to my lost script.



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 From:  raytownmike (HOPPER)
8088.21 In reply to 8088.20 
I can't seemed to get the Randomize script to work. Message reads: Can't find variable: Randomize like 1 1:>>Randomize

Any thoughts what I maybe doing wrong here. I believe I installed it correctly.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8088.22 In reply to 8088.21 
Hi Mike, please see reply over here:

You'll definitely only get that particular error message if it's not installed correctly - either the files are not in the commands folder where MoI is looking for them (in which case as a last resort it tries to run the text content as script code), or your keyboard shortcut is not set up properly like if it reads script:Randomize (the script: prefix tells MoI to execute the following as direct script code) instead of just plain Randomize.

The error means the script engine tried to run the plain text "Randomize" as script code.

- Michael
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 From:  Mindset (IGNITER)
8088.23 In reply to 8088.5 
Hello Michael Gibson and everyone,

Your SelectIntersected script is very close to my V4 wish-list item for a lasso type selection marquee.
I have attempted to generalize it a bit to work on items other than solids.
I have had success using this new version to organize the result output from Max Smirnov's wonderful _RadialPattern script.

My hope is that someone might take a look at the attached script and improve on my feeble attempt.
Also, a better name for the script might be appropriate.

Best regards to all,
-- Mindset

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8088.24 In reply to 8088.23 
Hi Mindset, could you describe a little more about what problems you're running into with your script currently? I mean what is it that you are looking to improve in it?

I'm a little confused as to whether you need help with something in the script or if you're posting it so that others can use it?

- Michael
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 From:  Mindset (IGNITER)
8088.25 In reply to 8088.24 
Thank you Michael,

I am happy for others to use it, definitely of course.
I do not know if it needs improvement or not, but of course any improvement always makes things better (by definition).
I am not sure if we have naming conventions for these things... for example the script name RotateObjects seems inconsistent with that of ScaleIndividual, but their functionality is analogous.

I am just trying to cooperate as best I can; wishing I could do more.
If I were the king of Norway you really would get the Nobel prize.

-- Mindset
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8088.26 In reply to 8088.25 
Hi Mindset, no problem, I just wasn't sure if you were looking for help with something specific.

Thanks for making your version available to others! I don't worry much about what the scripts are named.

- Michael
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