What is your regulates Moi--> ZBrush
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 From:  Michael Gibson
804.11 In reply to 804.9 
Hi PaQ,

> I don't really see the point of using nurbs, of meshing object
> from nurbs, for softwares like zbrush.

Actually I've had several people be successful at doing this, if the base form is easy to define with NURBS but you want to apply some small relief work or other small details on to it, it can work well to combine things in this way.

Here is one previous example:

As far as I have heard it is not so important to get quads in ZBrush as it is to have polygons that are of a more uniform size and even distribution.

Of course normally with output from subdivision surface modelers, they will be all quad output, but as far as I can tell the good thing about that kind of output for displacement is not that they are quads but rather that the quads are all of a nice even size and don't have things like one large polygon directly adjacent to a smaller sized one.

If you use export settings from MoI as described here:

that should generally help to get that kind of even distribution and sizing as well.

ZBrush also does not handle N-gons properly, so make sure to export with Output: Quads & Triangles instead of N-gons.

- Michael
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 From:  Colin
804.12 In reply to 804.8 
Hi Olga,

I stumbled over this site & thought it might be useful.

It's working from Matrix to Zbrush, but as Matrix is a Rhino plugin, the process is still the same.
I've not tried any of it as yet so I can't offer any further advice on this.

Hope it helps, Colin
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 From:  Michael Gibson
804.13 In reply to 804.8 
Hi Olga, some more details on your question:

> It has been over a year since you discussed this problem.
> Have you resolve it?

I just tested with the latest version of ZBrush (version 3.1), and I cannot repeat the problem there so it looks like it has been resolved.

However, please note that it is normal and expected for unwelded meshes to behave like this, those are meshes where polygons have their own points which are stacked up on top of their neighboring points, rather than polygons from different sides sharing one single point.

If you want to avoid this kind of behavior then make sure you have created a welded mesh - to do this when you export from MoI make sure you have the "Weld vertices along edges" option turned on (checked):

Or another option is to use the weld option directly within ZBrush. If you have polygons that are not moving together with one another, you can use the Weld tool which you can find in ZBrush under the Import section on the right side:

That is another option that you can use to edit an unwelded mesh that has disconnected pieces into a single unified set of polygons that share points with one another.

- Michael

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 From:  malvin
Thank you very much for your replies.
Thank Michael I have read the threads you mention and followed all your directions.
ON the pic I attach please see the difficulties I ancounter.

This was made after subdiving the MOI file I attach, with the following settings:
Weld vertices marked
Divide larger than 0.5 Planes
OUtput: Quards & Triangles

When I import it to ZBrush and divide I get some strings (see the pic)
I also did in Zbrush weld and merge in Import menu. I still get the same problem
The thing going from the top is not a problem, I know how to fix it (the flat top need to be subdivided in MOI and the problem solved)

My best idea to resolve this problem is to divide with max polygons when exporting from MOI.
That way I have smooth surface when importing in ZBrush and before subdividing I switch off SMT (smooth)
I still get more polygons and my surface is already smooth when the ring imported and those ugly strings do not appear.

If somebody has better ideas please advice

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
804.15 In reply to 804.14 
I move your object for see the curves geneator and kill it for no problem
(normaly obj export don't take care but ...)

So Export in Obj format Weld enable : quad + triangles

In Zbrush
Menu Tool/ import the obj file (your ring)
You are in Edit Mode If not (T)
Select all except the top face (With drag rectangle selection + ctrl)
Menu Masking Inverse selection
Menu Geometry divide (I don't make division for the top)
Menu Masking Inverse selection
Menu Geometry divide (here I had divided twice)
that all ;)
With this trick of selection all is cool! You can divide top, and all except Top separately :)

If you want more options Makepolymesh3D

Right Click and Frame for see the divisions

You can maybe control some welding if you want with these cursors TRri2 Quad and Weld

EDITED: 2 Oct 2008 by PILOU


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 From:  PaQ
Hello I'm back again :)

From Michael :
As far as I have heard it is not so important to get quads in ZBrush as it is to have polygons that are of a more uniform size and even distribution.

Well I do agree that the 'divide larger than' is a great option that I will love to have in my sub-d package.
Having a nice, clean topology is as important that having uniform surface distrubution.

It's a bit like saying that MoI can provide sub-d ready models, but it's not the case.

- Pole of triangles are problems, everything you'll try to sculpt on pole will be out of control, and you will not be able to sculpt that part as you want.
- Triangles are problems, 1 triangle = pinch effect in your model (you can more less hide the pinch effect with some trick, but the less the better)
- Trimmed surfaces are problems, as the polygon flow will not match.

As far as I know, you can't control all this areas with the today meshing tools.

Here's a closed example of how MoI object will look after a first subdivision is applied.

Working like that is definitively not using zbrush the right way, and you'll miss all the digital painting experience.
Is a non-sence (for me) to create super nice curved smooth surface with nurbs and then
destroy everything by applying a sub-d algorithm over it.

Just my point of vue :)

EDITED: 3 Feb 2010 by PAQ

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
804.17 In reply to 804.16 
But in this case in Zbrush you must before the first Divide make some Creases or Crips or Edge loops if you want sharps edges :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
804.18 In reply to 804.16 
Hi PaQ - definitely a quad topology is more suitable for catmull-clark subdivision like you are showing there.

Displacement-based modeling like ZBrush is as far as I know a completely separate mechanism from that kind of subdivision.

It is true that a displacement based approach wants to subdivide polygons to provide smaller ones to displace, but it is a kind of subdivision that is also oriented towards breaking polygons into smaller pieces, not on following catmull-clark subdivision smoothing rules. (there is a subdivide operation in ZBrush that allows you to do catmull-clark as an option, that is different than the kind of dynamic decimation that will happen for displacement).

As far as I can see ZBrush decimates things into triangles very quickly even if you start with quads.

But it definitely helps if your polygons are of all regular even size.

The example that you show there is all about doing catmull-clark subdivision, that is a totally different kind of subdivision than just direct polygon decimation, as far as I know anyway.

I guess this issue can get confused pretty quickly due to the use of the word "subdivision" in different contexts. It has been a normal thing since the early forms of displacement mapping that the kind of subdivision that happens for displacement is not the same kind of thing as catmull-clark subdivision.

I've been noticing a lot recently that people are tending to ask for "all quads" for many types of situations where the actual need is "evenly sized polygons".

Here's an example - take a large box in MoI and export it to OBJ with plain settings so that it generates an OBJ file with 6 quad faces. Then try to paint on this in ZBrush - it does not work well even though you have "all quad" polygons. For ZBrush's particular use of polygons it is not "quadness" that is so important but "even-ness".

I do not spend a lot of time with ZBrush so it is possible that I don't have the details right, I am just basing the above on what I have observed with some messing around and with what is the typical and normal approach for displacement type subdivision, which is that it is different than Catmull-Clark...

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
804.19 In reply to 804.16 
Hi PaQ,

> Is a non-sence (for me) to create super nice curved smooth surface
> with nurbs and then destroy everything by applying a sub-d
> algorithm over it.

Yeah, that is definitely correct that you would not approach building a NURBS surface with the intent of trying to sub-d its output later. You generally build it to the smooth shape directly with the NURBS.

But the kinds of things that you might want to do in ZBrush are totally different than sub-d smoothing, things like applying relief designs to "bubble" up from the base surface, distressing a model with pits and craters, adding finer sculptural type details...

Those are things that can be done well with a brush-based displacement type system which is just another totally separate system from a sub-d modeling system.

- Michael
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 From:  PaQ
804.20 In reply to 804.19 

Well I don't know if it's a variation of catmull of not, but the result is quite close ...

And for adding details in zbrush, you have to subdivide your model in, soon ot later.

The only alternative is to do this subdivision with the meshing tool, and don't subivide you model in zbrush anymore. But then, you'll never play with more than 1 ou 2.000.000 of polys, where Zbrush is made to handle 10-15 millions, even 50 millions if you use the HD subdivision technology.

I know exactly what z is made for, I'm using it quite a lot in production.
One the main goal when working with zbrush is to create a displacement map from you're scuplting, and re-apply it in you favorite render software ... So you keep your models light, until the rendering ... where you're again use a catmull/or other sub-d variant, and where bad topology like the example above will get you in trouble.

EDITED: 3 Feb 2010 by PAQ

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 From:  Michael Gibson
804.21 In reply to 804.14 
Hi Olga,

> When I import it to ZBrush and divide I get some strings (see the pic)

Looks like it may be a bug in ZBrush when using smooth type subdivision. Maybe it does not like to do smooth style divisions on skinny triangles or something like that. For that problem you will have to contact ZBrush tech support to see what is going on there specifically.

It looks like you already found out that you can avoid the problem by clicking on the "Smt" label to turn off the smooth modifier.

You don't really need to use the smooth modifier in this case anyway - you would use the smooth modifier if you wanted to turn an angular polygon hull into a melted-down smooth shape, for instance if you had a polygon box and you wanted it to divide down in to a smooth sphere like shape that is when you would apply the smooth modifier.

For shapes like your ring where you have it in the proper curved surface already, you don't really want to apply smooth type subdivision in that case anyway.

> My best idea to resolve this problem is to divide with max
> polygons when exporting from MOI.

Yes - I think this should be generally your best course - don't even do any division at all inside of ZBrush, do it all in MoI by using the "Divide larger than" option and set the right-side dropdown to "All" to make sure it applies to all surfaces both curved and planar.

Once you have generated small divided polygons out of MoI you should not need to divide them again in ZBrush since they are already at a small even size.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
804.22 In reply to 804.20 
Hi PaQ,

> Well I don't know if it's a variation of catmull of not, but the
> result is quite close ...

It looks like there you are using the ZBrush Divide too, with the Smt "Subdivide smooth modifier" option enabled. Yes that is catmull clark (or a close equivalent).

If you already have your shape in the proper form you should turn the smooth modifier off so that it does not modify the shape of your object by shrinking it down.

But I see now that one of my assumptions of how ZBrush worked was wrong - I just assumed that as you painted it would automatically subdivide polygons down as needed to get more detail in a small localized area (maybe there is an option to enable this?)

But again your example there is mixing in catmull-clark style sub-d where it is not needed.

If you want to have a rounded box from your MoI data, then put a fillet on the box inside of MoI so that it has a rounded shape when you export the data into ZBrush and if you need to subdivide further, don't use the smooth modifier.

Once you have a bunch of small polygons, the actual brush stroke displacement action in ZBrush does not work fundamentally better on quads instead of triangles - all it cares about is that you have things diced up into small regular sized pieces.

For example with Olga's ring if you dice things down into small polygons at export time from MoI using "Divide larger than", that contains a mixture of quads and triangles in it, but you can apply brush strokes and reliefs on it totally fine, the triangles do not behave in some bad way compared to quads as you are displacing things.

I can see that you will want quads if you want to use the displacement to really radically change the shape of the object, like grow a long set of horns out of it or something like that, in a case like that you are kind of doing modeling as well and I can see there that having quads will be helpful since you're pretty much doing box modeling in that case and you will probably want to do Catmull-Clark style subdivision which goes along well with box modeling.

The kind of detailing that would tend to be done with MoI exports is not like that at all - you're not using the brushing as a kind of fundamental full model shaping tool but instead to apply smaller fine details. In this case, things do not need to work like box modeling and instead just the plain displacement is being used. This use does not need to have quads only - triangles works fine for this type of use, the thing you want is evenly sized polygons for this and not quads only.

I can see this in action pretty easily with Olga's ring - after exporting a diced up mesh out of MoI it behaves fine for adding details in ZBrush even though there are triangles in it.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
You don't want of my solution?
You can divide as you want the ring!
And the form is preserved!
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 From:  PaQ
804.24 In reply to 804.22 
>> If you already have your shape in the proper form you should turn the smooth modifier off so that it does not modify the shape of your object by shrinking it down.

True, but then, curved surface will starting to look faceted.

This work pretty well on 'cubic' kind of shape

>> But I see now that one of my assumptions of how ZBrush worked was wrong - I just assumed that as you painted it would automatically subdivide polygons down as needed to get more detail in a small localized area (maybe there is an option to enable this?)

Zbrush and Mudbox allow this, to do local subdivision ... but it's not an automatic process. You have to select an area and then subdivide it.

Well I was also miss understanding what you where all trying do here :P
But yes, actually if you only use the meshing tool to create dense enough models, this should work pretty well for some light sculpting work, no matter if there are triangles or not. For me using zbrush = subdivide you model in zbrush, so I was a little bit surprised by the discussion.

EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ

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 From:  PaQ
804.25 In reply to 804.24 
>>You don't want of my solution?
>>You can divide as you want the ring!
>>And the form is preserved!

... show me :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
804.26 In reply to 804.20 
Hi PaQ - an example:

Save from MoI as evenly sized polygons - here in this case I actually used triangles only, no quads of any type (it's certainly ok to use quads, this is just to demonstrate):

In ZBrush, subdivide if desired with smoothing modifier off, then I have no problems in doing displacement:

As far as I can tell everything is behaving perfectly despite having no quads around at all.

For these kinds of purposes where you have the base model formed with edges and smoothing already built into it, it is not "quad" structure that is important, it is "evenly spaced" structure that is important.

When you have the correct base shape then disable the smoothing modifier if you want to do additional subdivision and all is well as far as I can see.

If you want to use ZBrush more as a full modeling tool to make large changes to the fundamental shape, then that is a much different task. Certainly having quads could be helpful in that kind of a situation. I don't recommend using MoI generated geometry for that kind of use, but it should be perfectly fine for the kind of thing that I'm illustrating here...

Unless there is something really wrong with my result that I am not noticing?

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
804.27 In reply to 804.24 
Hi PaQ,

> True, but then, curved surface will starting to look faceted.

It looks like you a have a low resolution starting mesh in that case.

If you divide up your initial saved mesh out of MoI to have like 10 times as many polygons as that it should reduce that problem down to the point where you can't detect it.

With a high initial and evenly spaced polygon count of MoI you should get good results from both curved pieces as well as sharp-edge ones - just applying the smoothing type division always can mess up your shape around sharp edges just like you showed previously, I mean it actually mutates your shape and changes the form which is bad if you have the shape as it is supposed to be formed.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
804.28 In reply to 804.27 
Like this? Divide one for the top
Twice or third for the Bottom
It's the pole who make problem so you must divide in 2 pass! like explain above;)
Export from Moi without any regulates except Quad + Triangles and Weld edges

EDITED: 2 Oct 2008 by PILOU


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 From:  PaQ
804.29 In reply to 804.27 
Hi Michael,

Sure, it was just to show what's actually append to the geometry. Indeed it might be a solution and allow an extra subdivision step inside zbrush.

But all in all I still don't think it's a viable solution in real production compare to a traditionnal poly modeling.

The olga's ring will take 800 polys as a base mesh with a traditionnal poly method (parobably full quad), will allow you to subdivide it until 10.000.000 of polys in zbrush (or even more with the HD subdivision, which seems to do a smooth subdivision, you don't have the choice) whithout any shape alteration ... and you'll finish with just an image as a displacement map (+ a normal map maybe) that can be used on the low base mesh to rebuild the model in any rendering software.

What will be the polycount of the MoI base mesh ? How far could you divide it in zbrush without alterate the shape ? (curious to see Pilou example) Will you be able to just bake the displacement map, if yes how apply it back in a render engine like modo or lightwave, that can only handle displacement in sds (catmull/metanurbs) . (that means that the base mesh will have triangle pinching as the example showed above).

Time to sleep a little bit now, I hope I'll have some time to experiment it myself too.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
804.30 In reply to 804.29 
Hi PaQ - yeah this approach will not be good for that kind of a process of trying to have a low poly count base mesh and then a displacement map in a render engine.

But that is not typically the goal of this process - instead this use is to make a highly detailed mesh that will be exported eventually as an STL file and then cut with a milling machine or done with a rapid prototype machine to eventually create a mold.

For example, a rapid prototyping machine does not understand anything about displacement maps or low poly cages or subdivision surface smoothing, it just takes a big bunch of triangles.

For the purposes of wanting to add some sculpted or relief detail to a piece that is going to be built as a mold, this whole process seems to be a very viable and good solution to me, I mean I showed an example above of the basics working.

The polygon export from MoI is completely suitable for this kind of process.

It is not going to be good for the goals that you were describing, but that is not the situation that you would use it in.

- Michael
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