Rendering software
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
I thought I'd post a neat little example of Thea Render's "Relight" feature.
(Sorry, it doesn't include the pie.)

Take the image into Photoshop and adjust or toggle the visibility of each layer to see how the image is affected.
Each layer is set to Screen mode.
In Thea, the separate Relight lighting channels produced are inherently HDR, so this Photoshop example is just a hack preview for fun.
If you use the Relight feature in Thea, you may enjoy the benefit from being able to adjust each lighting element in a room scene at will post-rendering, though you better have plenty of PC memory on hand.
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 From:  3image
Love to see so much Keyshot renders here. KS is my renderer of choice, too. For a year or so I only use KS for my rendering needs any more. No other software.
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 From:  glmr
8034.80 In reply to 8034.79 
KS again... my ass...
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 From:  ChrisJ (CJACOBS627)
8034.81 In reply to 8034.24 
Totally agreed!! Keyshot is simply way too expensive... Vray monthly is more affordable...or just get blender and import...Evee and Cycles are amazing.
chris jacobs
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