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 From:  BurrMan
7954.91 In reply to 7954.90 

Yeah, no thanks..... LMAO.
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 From:  PaQ
7954.92 In reply to 7954.91 
Thanks a lot for taking the time to do a video BurrMan !!!
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 From:  BurrMan
7954.93 In reply to 7954.92 
Hi PaQ,
So Dave got his fix worked out with OnShape. So if you wanted to test, the back and forth will work... FYI.
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 From:  PaQ
7954.94 In reply to 7954.93 
Hi BurrMan,

Yes thanks !, I'm in the mailing list too now ;)
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 From:  OGBOT
7954.95 In reply to 7954.13 
Look forward to V4 , we will be patient and as always , fully supportive of Sir Michael
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 From:  PaQ
7954.96 In reply to 7954.93 
Hi BurrMan,

So I manage to find some time to play with this cyborg module.
And again I'm baffled about the navigation form this tools ... seems even worse than fusion360 (to me).

I know I also need to adapt myself, but it's like forcing you to use your the left hand when you are right-handed.
Viewport navigation and elements manipulation is so important for polymodeling ... I don't know why it feels so wrong.
(Using the mousewheel as only way to zoom in/out is ... very annoying).

At least it's possible to custom shortkeys :)
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 From:  BurrMan
7954.97 In reply to 7954.96 
Hey PaQ,
It always becomes personal.... Flavors... I never liked chicken gizzards either..... I eat raw fish!

Was just pointing out integrityware's newest product. They are really pushing the subd/nurbs interaction.....

I've also been playing with max's box modeling tools. If he ever beefed up the edge splitting stuff, it could solve my needs right inside of MoI!!!!

Anyway, onward!
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Message 7954.98 deleted 26 Oct 2016 by METINSEVEN

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