project moi3d v4
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
Agree with PaQ:pre-order to support Michael

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 From:  3image
I would pre-order, too. Michael does indeed a fantastic job with MoI!
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 From:  mkdm
7954.70 In reply to 7954.67 
Hi 3image,

Yes, Rocket3F is a form of successor to NVIL and it's based on NVIL core engine.

The description of the project is readable in :


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7954.71 In reply to 7954.64 
Hi PaQ,

> The pre-order idea was just to give a little bit of support (money), as it seems the
> amount of work needed for this new version is way over the initial scope.

I really appreciate this, but I'm just not comfortable taking money for something that's not ready to go and that doesn't have a firm date set yet. I like to keep things loose and flexible but taking pre-orders could end up impacting that. I mean like what if for example some really good idea seems within reach but ends up making for an additional 2 year long beta release period to work things out really well? (that's not necessarily the plan, just a reasonable "what if")

I think I end up with fewer problems in the long run by doing things sort of in the reverse way from pre-orders - by that I mean trying to get a release really nailed down and only start actually selling it after that has happened.

But I certainly appreciate the sentiment and the vote of confidence anyway though! :)

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Money can't speed up imagination! Only passion! ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7954.73 In reply to 7954.72 
Only passion? No! As a mostly vegan living man - ( black coffee + cigarettes ) I know it better;-)
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 From:  BurrMan
7954.74 In reply to 7954.71 
Considering your initial display engine was a 4 YEAR project..... i am grateful you undertook the 64 bit task.

Thanks again. Keep plowing brother!

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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
Maybe there could be a pay per command version.

Like a cent per line, 2 cents per circle, 3 cents a trim, 10 cents a boolean !
Show off your 3.99$ model !


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
New beta version of Rocket 3F and first tutorial
Bridge between Moi working! Rocket <--> Moi in the 2 ways ! (just oriention importation from Moi so a little Rocket bug ;)

EDITED: 12 Sep 2016 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7954.77 In reply to 7954.76 
Hi Pilou, if it uses .obj files for the transfer there is an option in MoI under Options > Import/Export > "OBJ options" > Orientation, which if you change to the other value may solve your orientation problem.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7954.78 In reply to 7954.77 
Yes it's was that i found also but not possibility to test because there is some glitch on the install of the bridges!

In my case it was working only one time! :)

I presume that is normal for a beta! ;)
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 From:  BurrMan
7954.79 In reply to 7954.77 
Hi Michael,
I've been following Integritywares Cyborg3d and fooling around with Powersurfacing for Onshape to get the Combined SDS holy grail. They seem to be making some great advances.

Does you kernel explorations take you away from them? You had mentioned your future interest in getting these types of toolsets in MoI. Is this the type you've investigated?

Random questions.... Thanks!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7954.80 In reply to 7954.79 
Hi Burr, well I'm currently more interested in more robustness in the traditional CAD side of things like better fillets and shelling, I'm not yet investigating sub-d modeling integration as of yet. That is something that I want to pursue in the future but only after the regular mechanical type CAD stuff is further refined in MoI.

I would not be surprised if I end up using more than one kernel to do different things in different areas, at least for quite some time.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
7954.81 In reply to 7954.80 
By all means. For sure!

Thanks for the reply.....
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 From:  PaQ
Hi Mister Burr,

I can't find any price for this 'Power Surfacing for Onshape' product Oo ... do you have any info about that ?
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 From:  BurrMan
7954.83 In reply to 7954.82 
Hey paq,
Right now free (limited in subd/nurbs surface quantity conversion... paid for full. When i get home i'll post what i know.

FYI: just download and run it to test.

But i just got off the phone with dave this morning. Onshape updated something with their api which broke the "connection" with send to and receive from onshape. Hoping its fixed pretty quick here.
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 From:  BurrMan
7954.84 In reply to 7954.82 
I think "paid" is just a license of cyborg3d, which is roughly rhino cost area (i could still be wrong)...

Also commenting on the api break thats being experienced, i think this is a future symptom of the "online, always updated" trend.... 3rd party guys will always get jacked and be playing catchup..
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 From:  PaQ
7954.85 In reply to 7954.84 
Thanks BurrMan,

I manage to create a account for Onshape, but ... I can't find how to install the desktop application :P (I'm in the middle of 3 tasks so I'm not fully concentrate :)).

But I have also seen that they are tons off 'onshape' related micro plugins/applications, ... looks like there is a .obj exporter where you have to paid everytime you export something Oo ... this micro transaction business model make me already sick .

I have quickly registered the cyborg stuff too, free for 1 month, then it's 60$ / month ...

At this point I'm still curious about the technology (I'm also dreaming for an full integrated SDS/Nurbs package), and they are some functions from this Cyborg plugin that looks very handy, but hell, what a mess to install.

But it's great to see how all those softwares evolve, I was pleased to see that Fusion360 is starting to interest game artist too.

even if after 3 years of requests, it's still not possible to create custom shortkeys in fusion ... .. .
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 From:  BurrMan
7954.86 In reply to 7954.85 
Sure PaQ,
The "storefront community" kindof turns me off too.

The power surfacing for onshape is no big install. Download it an install it from cyborge3d. Login to onshape with a browser and enable power surfacing to have access. (The upper right corner has your name with a dropdown for "manage account".... Choose the "application" tab and it should be under design category, or just type npower in search. Should be a little button that says "allow")

Now, Whenever you launch power surfacing, it asks to Log into your onshape account, where you pass your models back and forth from the power surfacing file menu...

Again, though, currently the bridge is down. But you can do some modeling in power surfacing to see if you like the interface. You'll be limited with no CAD export until the api issue is corrected with onshape and integrityware. Dave expects should be pretty quick now as onshape has some detailed info about it. I'll let you know when if you like.

""""""""""I have quickly registered the cyborg stuff too, free for 1 month, then it's 60$ / month ..."""""""""""

I just saw that in the onshape store area. May send an email off to dave to see if my previous thought about it was incorrect.... I don't think the free is limited to a month, I think its limited by the number of surfaces you can work with, so fairly simple models, with only 50 surfaces.

But I was hoping that the perpetual 1 time purchase was available with it, as I don't rent. so if it's only a rental product, it will be out for me... :(
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 From:  BurrMan
7954.87 In reply to 7954.86 
Hey PaQ,
Here's how you find the app and enable it in OnShape:

So, download and install from cyborg3d, then before you launch, enable in onshape. Then when you launch npower software, it prompts you to log into onshape account. (I show the menu to import and export everything from onshape, but this is the part waiting to be fixed right now.

My onshape app says "Connected to desktop app". A new install will have an "allow" button.
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