project moi3d v4
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 From:  mkdm
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 From:  PaQ
7954.60 In reply to 7954.59 
Wish we could already pre-order V4, no matter the release date :)
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 From:  mkdm
7954.61 In reply to 7954.60 
Hi PaQ,

...we are doing psychological pressure on Michael...

:) :) :)

If only i think that McNeel & Associates has not yet released their Rhino V6....and it's been a long, long time since Rhino V5.....sigh!

Nice day !

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  3image
7954.62 In reply to 7954.61 
I HIGHLY appreciate the development policy of McNeel (and Michael's as well, of course) not releasing a new major version for the sake of money as most other 3d companies do, but rather do a thoughtful and careful development which is consumer-oriented and ensures better software with less bugs. I'm a bit hyped by the new v6 features as well (like the new realtime render preview), but v5 (and MoI v3) still meets all my CAD and modeling demands. So, both companies do a very good job!
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 From:  mkdm
7954.63 In reply to 7954.62 
Hi 3image,

I agree with you regarding Moi and Michael, but as a owner of Rhino V5 i must admit that their V6 WIP version it's really a big disappointment for me.

While i appreciate the powerful and unique tools that Rhino offers, all in one single package (great thing),
i can't believe that after more then almost 5 years of development, with all the human resources that McNeel has,
the V6 WIP version still presents the same horrible UI and still offers to the users, one of he worst workflows in the 3D CAD market.

I can understand that, as Michael said many times in the past, its workflow has been designed for Autocad users,
but in the 2016, people have become accustomed with smarter and more agile software.

But, I fear that in McNeel inhabits a different perception of this matter :(

They should learn from smart people like Michael, or from the creators of 3DCoat, or from the creators of Affinity Designer, just to name a few...

Ciao !

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  PaQ

There was really no pressure from my side. And I also appreciate the rigorous (?) development from Michael.

The pre-order idea was just to give a little bit of support (money), as it seems the amount of work needed for this new version
is way over the initial scope.
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 From:  mkdm
Hi everyone,

As a side note to my previous post (,
and talking about the great workflow that Michael has developed for Moi,
i'm testing a combined workflow involving the new polygonal + SDS software Rocket3F from Istonia and Samardac (currently in beta),
in conjunction with Moi.

It seems really a great marriage !

I know, that rightly, Samardac does not collect high esteem in this forum, but i must admit that its collaboration with Istonia (the creator of NVIL)
is showing very good results.

Moi + Rocket3F (or NVIL) + Max's subdiv script = GREAT THINGS !!

Ciao !

- Marco (mkdm)

EDITED: 8 Sep 2016 by MKDM

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7954.66 In reply to 7954.65 
Rocket3F has a fruity UI! That is refreshing!
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 From:  3image
7954.67 In reply to 7954.65 
Never heard of Rocket3F but I know Nvil. So is Rocket some kind of successor to Nvil or what's the partnership all about?
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
Agree with PaQ:pre-order to support Michael

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 From:  3image
I would pre-order, too. Michael does indeed a fantastic job with MoI!
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 From:  mkdm
7954.70 In reply to 7954.67 
Hi 3image,

Yes, Rocket3F is a form of successor to NVIL and it's based on NVIL core engine.

The description of the project is readable in :


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7954.71 In reply to 7954.64 
Hi PaQ,

> The pre-order idea was just to give a little bit of support (money), as it seems the
> amount of work needed for this new version is way over the initial scope.

I really appreciate this, but I'm just not comfortable taking money for something that's not ready to go and that doesn't have a firm date set yet. I like to keep things loose and flexible but taking pre-orders could end up impacting that. I mean like what if for example some really good idea seems within reach but ends up making for an additional 2 year long beta release period to work things out really well? (that's not necessarily the plan, just a reasonable "what if")

I think I end up with fewer problems in the long run by doing things sort of in the reverse way from pre-orders - by that I mean trying to get a release really nailed down and only start actually selling it after that has happened.

But I certainly appreciate the sentiment and the vote of confidence anyway though! :)

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Money can't speed up imagination! Only passion! ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7954.73 In reply to 7954.72 
Only passion? No! As a mostly vegan living man - ( black coffee + cigarettes ) I know it better;-)
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 From:  BurrMan
7954.74 In reply to 7954.71 
Considering your initial display engine was a 4 YEAR project..... i am grateful you undertook the 64 bit task.

Thanks again. Keep plowing brother!

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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
Maybe there could be a pay per command version.

Like a cent per line, 2 cents per circle, 3 cents a trim, 10 cents a boolean !
Show off your 3.99$ model !


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
New beta version of Rocket 3F and first tutorial
Bridge between Moi working! Rocket <--> Moi in the 2 ways ! (just oriention importation from Moi so a little Rocket bug ;)

EDITED: 12 Sep 2016 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7954.77 In reply to 7954.76 
Hi Pilou, if it uses .obj files for the transfer there is an option in MoI under Options > Import/Export > "OBJ options" > Orientation, which if you change to the other value may solve your orientation problem.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7954.78 In reply to 7954.77 
Yes it's was that i found also but not possibility to test because there is some glitch on the install of the bridges!

In my case it was working only one time! :)

I presume that is normal for a beta! ;)
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