project moi3d v4
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7954.24 In reply to 7954.23 
Hi Diego, yes I've read some about that one too, and I have seen that wikipedia page before as well.

- Michael
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 From:  Rudl
So it seems, that the first beta v4 comes closer.
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 From:  BurrMan
7954.26 In reply to 7954.23 
C3D release date? 1995!!!
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 From:  Dee3 (DMATHO)
7954.27 In reply to 7954.26 
Yep, their "Initial" release date ;) What's cool about this, IMO, is it includes within it a geometric-constraints engine - they call it "Solver", taking care of managing relative positions, angles and distances between 2 and 3D objects - at least for those interested in such matters.

Best, Diego
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 From:  Dan (MONTAGMAN)
7954.28 In reply to 7954.21 
Hm, if this is the one you are talking about, the website now says they are ceasing development of KCM.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7954.29 In reply to 7954.28 
Hi Dan, well that's news to me... I'll send off an e-mail and ask what's going on.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7954.30 In reply to 7954.28 
Hi Dan, so everything's still ok with KCM, the website doesn't go into all the details.

- Michael
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 From:  OSTexo

I have my theories on this but they are simply that.

What I do know is that it would be really neat to see MoI run on a newly minted platform like KCM that is not held back by decades old technology and workarounds.
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 From:  Anis
7954.32 In reply to 7954.30 
Hi Michael....

I am afraid using a kernel engine that not under active development will sacrifice the future of MOI. Why not Acis, parasolid or C3D Geometric Kernel? As far as I know those 3 are the only good one. Please consider it carefully. .....

Just my thought. ...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7954.33 In reply to 7954.32 
Hi Anis, KCM is under very active development. ACIS and Parasolid are limited and fussy in many ways, they have an old code base and have many limitations. Parasolid for example has very stringent requirements on how accurate geometry has to be in order for it to be accepted by the kernel. That may sound good under some concept of "accuracy is good" but in practice it means it's not particularly flexible. I'm not familiar really with C3D but I worry there about support and communication with the development happening very far away from me in a different country. KCM seems to have the most modern code base and has the most potential for continued progress.

I still have yet to see how things will work out, but a while ago I already spent a chunk of time evaluating Parasolid and found it too finicky on what imported geometry it would accept particularly with closed surfaces. It might be a somewhat different matter if everything was constructed in it from the very beginning but I'd like to have a very high amount of compatibility with existing geometry and not have older models rejected by the kernel because a closed surface has a 0.1 degree deviation at its seam for example.

So yes indeed there is a lot to consider and I have been doing just that.

Also ACIS and Parasolid are run by these sort of giant corporate machines which are very annoying to deal with. They only seem to care about dealing with other big corporate entities. With KCM on the other hand I've been able to meet directly with the head of development and they are much more pleasant to work with. It seems to be a much better fit for me. I won't know more until I get to that stage of my v4 development cycle, I'm not quite there yet.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7954.35 In reply to 7954.34 
Hi Pilou, yes that's correct but don't worry about that web site for now.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
Personal opinion/conclusions/summary of confusing press releases:

About three months ago, the CAD kernel KCM Modeler, a new 3D core developed by Kubotek, was announced.
The company said that it wanted to use KCM in its CAD program KeyCreator.
But now, apparently KeyCreator will soon be ACIS based, rather than KCM based.
It was also previously announced that: "But as a standalone product the 3D core (KCM) is to be marketed..."

After trying to get information, after signing up on their KeyCreator website, I'm now getting offers for purchasing KeyCreator...
...and am still confused :-)

- Brian
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 From:  BurrMan
7954.37 In reply to 7954.36 
since we're having fun guessing, I wanted to play.

I'd guess that there was a consolidation. Running two full, distinct developments is not cost efficient. everything gets rolled back into parent kubotek.

Why roll 2 completely separate entities under a single umbrella? At first my speculation would be they were separate because they wanted to spin the kernel out with options to sell off if it didn't meet the "pitch" to the big guns. internally guessing whether it would be a viable development wanted by the parent. My guess now is it is appearing like something someone is more interested in holding onto! (An "holy cow" moment)..

Anyway, that was fun..... :)
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 From:  3image
Hello there,

In MoI it's possible to align objects vertically and horizontally in relation to another object like a curve:

The little icons show the aligning functions of Photoshop (many other 2D and 3D programs have the same functionality, it's only an example because PS is so popular). Moreover, in PS it's also possible to align objects in relation to each other, so that you have the same distance between all the objects. One could say that it's to distribute objects equally around a given distance:

It would be very nice to have such a functionality in Moi v4. That's my proposal.

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 From:  mkdm
7954.39 In reply to 7954.33 
Hi Michael,

While i must admit that i do know almost nothing of 3D CAD kernels,
i have a very personal opinion about this topic in relation with Moi.

If you are thinking that KCM is a "new wind" in the 3D CAD kernels world,
and you have the intuition that it could be a great "marriage" with the future versions of MOI,
then, push hard the throttle and get rid of all the other ancient and consolidated and "politically correct" kernels!


- Marco (mkdm).
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7954.40 In reply to 7954.38 
<< distribute objects equally around a given distance
Assuming you have touching objects
Select them
Press Tab and write ExplodeMove
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 From:  Michael (ORION20036)
Go with your instincts on the Kernel Michael, as my observation of your development of Moi says you have repeatedly made the right decisions and I have faith that your choice has been well thought out.

Good Luck with your long nights coding on V4 !.
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 From:  Mik (MIKULAS)
7954.42 In reply to 7954.41 
Exactly! I have same feeling from Michael's decisions. MoI is excellent software in all respects based on sophisticated features which perfectly corresponds to needs of target users.

Many thanks for this software!

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 From:  mkdm
Hi Michael,

How are you ? I hope fine.

Just one question regarding the "Export to obj format, Meshing Options".

Would it be possible to have the opportunity to get an "Only Quads" output ?

In general for organic and "relaxed" objects, I think it would be better if we could have a pure quad mesh.

For the moment, i'm often forced to use some other 3D utilities or packages, like MeshLab or Instant Meshes or also 3D-Coat, to perform the retopo,
only to transform a "Quads & Triangles" mesh in a pure Quad mesh.

Thanks for all and have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm).
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