How to smoothly cap this object ?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Seems there also a French Forum! :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
But, when i said that i'm not still able to understand where to put additional control points,
i meant that i don't have enough experience in order to find the best positions where to place those control points,
keeping intact the surface continuity.

Ok Marco: just post on the forum when you have'll find a lot of tips from people that will use different techniques like this last post :)

Regarding your previous post:"Rebuild curves : a possible way to get a seamless curve in order to create seamless surfaces"
There is a way to move the seam edge of a surface,if this make problems when intersecting with adiacent seam surface
example here:

I know there is a French Moi-community not only because there are a lot of French users but also because they have a great promoter ;) :)

Let me say now an off-topic thing:
It's common to find Italians complain to speak bad English
We are Latins,not Anglo,not Saxons...different root-language
Same in Europe:we have a two-speeds community
North Europe go fast,South Mediterranean Europe go slow
again different root-cultures:latin catholic at south,protestant-calvinist-capitalist-lutheran at north
Bruxelles say to me to drive at the same speed of Germany
Germany drive a Porsche...i drive a Fiat :) :) i can't compete !
Fortunately this is just economy...don't forget the rest and who we are
No shame Italians !
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 From:  mkdm
7928.36 In reply to 7928.35 
Hi Mauro (M-DYNAMICS),

> There is a way to move the seam edge of a surface,if this make problems when intersecting with adiacent seam surface
> example here:

Thanks a lot for your tutorial. It was very useful!


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