How to smoothly cap this object ?
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 From:  mkdm
7928.27 In reply to 7928.26 
Hi speedy (AL2000),

Thanks a lot for your contributions, it's very close to what i want to achieve.

I mean...very smart solution.

I'd say, based on all the interesting suggestions that all of you gave me, i think that now i've got a sufficient set of tools in my Moi's toolbox,
in order to get better results in modeling this sort of things.

Above all, i learned these three things :

1) Using more relaxed and less stretched source curves leads to smoother surfaces,
2) Not always, having curves with few control points turns out to be a good idea,
3) It's not so simple build joined surfaces with a decent G2 (at least) continuity :)

I understood that my modeling approach has a recurring defect in itself :
take for granted that building things with less control points as possible, leads to get smoother objects with the best surface continuity.

The problem is that i'm not still able to understand where to puts additional control points in order to get better results.

Anyway....thanks to all for your suggestions and have a nice day!

P.S. Ti ringrazio "speedy (AL2000)" per avermi scritto in italiano!
(Thanks a lot "speedy (AL2000)" for your reply written in italian!)

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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Ciao Marco
in risposta alla tua , approfitto per chiedere a quanti leggono ,
facciamoci riconoscere , intendo dire " chi sono gli User Italiani di MOI che
partecipano a questo forum....? " sarebbe bello conoscerci per
condividere conoscenze, competenze ed altro...
Sarebbe un sogno avere una sezione free in Italiano,
oltre quella in Inglese , francese, tedesco e spagnolo....
cose ne pensate......

Hi Marco
in answer to yours, I take advantage in order to ask how many read,
let us make oneself to recognize, I intend to say “who is the Italian Users of MOI that
they participate to this forum… ? “ it would be beautiful to know us for
to share acquaintances, competences and other…
It would be a dream to have a section free in Italian ,
beyond that in English, French, German and Spanish….
things of thoughts ......

P.S- Sorry for my bad English
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 From:  mkdm
7928.29 In reply to 7928.28 
Hi speedy (AL2000),

i think that certainly there are a lot of Moi users from Italy,
and i'm really very pleased of that!

I love italian language, and not only because is my language...,
but i must admit that i much prefer to talk technical related arguments,
especially anything that concerns computer graphics and computer science in general, in English language,
'cause not only it is widely used by almost everyone, but in my hopinion, it's best suited to be used for technical topics in general.

And i affirm this, although my current english level is rather poor.

Anyway....long life to the italian language and all other languages, and let's have fun with Moi!

Ciao a tutti :)

Hi everyone :)

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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
The problem is that i'm not still able to understand where to puts additional control points in order to get better results.

Maybe you already know or not:you can add points on surfaces.This example can be useful for your chair,keeping continuity and deforming at the same time

but i must admit that i much prefer to talk technical related arguments,
especially anything that concerns computer graphics and computer science in general, in English language,
'cause not only it is widely used by almost everyone, but in my hopinion, it's best suited to be used for technical topics in general.

English or better...American... is also the best and the only one to sing Rock music!
I think at John Fogerty when sings "Keep on Chooglin"...what other language can say -CHOOGLIN-
I saw him two years ago live on stage...damn..i wish to have that voice and that language... :)

I did few tutorials speaking in English :) but when i watched Burr's or Chipp's tuts listening to their voice i definitively left that idea:now just captions :)


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 From:  BurrMan
7928.31 In reply to 7928.30 
""""""""""""""""""I did few tutorials speaking in English but when i watched Burr's or Chipp's tuts listening to their voice i definitively left that idea:now just captions""""""""""""""""""

Skoozi Mauro,

I was in Italy for 10 months. I love the accent. Go for it!

Ciao bello.
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 From:  mkdm
7928.32 In reply to 7928.30 
Hi Mauro,

thank's a lot for your little tut. It's very explanatory and clear.

But, when i said that i'm not still able to understand where to put additional control points,
i meant that i don't have enough experience in order to find the best positions where to place those control points,
keeping intact the surface continuity.

Anyway, thanks again for your suggestions.

> I did few tutorials....

Could you please tell me where i might find your tuts ?


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 From:  mkdm
7928.33 In reply to 7928.31 
Hi BurrMan,

I know that this forum is primarily focused on everything relating Moi's world,
but i hope that Michael allows me to do this little digression :)

Just in honor of the Italian language and its history, i want to bring back one of the most famous sentences of Alessandro Manzoni :

"È male minore l'agitarsi nel dubbio che il riposare nell'errore".

And i hope you will forgive me if i want to leave this sentence as is, without attempt to translate it in English or American or any other language...

Perhaps there's someone among us that is capable to do it :)

Ciao BurrMan e stammi bene! (translation : Ciao BurrMan and take care!)

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Seems there also a French Forum! :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
But, when i said that i'm not still able to understand where to put additional control points,
i meant that i don't have enough experience in order to find the best positions where to place those control points,
keeping intact the surface continuity.

Ok Marco: just post on the forum when you have'll find a lot of tips from people that will use different techniques like this last post :)

Regarding your previous post:"Rebuild curves : a possible way to get a seamless curve in order to create seamless surfaces"
There is a way to move the seam edge of a surface,if this make problems when intersecting with adiacent seam surface
example here:

I know there is a French Moi-community not only because there are a lot of French users but also because they have a great promoter ;) :)

Let me say now an off-topic thing:
It's common to find Italians complain to speak bad English
We are Latins,not Anglo,not Saxons...different root-language
Same in Europe:we have a two-speeds community
North Europe go fast,South Mediterranean Europe go slow
again different root-cultures:latin catholic at south,protestant-calvinist-capitalist-lutheran at north
Bruxelles say to me to drive at the same speed of Germany
Germany drive a Porsche...i drive a Fiat :) :) i can't compete !
Fortunately this is just economy...don't forget the rest and who we are
No shame Italians !
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 From:  mkdm
7928.36 In reply to 7928.35 
Hi Mauro (M-DYNAMICS),

> There is a way to move the seam edge of a surface,if this make problems when intersecting with adiacent seam surface
> example here:

Thanks a lot for your tutorial. It was very useful!


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