sine wave script
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7861.18 In reply to 7861.17 
<< what renderer did you use for that nice "sinewave" rendering ?

The funny easy tricky SimLab Composer! (not free: 4$/month hobbyist-student)

and at the end you can use some of these 2 other free ones !
from a Sketchup model by NextDave

Sketchup Make (free)


then Fotor

and finally Fotosketcher + Fotor

EDITED: 3 Mar 2016 by PILOU

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 From:  hep
Hi Pilou
nice - where did you get that setup for Simlab?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7861.20 In reply to 7861.19 
<< where did you get that setup for Simlab?
for the first image rendered
Just pick Materials from the Gallery of Materials as explained on the video
and apply them on each different part of your model by moving from Material to the piece (selected or not) on the screen!
This can be made even during the rendering itself!

EDITED: 3 Mar 2016 by PILOU

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 From:  BEAR17
A proposal : an icon of CircularSinWave2 script ( and for the script icons gallery )


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7861.22 In reply to 7861.21 
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 From:  mkdm
7861.23 In reply to 7861.21 
Hi BEAR17,

That's a similar proposal for the CircularSinWave2 icon,
that imitates the style of the other icons in the package of the thread

Nice night,

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 From:  BEAR17
Hi Marco,

I think my icon is more appropriate :
- More simple it is, the better is
- The script does not allow a tubing of the curve (as suggested by your icon)
- In the scripts gallery, there are many more icons with a representation of orange curve as solid.

Of course, it's only my opinion.


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 From:  mkdm
7861.25 In reply to 7861.24 
Hi BEAR17,

in general i also agree to keep things as clear and simple as possible,
but, if you notice in my original icons package, i have drawn some of the icons in
a way that may help to identify a possible use of the resulting curves generated by the various scripts, as i did with the icons for CircularSinWave2 or DupinCyclidesUV.

But, of course, it's only a matter of personal taste.

Nice day,

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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
7861.26 In reply to 7861.18 
Thank you Pilou, very informative !
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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
Another question regrading the script :

The sine wave always starts at the origin point . is there a way of letting
it start at specific coordinates ?
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 From:  bemfarmer
7861.28 In reply to 7861.27 
Nonzero center coordinates could be added. Forcing the user to pick a point every time the script is run might be annoying? Maybe add a "pick center" check box?
Or have entry boxes for x, y, z coordinates, with default (0, 0, 0)?

The 3d orientation could be set up pre-script with cplane?

- Brian
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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
7861.29 In reply to 7861.28 
Hi, I am currently using the script to create "sinewaved" surfaces and tried to create a sinewave
at a specific location by simply picking a point before running the script, but it looks like it always starts
at the origin, just wanted to know if I missed a hidden functionality. What I do now is to move my
object to the origin to "place" the sinewave.
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 From:  bemfarmer
7861.30 In reply to 7861.29 
The script would need an update to the formula, adding x,y,z, per the formula in one of the links. Also would need "select center point" point picker code. Neither of these changes is very hard, given lots of study of other scripts. IMHO
- B
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 From:  bemfarmer
7861.31 In reply to 7861.29 
Here is an updated version, which requires that a center point be picked.

CircularSineWave3 is deleted.

CircularSineWave4 uses a picked center point.
For orienting the sine wave, prior setup of a cplane is very helpful. Then use 3d view to avoid stacked points.

Otherwise, the orientation is based upon the view used to select the point.
If two points are stacked in the Top/Bottom, Front/Back, or Right/Left view, the selected point is the point closer to the observer.

- Brian


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 From:  bemfarmer
7861.32 In reply to 7861.31 
Apparently pointpicker by itself, and CircularSineWave3, does not pay any attention to a cplane which has been set up before the script. (?)

So in order to place a CircularSineWave "parallel," for example, to say a random face of an object, manually apply a cplane to the face, with the normal
perpendicular to the face, then run CircularSineWave4 and select the cplane application point, in 3d view. (Avoiding stacked points.)
So CircularSineWave3 is nominated for deletion :-)

- Brian



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 From:  bemfarmer
7861.33 In reply to 7861.32 
Revised CircularSineWave4 due to my poor display .htm code.
Only 3 people downloaded the poor version, so please upload the corrected version 4.

- Brian
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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
Just discovered that there ate news regarding the sibewavescript .

Thats fantastic Bemfarrner sending you a firework of thanks !
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