Nodebundle for playing with nodes
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Message 7777.741 deleted 22 Nov 2017 by JFH

 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi Karsten,
how's everything okay?
... it's been a while since I did not live alive ..
I wanted to ask you , if it was possible to improve the tools
Fillet and Bridge ....
When you created these Extensions, if i 'm not wrong ,there were not
Extraxt and Extract Edge (James's paternity).
Now, I ask you, using the latter, you can not improve and make it
easier the procedure currently in use, which I personally believe
very laborious and unstable time ...
I wait for your new ones
Have a nice day
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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.743 In reply to 7777.740 
Hi Alberto,

I was inspired by your node to make simple*
nod file to create pentakis Dodecahedron
derived from solid/polyhedron.nod with Dodecahedron option.


Super simple method for truncated icosahedron (well almost) included.


*It should be simpler. Hopefully we will soon have new info nodes for finding center point of a regular closed curve.

EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH

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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi James
I am very happy to be one of your "inspirers" Yeha ...... ,
and , even though I did not open the file, I must tell you that
PentakisPolyhedron is very usefulll for triangular tassellation
of domes or spheres-
For this purpose I send you the Truncated Icosahedron file , to get
a base for classic soccer ball construction
file to this link:
Nb - the files are about a half ago, I think, February,
I do not know if they had been implemented by Max Polyhedron tools
in any case, in the nod. file there is all the classical construction
of the icosahedron

Have a nice day
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
For the beta V4
I have downloaded the Pentakis... familly nodes inside the last Max Smirnov
November + New EditorCss + Editor.js

I have "red nodes"

What is the method for make these nodes efficient ?
Does it possible ?
Or I must load a // Elephant (What is its last version ? And it's working in the beta V4)

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Message 7777.746 deleted 23 Nov 2017 by JFH

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7777.747 In reply to 7777.746 
So junction between the 2 versions are not yet made!
Must have two Node editors folders specialized under the hood! :)

And that works on the Beta V4 ?

EDITED: 23 Nov 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Hum it's not very clear to install! :) (Windows 10 OS )

Does not exist a complete folder ziped "ready to use" ?
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 From:  mkdm
7777.749 In reply to 7777.748 
@You : "...Does not exist a complete folder ziped "ready to use" ?..."

....It's the million-dollar question!!


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.750 In reply to 7777.748 
Hi Pilou

Unzip attachment and replace "nodeeditor/nodes/extension" folder.
I contains "ExtractEdges" node, so you are good ti go.

<<For the beta V4>>

You will likely encounter error messages attempting to run in V4
It seems that v4 is more stringent in parsing js code.
I could not get "pentakisDodeca&TruncIcosa.nod" to execute.


EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7777.751 In reply to 7777.750 
<< Unzip attachment and replace "nodeeditor/nodes/extension" folder.

Perfect for the V3 (for me it's "extentionS" folder ! ;)
So just one folder to name/rename for use the //node editor or return to Max one!
Maybe a day i will translate all English tittles' nodes in French who are not yet made! :)

EDITED: 23 Nov 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Alas seems not the same for the Truchet.nod above! I keep the James one above:)
Some nodes stay in "red"! i have made some try with objects.js, objects2.js (must they live bother, kill one, rename one ?...)
but without result!
So a new zip "extensions" package (or more) will be profitable for not lose too much times and headaches for old brain! :)
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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.753 In reply to 7777.752 
Hi Pilou

<< Alas seems not the same for the Truchet.nod above!>>

For me "Truchet.nod" works in both v3 & v4 with extensions folder replacements:

Don't worry about "objects2.js", it is already included in extensions folder.

Try downloading "Truchet.nod" again. It is possible it has been updated
since the version you originally downloaded.

It is curious because I have found that most of my NE experiments
will not run in v4. For example my earlier experiment "spaceFrames2.nod"
give this runtime error message:
So, we know that none of the nodes used in "Truchet.nod" cause problems
and at least one or more of the culprit nodes is in the macro of "spaceFrames2.nod".


UPDATE: I tried pulling nodes out of macro and rebuilding on main tier, to see if
macros themselves were the issue. But no, I still recieved the same error alert.

EDITED: 23 Nov 2017 by JFH


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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7777.754 In reply to 7777.753 
Hi James

could you send me this nod-file and all files from your extensions folder?
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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.755 In reply to 7777.754 
Hi Max,

Please find files attached.
FYI I'm a mac user (10.13.1).


EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7777.756 In reply to 7777.755 
Hi James,

this error caused by Infos/GetBBoxes BoundingBoxes (infonodes.js)
line 477: bbox.pushPoint(input.item(i).getBoundingBox().center);

You need to set boolean parameter for getBoundingBox() function
change this line to: bbox.pushPoint(input.item(i).getBoundingBox(false).center);
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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.757 In reply to 7777.756 
Thanks Max

That has fixed the problem.
I have attached ""
with fixed infonodes.js included

Thanks again

PS Attempt to run "pentakisDodeca&TruncIcosa.nod" (attached)
gives the error message in red box, however does generate result
albeit with pentakisDodecahedron in default colour rather than red.

Generally, I get the main error alert showing when navigating in
NE interface.

Hope this helps!

EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
About Truchet above
Seems it's these red nodes who give problem! (Windows 10, NE modified, Moi V 3)

<< Also requires most recent NE mod (Karsten's cleanup menu)
Hum hum ... so need them ? Give me a zip package! :)
If i have not an easy way (for me), how do you want i can help for other French people! :)

EDITED: 23 Nov 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.759 In reply to 7777.756 
Hi Max & James,

> You need to set boolean parameter for getBoundingBox() function
> change this line to: bbox.pushPoint(input.item(i).getBoundingBox(false).center);

This is a bug where v4 has that marked as a required argument while v3 had it as optional with a default value of false. I've updated it so it will behave the same as v3 in the next beta.

- Michael
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Message 7777.760 deleted 23 Nov 2017 by JFH

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