Nodebundle for playing with nodes
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Wow! I's really cool!!!
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.8 In reply to 7777.7 
Hello Max,

thank's and thank's, that you make it possible!

Kind regards
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Here the all Karsten's nodes ........................and...........................Max's! ;)

EDITED: 15 Dec 2015 by PILOU

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.10 In reply to 7777.9 
Hello Pilou,

most of the important nodes came from Max;-)

Nevertheless a good overview!

Have a nice day
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7777.11 In reply to 7777.10 
Rectified! :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
I want to break the silence arround @'y'@ and want to share my last experiments. Some of the nodes are unfinished, some have bugs, but I think we need a disscusion about the names of the nodes, a usefull menu structure and some functionallity. So I want to make a suggestion to make the nodeeditor more interactive and give access to created geometry. In the subDiv branch all nodes give an direct and fully named output, so later nodes can be refer to the geometry, after all, the ApplyButton erases all this temporary Objects from the database and only the pipelined data will be there. I don't know - are there other solutions - Is it usefull? Nevertheless there are some new drafts - based on Max ideas I made a f(x) node with stolen code (His idea was far-reaching - with unique input!) Anyway, till his next release I have this one! SPoint - takes the coordinates from a preselected point. Flow ... An subDiv node - simple wrapped Max brilliant subDiv-Script and some other things.

Have a lot of fun
and a nice day!


p.s.: Is there someone who also have some new nodes?

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Does all that can be re installed with the future version of Max ? Or Michael ?
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.14 In reply to 7777.13 
Hello Pilou,

I don't know. The future isn't clear for me. If something in it is usefull, we have to fit it to a later version - the rest we should throw away. Depending on Max next version it can be usefull to throw everything away, but then we know what the right way is. My programming capabilities are not the best - nevertheless I try to help developing this project - maybe with bad examples:-) For me it is a very interesting and important project with regard to flexibility, productivity, customisation and finally by the inspiration given from the people in this forum.

Have a nice evening
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 From:  Barry-H
Hi Karsten,
many thanks for your efforts I will enjoy trying them.
I'm trying to do a node of the BoundingBox of selected objects
to output the X,Y & Z sizes (as you get when selected within Moi )
but as I am new to Java Script I'm struggling.
Any chance you could do one or give me some pointers.

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Message 7777.16 deleted 4 Mar 2016 by JFH

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.17 In reply to 7777.15 
Hello Barry,

here is a draft for such a node. You can copy/paste the nodedef it into a present file or register the file in index.html like:
<script type="text/javascript" src="nodes/infonodes.js"></script>

Maybe you have to pimp it a little bit:-)

Have nice day

p.s.: What do you want to do with it? My curiosity will kill me someday:-)

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 From:  djordje
7777.18 In reply to 7777.17 
This graphical programming interface is very interesting!!
Nice work Karsten.

Is it only possible to create nodes in javascript?

If somebody would enable writing nodes in python (or ironpython), I think this would open new doors for further development of MoI nodes.
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 From:  Barry-H
Hi Karsten,
thanks again for your help. I have installed the node as per your instructions and it works.
The reason I wanted it was to automate the array layout of a selected object within a given
rectangular area. (basically what you helped me with before)
With the Maths nodes I can do the calcs based on the given area and the selected item's
bounding box dimensions. The only thing that doesn't happen if I add a rotate node to the item
it does not update the bounding box.(the selected stays where it is but grayed out)
Anyway as it is now you can set your area select an item add a gap and it will automatically
fill the area with rows and columns. I will post the result when I get it working.
Thanks again.

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 From:  Barry-H
Hi Karsten,
attached is the Auto Array file. I sorted the rotate problem out, it's node was needed prior
to the Bounding Box node so now the Bounding Box updates if you rotate the item.
To use the Auto Array select your item prior to loading.
The screen shots shows the adjusters.
Again many thanks for your help & to Max for developing this Plugin.


Image Attachments:
Size: 80.7 KB, Downloaded: 684 times, Dimensions: 763x288px
Size: 81.1 KB, Downloaded: 394 times, Dimensions: 820x347px
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 From:  BurrMan
7777.21 In reply to 7777.18 
"""""If someone would enable python""""""

Dave morrill wrote that awhile back. Actually created an editor, but left the forum before sharing it. I think he had neen working on a shell that aloud him to do it. The VIP shell is located in his facets repository i think (but am not sure)

You would have to remake the connections yourself because he didnt leave his initial results here
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 From:  djordje
7777.22 In reply to 7777.21 
Thank you Burrman.
Is this the project of David Morrill, you are referring to:

This does not look like a Nodebundle, but some other custom UI for MoI modelling.
I am actually interested in writing Nodebundle nodes with python.
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 From:  BurrMan
7777.23 In reply to 7777.22 
Yes thats one of the examples he was working on.

No, its not part of node editor. It is a shell which can be interfaced with moi. Then you can program moi with python of whatever you want.

But the way dave set it up, it was basically a parametric node system for working in moi. And he was using python to run moi.
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 From:  djordje
7777.24 In reply to 7777.23 
Thank you.

It would be nice if at some point in future, somebody would write a custom MoI Nodebundle component which will enable writing python nodes. I am not a programmer and could not do that.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.25 In reply to 7777.24 
Hi djordje, it would probably be require a major effort involving a considerable amount of work to do that, it's hard to even estimate what would be involved... maybe many months of focused work, maybe longer even. So it's fairly unlikely to happen anytime soon.

MoI is focused on using JavaScript as its scripting language so if you want to experiment with these things you will probably need to do it in JavaScript and not in Python, sorry.

- Michael
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 From:  djordje
7777.26 In reply to 7777.25 
Thank you for the informative reply Michael. It helped.
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