Nodebundle for playing with nodes
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 From:  mkdm
7777.604 In reply to 7777.603 
Hi AL!

I have a problem with all the nodes that you have posted lately.

None of them work with the latest 0.97.... version of NE.

Every time I load one of your node file, the "Run" button of NE is always disabled.

Instead if, for example, I create a new node or load one of the latest Max's node (Macro.nod for example) all works fine.

Please check this screencapture, it is relative to the node you posted at

Maybe I'm missing something...

This is the content of my "C:\Program Files (x86)\MoI 3.0\ui\nodeeditor.v.0.97.2017.10.05\nodes\extensions"
and "C:\Program Files (x86)\MoI 3.0\ui\nodeeditor.v.0.97.2017.10.05\nodes\extensions\libs" folders

And this is the code I have into index.html file of NE :

loadScripts('core','lang, compatibility, colors, geometry, main, editor');
loadScripts('nodes','macros, basic, logic, points, curves, solids, construct, transform, objects, interface');
loadScripts('core','init, ext.*');

Could you help me ?



- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi Marco
the file posted,I did it with 0.96 Version....
I downloaded Version 0.97, but I'm not using it yet
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 From:  mkdm
7777.606 In reply to 7777.605 
Ok Al.

I will try with 0.96.


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7777.607 In reply to 7777.606 
Hi Marco

There are missed nodes in your nod-file.
Check all nodes with red title
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 From:  mkdm
7777.608 In reply to 7777.607 
Thanks a lot Max for the tip!


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  mkdm
7777.609 In reply to 7777.607 
Ok. Solved!

I had the wrong version of "transform2.js".


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.610 In reply to 7777.609 
Hello Marco,

it's fine that you figured out the Problem. I've posted some updates in single files, so it's difficult to start, when you not followed the complete Progress. But I don't know if it is useful to post a complete package when I only changed or added one single node. Esspecially when also new Versions from Max comming up. Sorry for that.

Have a nice day
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 From:  mkdm
7777.611 In reply to 7777.610 
Hi Karsten.

Thanks for the reply

@You : "...But I don't know if it is useful to post a complete package when I only changed or added one single node..."


As I said many times, I have my very personal point of view, a point of view of a software developer.

IMHO, in order to avoid version madness and headache, this is the best methods to keep all the users up to date
about "extensions" nodes made by us or by anyone other than Max :

I mean, the Max's way.

I think this is the best solution.

That is, having an online repository, like, where all users can download always the very latest version of some particular
"extensions" for NE written by some developer.

This is a huge benefit, because a user doesn't have to wonder " this the correct version of the script ? I remember that someone here and there
said that at line 130 of the code I have to put "x = x +1" and not "x = x -1".

I think that now is the time to definitively stop this strange situation :)

A "user" of a script or node must only download and overwrite all the files without wonder what's inside them.

This is an aspect "TOTALLY" delegated to the developer of the node.

Please, let's stop version madness :)

Thanks a lot and have a nice day.


Marco (mkdm)

EDITED: 11 Oct 2017 by MKDM

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 From:  mkdm
7777.612 In reply to 7777.611 

When I say "..That is, having an online repository, like, where all users can download...",
I mean that "each" developer could have a personal online repository where he can upload all his scripts/nodes/plugins,
without the need to have a global repository for all Moi's users.

ASAP I'm going to create my personal online repository with all the scripts/plugins/nodes/ I have written so far or I hope to write in the near future :)

Have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.613 In reply to 7777.611 
Hello Marco,

the thread is called -"Nodebundle for playing with Nodes" with Focus on playing. I left the "Parametric design in Moi" thread with this stuff, because there were some critics - ok. Only a few People really playing with the additions. I wrote some nodes, because some of them requested a special functionallity. I have no masterplan for developing that stuff. Max has developed some alternative and improoved nodes - so some of my nodes are obsolete now. I haven't a Homepage or a repository. I tried to start a documentation on Michaels Homepage. But a wiki System isn't a one man Show! From time to time I get some critics now here, that a posted nodefile isn't working and I try to help. I also try to answer question how to solve a particular Problem while using the nodeeditor. I sometimes ask for intuitive names for nodes, with some execptions, I didn't get answers. Sometimes I have the Feeling that some guys here are not amused that someone is writing nodes here -anyway.

have a nice day
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 From:  mkdm
7777.614 In reply to 7777.613 
Hello Karsten,

@You : "...Sometimes I have the Feeling that some guys here are not amused that someone is writing nodes here..."

:) You're right. It's like coding "scripting/nodes" is considered a "strange" thing.

Anyway, I understand and respect your point of view.

But, I have only a final simple question :)

What is the difficult to have a very personal online repository where upload very personal script/nodes/plugin and where all other
users con be redirected from Moi's posts, in order to download latest version of personal experimental/testing/developing/scripting/nodes ?

I think that almost everyone use Google Drive/One Drive/Dropbox/etc... so a personal repository is not a problem.

This could be very helpful not only for final "users" but also for us, the developers of that stuff.

What do you think about ?

Thanks in advance.


Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.615 In reply to 7777.613 
Hi Karsten

>>Sometimes I have the Feeling that some guys here are not amused that someone is writing nodes here -anyway.<<

Please also know that some guys here are eternally grateful for those champions of NE, of whom you are the greatest (second only to max himself)

Please do not be disparaged;
keep up the good fight.


EDITED: 11 Oct 2017 by JFH

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.616 In reply to 7777.615 
Thanks James,

I'm only the Igor of Dr.Frankenstein!

So have a nice day
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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.617 In reply to 7777.616 
Hi Karsten,

I wish you had not included that link.
Now when I am writing you, this is the image I'll conjure.

Yes Master...... Yes Master


EDITED: 11 Oct 2017 by JFH


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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi Karsten
I fully share the thought of James
>>Please also know that some guys here are eternally grateful for those champions of NE, of whom you are the greatest (second only to max himself<<
You are a" carrier column " of Elephnat System
no one can question it.
But, about your feeling .......>>Sometimes I have the Feeling that some guys here are not amused that someone is writing nodes here -anyway.<<
I also notice it ...
Let's make force my Friends
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 From:  mkdm
7777.619 In reply to 7777.618 
Hi AL.

I'm on the side of "script developers" too!

Long life to anyone who wants to experiment, and is never going to be satisfied with "the same old things" :)

Only, I would really appreciate a greater commitment in keeping things well organized (scripts, version, and etc...)

But, apparently there's no one that agrees with me about this point.

No problem at all for me.

I will continue to play and learn from the great P. Elephant, thanks to Max, you, James, Karsteen and all other Elephant's guys :)


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  mkdm
7777.620 In reply to 7777.613 
Hi Karsteen.

Just in order to definitively close this argument (for me)....

@You : "...Sometimes I have the Feeling that some guys here are not amused that someone is writing nodes here..."

I sincerely hope that you are not referring to me, because, even if I always said that my mathematics knowledge is very weak,
I wrote some utility nodes too, nothing really special although :), and some commands/script and new others will come :).

I think too that your contribution to P. Elephant is excellent.

So I really love "developing" as much as "modelling" side!

I hope that I made myself clear this time.

Have a nice day.


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.621 In reply to 7777.619 
Hello Marco,

everthing is fine:-)

these are the things that drive me - but I am also driven by organisation every day in my Job.

So a nice day to all

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 From:  mkdm
7777.622 In reply to 7777.621 
Everthing is fine for me too, Karsten :)

Thanks a lot for sharing this "new experiment" !

We'll see new great things.....

Nice day!

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
7777.623 In reply to 7777.613 

"Sometimes I have the Feeling that some guys here are not amused that someone is writing nodes here -anyway."

Stunned that you've been given that impression. I, like the other posters, am very grateful for all that you have contributed.

As a fairly recent participant in Project Elephant I did find it very challenging to get going and would have appreciated a tidier archive and detailed, easy to find, documentation.
However I realise that this is very much a work in progress and we have the opportunity to participate in the building phase, and I'd sooner the developers create new nodes, and improvements and extension of Node Editor (Macros are wonderful!) that spend their time on administration.

When the development phase is 'over' then, for the value of Project Elephant to be accessible to a greater range of MoI users, easily accessible archives and documentation will be essential.

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