Nodebundle for playing with nodes
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
7777.491 In reply to 7777.490 
Hi Mike
The way you use it and scroll through the slider that will select you
the default inputs, for the different form to be obtained, and wanting ,
You can vary the value sliders, rx, ry, rz ...
Follow the pictures posted
I tried to reload the file sent ....
For me it's all Ok-
I do not know what the problem is, one should know if
Others have had your problems
Have a nice day

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 From:  bemfarmer
7777.492 In reply to 7777.491 
The superellipse node worked fine with the latest nodeeditmod
- Brian
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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
7777.493 In reply to 7777.492 
Brian - that's 0.93?
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 From:  bemfarmer
7777.494 In reply to 7777.493 
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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
7777.495 In reply to 7777.494 
Looked a bit more carefully - didn't have the Mirror node.
Now working fine.
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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
Has the Points/MathPts node been fully implemented yet?

I ask because it seems to me that variables B & C have not been implemented in that way that variable A has been.
EDIT: Or perhaps the use of variables has not been implemented for X and Z?

I was trying to make a simple nod to produce Brian's HyperbolicParaboloid2:
_FxGraph3D a*(u+v);b*(u-v);u*v;-1;1;-1;1;50;50;1.618;1;0;UV see post 6447.73 and couldn't get it to work using variables A, B & C in Points/MathPts as below.

when I deleted variables B & C (shown below) it worked

Here's the working nod:

EDITED: 28 Aug 2017 by MGG942

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 From:  bemfarmer
7777.497 In reply to 7777.496 
Nice node Mike.

I took a very brief look, and see symmetry in the code, for the a,b,c,d, so have no idea.
Will look longer tonight, if someone else does not figure it out first.
The a, b, c, d have to be sequentially added in to the node... (?)

- Brian

By the way, The Pringle reconstituted potato chip has the hyperbolic paraboloid shape, with some sort of rounding.
No Pringle measurements were made, just stuck in 1.618 as a "golden" ratio, as a guess. (Some talk on Alibre forum.)
(Trim can be done with circle, ellipse, etc.)
(The polylines are linear.)
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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.498 In reply to 7777.496 
Hi Mike,

>>I ask because it seems to me that variables B & C have not been implemented in that way that variable A has been.
EDIT: Or perhaps the use of variables has not been implemented for X and Z?<<

The issue is not with X,Y or Z implementation but with variable fields A,B & C (not just B & C).

It is best to wire in all node inputs with Widget or Basic/Const nodes where possible,
as a few node do not register direct numerical inputs, despite having fields for doing so.

And besides, it makes the node circuitry more legible.


EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH

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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi Karsten and Friends
Well done Karsten......
The new Twist Nod works fine,
coupled with Flow Nod by interesting results, the
Those interested find this link ,my test:
Have a nice day to all
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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
7777.500 In reply to 7777.498 
Thanks, James.
Hopefully in time the entry fields will be fully operational thus removing a source of confusion for those wanting to write a stripped down nod.
In the meanwhile the work around is, as you pointed out, one that has benefits.
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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
7777.501 In reply to 7777.497 
Brian, as an exercise I've made a nod based on the 4 variants that you posted for Hyperbolic Paraboloids.
The nod uses the same variable as you posted using discrete inputs to Points/MathPts as James advised and displays all four variants together.
The slider is limited to one decimal place so to get a value of A of 1.618 (as you had) it is necessary the disconnect the slider and to enter 1.618 directly into the A input field in Points/MathPts - which does work as expected (B and C don't).
I did think of making the spacing of the outputs on the screen automatic but concluded that it would make a very confusing nod so I opted to make the spacing manually adjustable via a knob.
The output is 4 solids through the use of Construct/Extrude with a distance of 0.01mm.
Please check that the outputs look right to you.
Thanks, Mike.

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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
7777.502 In reply to 7777.498 
Hi, James.

Seems to me that the A input field does work in Points/MathPts - as long as there is nothing connected to the A, uh, input button.

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 From:  bemfarmer
7777.503 In reply to 7777.501 
Visually, the node looks good.

In the Info panel, the slider "digits" can be increased. The slider can display at most 2 decimal digits, in the current range.
So digits could be increased to 3, but only 2 are displayed in the slider.
It looks like the slider shows as most 2 decimal digits, with the 3rd decimal rounded to two decimal digits.

It is possible to easily edit the interface.js file so as to display more decimal digits in the slider, but I will leave it alone.
There are range limitations to the # of digits displayed, as well.
- Brian

EDITED: 31 Aug 2017 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
A trivial 'real world' nod to produce a printable circular funnel.
As an example I've chosen sizes to match a funnel I made some years ago to facilitate loading peppercorns into a pepper grinder.

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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
7777.505 In reply to 7777.504 
Welcome to the Elephant
World...... Mike.
Perhaps, for such a simple object, I think that,
start with a profile, then create a revolution
is the best method ....
Maybe many less Nod ???? ...
In every case appreciable
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.506 In reply to 7777.504 
Hello Mike,

it makes me happy to see the different aspects of the application. Especially when the results will end in real world parts. Methods and complexity will automatically increase. And used in the right place, productivity will also increase:-)

Have a nice day
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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
7777.507 In reply to 7777.505 
Thanks for the suggestion, Al, I'll think about it.
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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
7777.508 In reply to 7777.506 
Thanks, Karsten. I have plans to increase complexity by making a nod for a 'universal' funnel. That is, a funnel that has square round elements.
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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.509 In reply to 7777.506 
Hi Karsten,

I am happy to see you back on the forum & hope you are well.

I wonder if you wanted to have a play around with something node-wise,
if you could have a look at extending your text node, so that it could be utilised
for numbering pt arrays as per my earlier posts:

This would be a real boon for the more complex indexing of arrays.

If you could, I would be forever in your debt!

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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
A more ambitious - and complex - funnel nod. The 'universal funnel'.
This nod is based on rounded rectangles so the top, middle and bottom sections can be rectangular, square or round.

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