Nodebundle for playing with nodes
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.44 In reply to 7777.43 
Hello Pilou,

I didn't tested it by myself, but I hope I have put everything needed in the file. Maxs core files are also in the archive. If you want a new loft- node you can replace factories2.js with the posted one. Infonodes can also be installed, but I think Barrys new one would be a better choice.

So please, backup your files and test it - you should have some new nodes - if not I did something wrong.

Have a nice weekend
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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.45 In reply to 7777.40 
Hi Barry,

At first it was not apparent to me what was being illustrated in your animated gif.
But now I get it...very clever! Can you please upload the .nod file?

- James
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 From:  Barry-H
Hi James,
I should have put an explanation of how it works.
It takes an X & Y area and fills it with objects based on the bounding box and gap.
So if you alter the gap the rotation or the area it automatically updates.
You will need to install Karsten's infnode from an earlier post and to get the high
accuracy bounding box amend line 27 to this: this.bbox = inObj.getHighAccuracyBoundingBox();
I added a Centre on origin in the animation but it tends to slow the process down when adjusting.
You should use the top view for it to work.

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 From:  James (JFH)
Karsten et al,

I'm attempting to build a toroidal helix form.
The coil rail works well but I am experiencing difficulty attaching the profile for sweeping.
I've output x,y.x info from inputs to generative array into point&frame for circle ,
and at first it appears to be on the right track, however as the animation shows
changing the coil size shifts the profile from the starting point of the rail.
As a consequence the sweep does not give the desired result.

Any thoughts?


EDITED: 25 Feb 2019 by JFH

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.48 In reply to 7777.47 
Hello James,

Good to hear, that you still make experiments:-)
I had a look on your file. There are two problems in my opinion. First - the placement of the circle dosen't fit allways with the startpoint of the railcurve and the second problem is the orientatiion of the u-and v-line. I think the "sweepnode" is difficult to handle and we have to think about, how we can make it easier to use. The name sweep is also not very handy - any ideas? For the orientation it would be also better, if the iCurve-Node would give a frame for start and endpoint, but I didn't find a solution for that at the moment. And I think a native sweep node would also be very useful. I've attached a changed file, that isn't perfect (orientation of the profile dosen't fit) but works in a first step. I hope that you can find a solution based on it. To analyse the problem, I have cloned some objects and gave them to the output - so cut the wires or delete the clone-nodes.

Have a nice day

EDITED: 6 Mar 2019 by KMRQUS

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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.49 In reply to 7777.48 
Thanks Karsten,
That is an improvement, but I have not had any luck with profile orientation.

RE: "The name sweep is also not very handy - any ideas?"
Perhaps Array_along_path.

Thanks again
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.50 In reply to 7777.49 
Hello James,
yes, I agree with you! Very difficult. Nomally PDE, but not usefull to handle. I think about the idea to calculate start and endframe of curves. Maybe it is possible to calculate it with approx. secants and a Lagrange Interpolation to get start-/end-tangent. I don't know how much work it is at the Moment and which precision we will get, but that can simplify the Problem alot. Another solution could be a simple Helix and flow it to circle - only if you really need a solution next time.

Array_along_path -sounds good!
Have a nice day
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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.51 In reply to 7777.48 
Hello Karsten,

RE: "To analyse the problem, I have cloned some objects and gave them to the output - so cut the wires or delete the clone-nodes."

I also find this a useful practice. A nice implementation would be a "Preview" checkbox in the info panel. This would achieve the same effect without redundant wiring.

Have a great weekend
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.52 In reply to 7777.51 
Hello James,

a preview is possible, but I think that we need also a checkbox, because editing text is not very effective with a lot of nodes - so we have to wait till Max next release. Nevertheless I am working on the problem to place profiles normal to curves, I have made a new node that gives also a approximated startpoint frame. It sometimes crashes, but at the moment I can't figure out why - . The deviation to a tangent snapped line is between 0.0002deg and 0.008deg in my first test. Maybe someone will have a look to improve it or have some tipps.

Have a nice day

EDITED: 6 Mar 2019 by KMRQUS

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.53 In reply to 7777.51 
Hello James,

I have fixed the problem :-)

Have a nice weekend

EDITED: 6 Mar 2019 by KMRQUS

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
More and more powerful!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.55 In reply to 7777.54 

here are some new nodes for playing: Curvature-Analyse, Sweep ...

A nice day to all

EDITED: 6 Mar 2019 by KMRQUS

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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.56 In reply to 7777.53 
Hello Kirsten

Sorry I have not replied before now; I have been away for a few weeks.

>fixed the problem :-)

Yes that is much better thanks.
The new sweep node does the job perfectly.

I greatly appreciate your work on these

EDITED: 10 May 2019 by JFH

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.57 In reply to 7777.56 
Hello James,

I'm glad that it works:-) and an aesthetically result, also. An idea that I got, while I'm looking to the pictures: If you want to control the diameter depending on the curvature of your rail, I have made a node for that in the Infonode.js. It calculates the minR and maxR of curves. This could be used to avoid squeezed surfaces. I didn't made a tryout, but maybe also an interessting experiment:-)

Have a nice day
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 From:  mkdm
7777.58 In reply to 7777.57 
Hello Karsten,

many thanks to you and Max, for your efforts on the NodeEditor project!

I would have liked to be better skilled in geometry and in mathematics, in order to join the coding of this plugin...

But anyway.....could you please share a link where is possible to get the complete NodeEditor project, in it's current stage of developing ?

A sort of repository where it would be easier get all the most recent versions of all the project files,
rather then get all the stuff here and there in the forum's threads.

Thanks again and have a nice day,

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.59 In reply to 7777.58 
Hi Marco,

For the nodes editor, I think the most recent release is here:

and the installation instructions are here:

> A sort of repository where it would be easier get all the most recent versions of
> all the project files, rather then get all the stuff here and there in the forum's threads.

Max has a repository of his plug-ins here, except I don't think the node editor is in there yet:

For now you would need to get it from the above forum thread.

- Michael
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 From:  mkdm
7777.60 In reply to 7777.59 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for your reply. It contains all i need for Max's code. order to get Karsten's contribution also ?

Where to look for ?

Thanks both and nice day.

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.61 In reply to 7777.60 
Hello Marco,

everything is in this thread:-)

Have a nice day
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 From:  mkdm
7777.62 In reply to 7777.61 
Ok Michael,

i'll search here more deeply, as soon as i can...

Thanks and good job.

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.63 In reply to 7777.56 
Hello James,

combination with the curvature seems to work.Here is picture.

Have a nice day

EDITED: 22 Dec 2017 by KMRQUS

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