Nodebundle for playing with nodes
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
THX for the efforts!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
Something to play ...

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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.328 In reply to 7777.325 
Yes Karsten, that works
Thanks as always
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi James,thank you for appreciation , sorry but I forgot to specify
the version used in Nodeeditor ...( v.0.93 + Karst/tools)
In any case I see that Karsten has clarified the thing-
If not specified, my files are usually created
with the latest updates - Max , and Karsten tools
Good work at all
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Not sure of what I must obtain but that works fine! :)

And quasi all in French! :D

Normal i have not yet translated all new nodes! :)

EDITED: 2 May 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi to all Friends
I continue with the exploration of the Minimal Surfaces
Trying to make it happen with Elepphant-
I want to share with you the result obtained
To realize the Schwartz-P Surf-
.... One of the main bricks .......
In that regard I wanted to ask Karsten
If there is any way to enter
"Preserve Edges" in the SubD .node
Have a nice day
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.332 In reply to 7777.331 
Hello Al,

<<If there is any way to enter
"Preserve Edges" in the SubD .node>>

for me unfortunately no - sorry. A while ago I've taken Max SubD-Script and wrapped it in a node function - without understanding the internal structure. I think that Max is able to do that, but I think that's a lot of work.

have a nice day
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
7777.333 In reply to 7777.332 
Hi Karsten
Many Tnx for the info
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hello Karsten
I hope everything is fine .....

I do not want to take advantage of your availability , but
It would be important to implement the " Mirror " node ;
actually working in the resolution Low Poly of
Minimal Surf, it is almost essential to use
the" Mirror" tool for all symmetries , in the repetition
of the basic element in the resolution polyhedron...

The use of simple Rotates becomes enough
It is not so easy to locate the rotation axes
Inside the base structure of the polyhedron

I Hope, that without too much effort
You can meet this request-
Thanks for everything and have a nice day
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.335 In reply to 7777.334 
Hello Al,

here is a draft for a mirror node.

Have a nice evening

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7777.336 In reply to 7777.335 
Sorry I nerver me remind!
It's for the classical, Modified or both Node Editor?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.337 In reply to 7777.336 
Good morning Pilou,

it should work with the modified one. I hope that it solve Al's Problems or get proposals to improove it. Caused by private problems, it's a while ago, that I made some nodes. So I'm a little bit rusty at the Moment:-(

Have a nice day
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hello Karsten
As always amazing ....

I have no words to thank you
I'll try the new Mirror node and I'll update you
on my impressions-
Thanks again
Have a nice day
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 From:  Christian (BIRDANDCO)
Hi, its been a little while!

I have continued playing with Nodebundle, using the ArrayGem & ScaleArray scripts as in my previous post. Thanks so much for the amazing plugin and freely available scripts. Rendered in Keyshot using a high-contrast HDR, with a metallic material and adjustments to Gamma. A little post-render in Lightroom.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.340 In reply to 7777.339 
Beautiful image Christian!

- Michael
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.341 In reply to 7777.339 
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 From:  mkdm
7777.342 In reply to 7777.339 
Thank you Christian !!

You could call it "The Beauty of Math" :)

Veeeeeeery nice!

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hello Karsten and Friends
Since the first post of Jotero ,in the forum,
this Minimal Surface (Batwing) has fascinated me;
and I tried to build it in Low Poly with Elephant-
I must say that apart from the modeling
I finally met some difficulties:
the ultimate Polysurf , that apparently
It seemed welded at the edges, in reality
It is not, and once the tool SubD is applied
Produces an unwanted hole in the center
Of the box unit volume- (see pictures)

Therefore I followed a different path:
I exported the STP Polyserf unwelded
In Catia V5 R 21, I welded the surface by lowering
the tolerance of union at 0.01 mm,
I have redone a new file
Stp , which I imported into Moi and I converted
In Mesh Obj ,
I finally imported Obj Mesh into Moi
and in this case the Subd Tool works fine.......

Not happy with the result
I tried to go a different way
for creating the file ....
And in this case, keeping the value fixed
of the board at 10 mm , of the primitive box ,
the polysurf obtained is welded and the final result
seems to me lovely
The entire folder containing the various files
and images for the various steps are at this link:
I used the new Mirror tool, it seems ok
Thanks again to Karsten-

Finally, for those who know and use Catia
I attach the import file of Mesh obj
with the Image and Shape module
and the subsequent thickness of the surface

Have a nice day
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Al,

interesting post! I can understand that your are not happy with the result. My friend Jotero
did this probably once as an excercise with MoI. The proper way to produce an accurate
Batwing Minimal Surface is however to use Ken Brakke's Surface Evolver, with his batwing.fe
file, which can be exported as .obj from Evolver.

If you are interested i can post an accurate Evolver file conversion as NURBS model, of
Ken Brakke's Batwing Minimal Surface, when i'm home from work.

Due to the nature of surface tension etc. of Minimal Surfaces regular Poly Modelers
or MoI/Elephant etc. can't produce an accurate representation of Minimal Surfaces, IMHO.

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Al,

from another post from me, here's the Batwing Surface as .3dm, in case you like to compare the result.

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