Nodebundle for playing with nodes
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7777.223 In reply to 7777.222 
If you have overpass the short limit of the forum
you must post your file/ images somewhere and put a link! ;)
Mediafire allow you 50 gigas free
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hello Friends
I refer to the subject fold / unfold
relieved by Pilou
I started a series of focused exercises to traveling
possible to be made with Elephant-
I think if they had implemented the Vectors , everything would surely
more fluid.....
in any case attached to my modest results
I hope it help any of you-
Have a nice day to all
Ps- I have stored here the files
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7777.226 In reply to 7777.225 

What will be the process for something like this ?
little image on the left
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi Pilou
if you download my CP-Fold.node file ,
at the send link (mediafire ). and carefully examine
you'll understand the links, trigonometric which bind geometry
and allow the movement
I hope I was clear....
in any case, at your disposal for further clarifications
have a nice day
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7777.228 In reply to 7777.227 
OK if you say that is possible and that node is versatile that is perfect!
I just must study your example of node in detail!
(When i have some free times!)

Many thanks for your efforts!
It's a very useful tool for make architectural structures!
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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.229 In reply to 7777.219 
Hello Karsten,

I know I am constantly bugging you with requests, but would it be possible to have the "num" input of your "isoCrvs" node accept a series, as well as an integer. (in much the same way as with "mPathArray")

Only if you can see the utility, and when you have time available.


PS selEdge?

EDITED: 23 Feb 2019 by JFH

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.230 In reply to 7777.229 
Hello James,

I have collected some things I want to do next:
- Documentation for the core, already started -Even the longest way starts with a first step... (One of these old cool chinese guys)
- Sweep with 1 and 2 rails and multiple profiles - I started with, but it's a little bit difficult to solve it, without meta informations - ( I want to use the ratio of profiles and rails)
- intersect node quiet easy, but if you want e.g. ordered points or curves as the result, you have to do it step by step - to check it, I have to pimp
- idxSelect for objectlists
- separate, finished, but untested - no time
- multiIso , also for the whole numarray
- Polyloft - updating to a more general useability
- camera node - my favorite, qiuck animations (preview)- maybe later someone can port Max genue Cycles script;-)
- import/export 3DM files - I don't know if that works, but interesting - batch inside and instancing
- Buying a birthday present for my wife - the most difficult task!!!

Have a nice day
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi Pilou and Friends
taking advantage of my illness
that forced me to bed for a few days
I tried to play with your example of fold...
With Gh, using the" Vectors", without resorting to Kangaroo
everything is quite simple ...
Elephant with the result is not quite satisfactory
perhaps my limit.......
I suggested a new model on which I added a fold
that surely and better
Have a nice day
Files Stored Here
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.232 In reply to 7777.231 
Hello Al,

a lot of nodes - nevertheless it works and a cool result. I made a little video to show it. We have to think about how we can make such things easier!

Have a nice day

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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi Karsten
I can not open your avi files ...patience.......-
Is true that there are a lot of Node,
it is true that some mathematical expressions
they could be more synthetic and that some outputs, could be eliminated
but I have deliberately left them reads as for better
understanding the functioning....
On the other hand being able to use only functions
trigonometric, I could not do better ,moreover dominate the whole movement with a single slider
it's not easy -
However, I believe that the introduction of Nodes
focused on " Vectors " can greatly improve
these operations...
Or a system that providing for the imposition
"Constraints "can be edited between geometric elements
(see Catia Kinematics, Grasshopper Kangaroo and Other ....)

Ps-Always at your disposal
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
@ Kasten :
Yep excellent animation : like with origami paper in reality!

use ;)

I will try your nodes as soon as possible!
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.235 In reply to 7777.234 
Hello Pilou,

>>>>Yep excellent animation : like with origami paper in reality!
The animation is made with MoI and the nodeeditor:-) The camera node makes single pictures with MoI's render function for each quartz node step. After that, you have e.g. 500 pngs. Then ffmpeg or mencoder and the video is finished. Unfinished: automatic start of ffmpeg and choosing the output directory for the single pictures. But for a quick animation it's okay. When I solved this problems, I will post it. (Maybe it is better to post the problem;-)

Hello Al,

please explain, which vector math functions we need - add, substract, cross_product, scale, scalar product, coordinate transformation, rotate by axis and how would they be used to solve that problem?
Great Job!

A nice day to all

p.s.: Sorry that the video is not working for you - I use Linux for scripting (here it works), but as Pilou mentioned, VLC should do it.
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hello Karsten
If possible all the functions of Vectors :
1- Create Vector ,from Coord (xyz) ,connected to the actual node point
2-Decompose Vectot retur value of (xyz)
3-Unit Vector for x , y , z for simple placement
4-Amplitude of Vector
5-Vector between two point
6-Angle between two Vector
7-Rotate Vector on plane or on axis
8-Dot procuct
9-Cross Product
10-Line , start point , direction, Vector , and Amplitude , length
11-Measure Vector length
12-Unitize Vector
13-Reverse Vector value
14 - link with extrusion , profile along a Vector
No ask that all implements,
But the important thing it is start ...
Line, and Extrude example would be useful-

(I hope the list does not discourage you)..........

The facilitation is the ability to create oriented lines,( crease)
and subsequently to lean them to create the Movements ,
rotating or translating through simple input values
Have a nice day
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.237 In reply to 7777.236 
Hello Al,

most of the functions are already implemented. Have a look in basicfunctions.js or in the litegraph.js (Max has thought of everything!). Only missing: wrap it in nodes. We can use pointarray as the base. Set scale to 0 it's a displacement vector:-). Scale to 1 it's a local vector ->arraypoint (Homogeneous coordinates). You've done the vector math stuff manually with the splitPts, (chapeau - a lot of work ) but yes we should make nodes for that. It will take a while and I have to think about some details, but it's possible.
Thanks for the impressive example!

Have a nice evening
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Does the resolve of the concept (not the animation) can be replicated to any start number drawing of "flat" Valley (s) / Mountain(s)
Supposed that each little surface resulting are plane for the moment! :)
Difficuly will surely to take any start form of drawing!

@Al : works like a charm! Bravo for the effort!

Nodes'Image of the "white" folding example! :)

EDITED: 5 Dec 2016 by PILOU

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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hello My Friends
another exercise, move on and invert
which brings me back a lot through the years
..... to my childhood
a Wind-Whell
Have a nice day to all
Ps -File stored here
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Message 7777.240 deleted 11 Dec 2016 by KMRQUS

 From:  speedy (AL2000)
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hello Karsten and Friends
Great Work with the new Vectors Nodes.......amazing
I'm starting to use them to test them ,
then , surely , you will need clarification ,
for now thank you for your commitment.
Take this opportunity to send a new test
on Fold / Unfold
Have a nice day to all
Ps- to see the file access links
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