Nodebundle for playing with nodes
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 From:  James (JFH)
Hi All,

Here is a little tip for wire management when working on complex node circuits.

2 macros with inputs connected directly with outputs can be used to channel multiple wires converging into a conduit and diverging at the other end. See below

Obviously, the example above would not need measures to simplify the wiring, but some circuits can become overwhelming, especially if some time has elapsed since working on them.

Have a great weekend

EDITED: 14 Mar 2020 by JFH


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 From:  bemfarmer
Here is a Macro which combines four Extract nodes.

The Macro may be placed in the nodeeditor Macros folder, for easy Canvas right click selection.
Do not Load the Macro to the screen.

- Brian

ps, Three+ Clone nodes in a Macro create a Clone4 Macro, (or more), so no need for the Clone4 node.

EDITED: 22 Feb 2020 by BEMFARMER


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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
I have been trying to understand the multiProcess command in the Node API.

Max has a detailed explanation of the process in this post:

When should it be used and what circumstances?
What could be other uses for the multiProcess?

Discord server:
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 From:  bemfarmer
7777.1663 In reply to 7777.1662 
When dealing with multiple entities?

I will be outputting a pointarray with many circle centers, and numarray with corresponding radii, to one circle (or sphere) node, to display a Doyle spiral.

- Brian
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 From:  James (JFH)
It's been a while, so here's a post using Wayne's recent node contribution: Objects2/PerlinNoise node to generate a field of wave forms
(wave_Field.nod attached)


EDITED: 1 Apr 2023 by JFH


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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
7777.1665 In reply to 7777.1664 

Your node design is great. Made a sample on my CNC router.


EDITED: 17 Jan 2021 by WAYNEHILL5202

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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1666 In reply to 7777.1665 

Looks Brilliant!

I was planning to use the design 3dCNC routered into birch ply as doors to a cabinet (sideboard).
I will take this image along to machine shop, as a proof of concept.

Can I post your image on Instagram with link to your instagram page
and a caption stating something to effect of "CNC routing by Wayne Hill"?


EDITED: 15 Mar 2020 by JFH

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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
7777.1667 In reply to 7777.1666 
James, has some examples. And yes, there was a plywood version going on the machine soon. Saw a desk out there somewhere with mirrored 3d door designs that is great.

Yes, you can reference my Instagram page. I have other images and a short video of it being made on my Instagram page.

Thank you,


EDITED: 15 Mar 2020 by WAYNEHILL5202

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 From:  bemfarmer
There seems to be a BUG with Vector in nodeeditor in MoI 4 beta.

After running the attached VectorExamples.nod file in nodeeditor, and clicking on Apply, and clicking on Stop,
the three vectors Cannot be erased from MoI4 screen, even if nodeeditor window is closed.

Clicking Run again, and toggling Clear on an Output node then seems to show 1 instead of 0, and vice versa.

(A test circle node seemed to work fine.)

- Brian

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.1669 In reply to 7777.1668 
Hi Brian,

> the three vectors Cannot be erased from MoI4 screen, even if nodeeditor window is closed.

Could be that those objects have their hit testing flag turned off. See here:

The fix would be at some step .setHitTest(true) needs to be called on those objects.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
7777.1670 In reply to 7777.1669 
Thank you Michael.

Rotate, Move or Copy create new copies of the 3 vectors in another area, which are delete-able,
but the original 3 vectors remain, and still cannot be deleted.
It seems like a flag for "keep original objects" is set.

I'll do some more experimenting.

- Brian

Hitting Stop, then Apply, doubles the number of Vectors. The extra set CAN be deleted, but not the original set.
Running the .nod file, then hitting Apply, without hitting stop, then closing nodeeditor, just makes one set of vectors, still not delete-able.

I want to get nodeeditor working (again) in MoI3 and try the vectors there.

VecBy2Pts does the same thing, so probably vector.js is doing or not doing something it should...(?)

Using your Set Hit Test true shortcut key script does not seem to do anything.
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 From:  bemfarmer
7777.1671 In reply to 7777.1670 
The results are the same for nodeeditor in MoI3.

- Brian
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.1672 In reply to 7777.1670 
Hi Brian, what about if you run this, does it have any effect on those objecst? :


- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
7777.1673 In reply to 7777.1672 
Hi Michael,

The unlockSelection();
script appears to have no effect.

There is a difference in selectability between MoI3 and MoI4beta.
After running the vectorExample nod file, the arrow cones are NOT mouse click selectable in MoI3, but are mouse box drag selectable. In
MoI4beta, the arrow cones ARE mouse click selectable, and mouse drag box selectable also.

In MoI4beta, there is another strange effect.
Running the shortcut key script on a selected arrow cone:

script:/*!Select edges v1.2 */ var gd = moi.geometryDatabase; function sl(o) { for ( var i = 0; i < o.length; ++i ) { o.Item(i).selected = 0; var e=o.Item(i).getEdges(); for ( var j = 0; j < e.length; ++j ) e.Item(j).selected = !e.Item(j).selected;}} gd.selectLoop(); var so = gd.getSelectedObjects(); var e = so.getEdges(); sl(so.getFaces()); sl(so.getSolids()); so.getBReps().setProperty('selected',0); e.setProperty('selected',1);

does NOT show the two arrow cone edges, UNLESS the mouse is hovering over the arrow cone, and then the mouse pointer is moved. (In MoI3, just moving the hovering mouse does NOT get the edges to show, but a mouse drag does get the edges to show.)
Creating a new cone with the MoI cone command and running the Select edges shortcut key results in the two cone edges immediately showing up on the screen.
If the mouse pointer is not on the selected arrow cone, and Select edges shortcut key is run, the two edges do not show up until left or right drag is done elsewhere on the screen, or if the mousewheel zoom is done.

Another strange effect is that if the arrow cone, and the new cone are BOTH selected, and the Select edges shortcut key is pressed, both cones immediately show the edges.
(A polygon with planar can also be used instead of the new regular MoI cone.)

- Brian

Hopefully someone else can reproduce this effect?

I thought that this problem might be helpful?

I imagine that vector.js is doing something wrong, or incompletely, and it is not a MoI3 or MoI4 bug?

ps Line 23 of vector.js has the code: dV.item(i).hidden = true;

Maybe the handling or cleanup of bVec() is incorrect?

EDITED: 29 Mar 2020 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.1674 In reply to 7777.1673 
Hi Brian, I tested your vector example .nod over here and all the stuff disappears for me when the node editor window is closed.

Can you please zip up your nodeeditor directory and post it here so I can make sure I'm using the same one as you to try and replicate the problem?

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
7777.1675 In reply to 7777.1674 
Hi Michael,

Attached is 7zip of my nodeeditor file in appdata, for MoI4beta (Jan22, 2020).

I did just reinstall nodeeditor from Jame's link to MoI3, under program files x86, with no change in MoI3 results.

- Brian

It seems to be a weird problem. No Idea what I am doing wrong...
No one else having the problem...

I was trying out the nodeeditor vector nodes, as prelude to a canal surface node or script.
Simple case of a modWedge tangent to plane x=0, for modifying Reuleaux tetrahedron for uniform symmetric tetrahedron.

If it is just something defective in my files, maybe not worth too much investigation time?
The problem is not limiting my script play. It just is nice to know what causes such a problem :-)
Maybe the problem will correct itself with new version updates?
I'm using MS OneDrive a lot. It is very convenient. Hope it does not crash some day and make my data vanish.

EDITED: 25 Mar 2021 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.1676 In reply to 7777.1675 
Hi Brian, thanks for posting your nodeeditor folder.

So here's the steps that I am doing. First I launched your node editor dialog, then I use Load and load in your VectorExamples.nod file from above (on post, then I push the Run button and those arrow objects appear. Then I close the node editor and they all disappear.

Are you doing any different steps than that?

- Michael
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.1677 In reply to 7777.1675 
Hello Brian,

If I remeber right, the effect happens when an objectlist is still pointing to such objects. It is a while ago that I look to the code. The vector things are created in a very short time with my limited skills in js - so it is possible that there are side effect by using a particular sequence. As I remember - I didn't planned to keep the vector objects - they should have only the purpose to visualize.

I hope that I find some time to have a look.

Have a nice day
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 From:  bemfarmer
7777.1678 In reply to 7777.1676 
Hi Michael,
Thank you for taking a look.

After pushing the Run Button, I push the Apply button, which makes the arrows stay on the MoI screen after nodeeditor is closed.

- Brian
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 From:  bemfarmer
7777.1679 In reply to 7777.1677 
Hi Karsten,

Thank you for all of your past, present, and future work and help, and taking a look at the code.

- Brian

So maybe an objectlist needs to be closed upon exit?
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