Nodebundle for playing with nodes
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.143 In reply to 7777.139 
Hello Al,

please test the node. I hope it fulfill your needs.

Have a nice evening

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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
7777.144 In reply to 7777.143 
Hi Karsten
solved brilliantly you are great.. with you do not need too many words,
many thanks-
Shortly I will send you some other test on Fillet and Extract , they
continue to give problems
they are not maintained links at the reopening of the file ...
I hope you manage to improve them
Another wish ...
Sweept with multiple Rail and Profile....
Is it too much meat on the fire .......???
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.145 In reply to 7777.144 
Hello Al,

Please send examples of the problems.

>>>>Is it too much meat on the fire .......??? At the moment yes! Nevertheless I will have a look. The Extract and Fillet stuff isn't easy to handle, because the API isn't made for that. Some of my nodes have to be improved, regarding to the workflow. And thats the point we have to look to the pathArray and multiple profiles for sweep. To handle that, I have to have a deeper understanding of the node editors internals. That I don't have at the moment. I think Max avoids every comment and long names in the code for a better performance. The internals have a very elegant and tricky structure (for the little parts I understood), but for me It's sometimes hard to understand the rest of djungle of characters, braces and numbers:-) Anyway - some things are already possible;-) The rest will come.

Have a nice day

p.s.: Damn, we missed the elephant's birthday:-)
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 From:  mkdm
7777.146 In reply to 7777.139 
Hi AL and good morning.

I'm glad to see that Karsten has already resolved your request with this reply :
I had no doubt!

Frankly speaking, as I already told many times, math is absolutely NOT my field of software developing,
and Project Elephant can really grows only with people like the (big) Max, Karsten, James (JFH), you and a few more people
whose name I sincerely don't remember (I'm sorry).

In fact, the nodes I have written (PatternSelectArray, ArrayShuffler, ArrayFlipper, ArrayLogger, SelectedObjExt) and some other
nodes of which I spoke in some previous posts (Boolean node for PointArray and ArrayMathTrasformations) are only ideas
that not requires math knowledge and are simply a bunch of JS code assembled using the code of other nodes,
a brief reading to Moi's Api docs ( and, ultimately, my intuition :)

Excluding some time off, spent playing with 3D modelling, really I don't have much free time to dedicate to Project Elephant developing.

So, happy coding to you and the other guys and best wishes for all :)

Have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi Karsten
my friend, do not think I do not understand your
difficulties, in any case, let say
and really appreciated what you're doing
to refine the System
He works quietly, and have patience if some times
take for granted the achievement of certain goals
Good Work
Have a nice day

Ps - I do not understand what you mean by The Elephant birthday
patience, maybe I will explain better, as you will have understood
I seriously problems with the English language-
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
7777.148 In reply to 7777.146 
Ciao Marco
sappi che anche il tuo impegno รจ di grande aiuto,
credo che ognuno di noi debba dare il meglio di
quello che sa fare...
Buona giornata

Hello Marco
Also know that your efforts is a big help,
I think everyone should give his best
what she does ...
Have a nice day
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.149 In reply to 7777.147 
Hallo Al,

It's been a year since Max's first version!
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
on second thought, after I responded, I arrived
to understand ..
(better late than never)
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 From:  mkdm
7777.151 In reply to 7777.149 
Hi Karsten and everyone!

> "It's been a year since Max's first version!"

Thank you very much for the reminder!!

These are the main and fundamental steps of Project Elephant's history :

1) Thread "grasshopper for moi" 26 Oct 2015 (
Max has written :
"Today I wrote a test-script which can create and manipulate objects by using html5 graphics interface.
Everything works great. Html5 canvas, window and mouse events e.t.c.
So it is technically possible to write the grasshopper clone for MoI."

2) Thread "grasshopper for moi" 28 Oct 2015 (
Max has written :
"I've found great node-based editor! Litegraph.js
It's fast, small and free."

3) Thread "grasshopper for moi" 28 Oct 2015 (
Max has written :
"First real test. It works pretty good."

4) Thread "Parametric design in MoI?" 19 Nov 2015 (
Max's YouTube video : MoI nodeeditor preview

Thanks to Michael, Moi3D is a wonderful software but i think that there's a Moi BEFORE Max's contribution and a Moi AFTER Max's contribution.

I have nothing more to say.


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi Karsten and Friends
a little test with the new Node
SplitPts, which I have used in an intuitive manner,
Do you wonder if you can get me some small example
how to use it
The outputs that you've highlighted in the attached image
What return?
thanks in advance

Ps-On this test, Blend is stable.......
try to move the Knob points you'll get a nice performance
of Blend Surf

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.153 In reply to 7777.152 
Hallo Al,

the pointarrays that Max has designed are not so simple as it looks - welcome to the internals. Max choosed so called Euler angles (roll, nick, gear ) and a scale component to describe and transport also frames and scale factors. The node isn't made for the typical work - its more a possibility to make some vector math operations (mathematical surgery). So it is possible to read knots/nodes from fea files (CSV-Files node) and also read a e.g. displacement field of knots. With the split node you can add the components of the displacement to the components of the base knots and display the deformed knots - or maybe something else. I've made it for some test with fea stuff (placing spheres ...).

Have a nice evening
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 From:  mkdm
Hi everyone.

I have written a new simple and useful node : "PointExt" contained into the file "basicExt.js".

It's almost identical to "Basic/Point" node and the the only difference is that my "PointExt"
exposes also the others PointArray's properties, that is AngleX, AngleY, AngleZ and pSize.

Using the great "Points2/spliPts" node (many thanks to its author) and my "PointExt" node I was able to "mimic" the behavior
of the node of which I spoke in some previous posts, that is, the node "ArrayMathTrasformations" that should do these things :

- Input :
     - PointArray
     - Math formula to apply to "X" values of each array element
     - Math formula to apply to "Y" values of each array element
     - Math formula to apply to "Z" values of each array element
     - Math formula to apply to "AngleX" values of each array element
     - Math formula to apply to "AngleY" values of each array element
     - Math formula to apply to "AngleZ" values of each array element
     - Math formula to apply to "pSize" values of each array element

- Output :
    - The resulting PontArray

With the opportunity to include into every single math formula, a reference to the fields of the PointArray structure.

Here's the new nodeeditor_0_85_mod6 archive : that contains also my new "PointExt" node.

Here's a brief video :

And here's the .nod file :

Performances are rather weak but I think that with all job done in one single node (ArrayMathTrasformations) things would improve.


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.155 In reply to 7777.154 
Hi Marco

Thank you for these new nodes. To familiarise myself with them, I re-did Max's Twist exercise
using spliPts/PointExt. A Dynamic Duo opening up limitless possibility.

Thanks again

UPDATED to run on most recent NE (Jun18)

EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH


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 From:  mkdm
7777.156 In reply to 7777.155 
Hi James.

You're welcome!

You did a very interesting nod file.

I hope that one day, someone more skilled than me in math, want to write the "ArrayMathTrasformations" node that
should pull all these stuff together (Math node + PointExt) into a single and faster node ;)

Have a nice day,

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
7777.157 In reply to 7777.156 
Hi Marco
Cool Node... PointExt ,
well done , clarifies the question which I put to Karsten
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi Karsten and Friend
By continuing the exercise CP-Catenary , I have another question from ports of;
If you wanted to split the 30 curves obtained
with 10 points each
and then reuse these 30 groups of 10 pt each
to draw as many curves (each of 30 pt)....
see attached picture ( Rhino -Gh)
Is it possible to do it ?
which nodes can I use?
many thanks
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 From:  mkdm
7777.159 In reply to 7777.155 
Hi James (again)

Here's a little upgrade of your Twist2 nod file.

Here's the Twist3.nod :

And here's some screenshot : and

I think that would be a good thing if we put at the end of all our posts with nod files this notation :
"These nod files requires <node editor version name> downloadable at <url>"

These nod files requires "nodeeditor_0_85_mod6" that contains also my new "PointExt" node downloadable at


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.160 In reply to 7777.159 
Hi Marco,

Cool update .nod file.

>>i think that there's a Moi BEFORE Max's contribution and a Moi AFTER Max's contribution.<<

I fully endorse your concept of the "Maxian Calendar" as we enter year 2 AE (Anno Elephantus)


EDITED: 17 Nov 2016 by JFH

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.161 In reply to 7777.158 
Hello Al,

I'm working on that at the moment. We need a multiple pathArray for that. It was clear for me, that you will ask and I agree with you it's a elementary function. But there a 4 problems at the moment: time, the performance of the pathArray, knowledge of JS and knowledge of the elephants internals. Performance:pathArray could be replaced by a node that only gives unoriented points - the rest is still difficult.

Have a nice day
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.162 In reply to 7777.161 
Hello Al,

have a look in mPathArray and switch under Infos to "cross"- connect your curves and connect the output to Curves\Curve interpcurve ...
The node is very untested!!!
Have a nice day

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