Nodebundle for playing with nodes
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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1397 In reply to 7777.769 

We are looking to rationalise the extension nodes, & with a view to this I have retributed your node contributions into existing submenus. Have a look at attached r2d3.js file, & let me know what you think.

Also, I was having a play with your stream2array node: icosStream.nod attached.
I posted an animation to instagram (it too big to post here, I'm running out of server allowance)

Anyway, I have noticed some anomalous behaviour. Have a look at 2nd instance of stream2array node. It is not connected to an output but rather outputs through the 1st instance of the node. Curious!

Nevertheless, I am enjoying exploring your nodes

NE folder can be found here:

EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.1398 In reply to 7777.1394 
Hello Brian,

could you please test this:

 if ( document.URL.indexOf("appdata") > 0 ) { docupath = document.URL.split("index.html")[0]+"nodes\/extensions\/Documentation\/"+lang.LANGUAGE + "\/"; }
					else { docupath = document.URL.split(/moi:\/\/(.*\/).*/g)[1].replace("ui","")+"nodes\/extensions\/Documentation\/"+lang.LANGUAGE + "\/"; }

Thanks in advance!
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 From:  bemfarmer
7777.1399 In reply to 7777.1398 
Hi Karsten,
This version enables the doc dropdown in both "Light" and "default Dark" versions of nodeeditor. (It looks like you added [0] to your code.)

However it also creates a "mouse scroll/zoom wheel" "Hole" at the top center of the nodeeditor screen, Light or Default version.

- Brian
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.1400 In reply to 7777.1399 
Hello Brian,

I've changed to split and take the first part by [0].

The scroll wheel issue doesn't happenend here with Windows 7 64bit and MoI Beta V4. I've tested also on Windows 10 - also no Problem!?

Have a nice day
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 From:  bemfarmer
7777.1401 In reply to 7777.1400 
Hi Karsten,

So far, no one else has reported having the "Hole", so ...?...

- Brian
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 From:  bemfarmer
7777.1402 In reply to 7777.1401 
Hi Karsten,

It seems that snaggit13 was causing the "Hole", so your latest code seems to be just fine, and enables Light and Default Dark nodeeditor, along with the ne doc dropdown.

- Brian
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.1403 In reply to 7777.1402 
This world is too complicated for an old man like me.
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Message 7777.1404 deleted 14 May 2019 by JFH

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1405 In reply to 7777.1404 
Hi All,

Screen above lofted to fully open pattern to give variable aperture relief, mapped to a surface



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 From:  mkdm
7777.1406 In reply to 7777.1405 
Amazing James!

Great job!!

- Marco (mkdm)
My Procreate portfolio
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Message 7777.1407 deleted 19 Mar 2019 by JFH

 From:  bemfarmer
7777.1408 In reply to 7777.1405 
Much nicer than a recent stucco expanded metal purchase.
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi James
for what little it is worth ..
amazing result
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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1410 In reply to 7777.1409 
Thanks Al

It is worth a lot,

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 From:  bemfarmer
After 2 weeks of intermittent coding, study of many nodes, mostly by Karsten, and hundreds of corrections, a node for LineWeb was created.
There are many comments in the code, which could be removed.

In addition to the LineWeb node, a simple demo node program is attached.
Copy the LineWebNode.js file in the nodeeditor Extensions folder.
This will place the LineWeb node in the Construct2 menu.
(Construct2 could also be edited to include the LineWeb node code.) Maybe Karsten or James will do this, after the node is tested?

Testing has been minimal.
Input of other objectlist types has not be tested, nor is there any code to check for other types of objectlists.

- Brian

EDITED: 23 Mar 2019 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  bemfarmer
For simple curve nodes such as Line, Circle, Star, Polygon, Curve/Interpcurve, ..., wired to an Output node, what color will the curve be drawn in?

If the Output node has "--" set for Style color, the color drawn will be the Style color currently in effect for MoI:
a. when the curve output is Wired to said Output node. And Run.
b. when the curve output is Rewired to said Output node.
c. when the node program is re-Loaded and Run.

If the Output node has a Style color set in it's Info box, that will be the color drawn, at Run, or during Run, over-riding a previously wired MoI Style color.
In the current session, Switching the Output node Style color set in it's Info box back to "--", reverts to the MoI Style color previously in effect, (even if MoI Style was changed, and there was no rewire.) (The previous wired color is "remembered" for the current MoI nodeeditor session.)

- Brian
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 From:  bemfarmer
Normal Distribution, Bell Curve.
- Brian

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 From:  bemfarmer
UnwrapCurve node, with majority of the code from UnwrapCurve script of Michael, made compatible with nodeeditor.

Learned that script (sub) functions are located in nodeeditor basicFunctions.js. LengthSq was not in there,
but magnitude(vec) was, as well as normalizeVec(vec) and scaleVec(vec,factor).

dir.scale( 1.0 / magnitude(dir) ); code did not work properly, (Lines and curves had Unwrap length squared, but circles and stars yielded the correct Unwrap length.)

but, dir = scaleVec( dir,1/magnitude(dir) );, did work properly.

(Limited testing)
There is no code to restrict input to curves...

- Brian

EDITED: 27 Mar 2019 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Trivial questions just for concept! :)

Does Elephant can call an existing command like the last InsertCircle by Michael ?

If by miracle yes, send it a wished radius value can be possible?

Of course i can make differently even without the InsertCircle (because you must click at each time) ;)
Array on Curve + Boolean Union made that very well! ;)

(about Array on Curve just (re) discovered that you can move the Base's & Offset's Points during the run of it! :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.1416 In reply to 7777.1415 
Hi Pilou,

> Does Elephant can call an existing command like the last InsertCircle by Michael ?

No, not quite exactly - Elephant does not call a "command" in MoI its nodes call MoI's script functions which is also what commands call.

But it is possible to make a node that does the same thing that "InsertCircle" does though, by using the same script that the command uses. Basically it's packaged up differently.

- Michael
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