Nodebundle for playing with nodes
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.1076 In reply to 7777.1074 
Hello Pilou,

I meant possible now. Everything can improved -that's clear. But I think we got a good state - from the start till now. And not all functions can be converted to a node and it isn't useful in my opinion. But, Step by step we can close the gap. And new Options in V4 will do the rest.

Have a nice day
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi Friends
an adaptation of a movable window module
on a canopy, applied not with Flow tool, but with
Copy from/ to point...
as usual file at this link:
Have a nice day to all

PS-I take this opportunity to greet the great Karsten
welcome back ... we hope for your help
for the next developments .... without you, this,
I think it would not have been possible
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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1078 In reply to 7777.654 
Hi Karsten,

In reply to

<< I've already written a Network node, but it's very unstable caused by the orientation of the Input curves.>>.

Now I don't want to badger, only remind you, in case it has slipped your mind;
that this was a path that you had already ventured down and that you may be interested in revisiting it with new eyes.
(if you will excuse the mangled metaphor). Network it the major missing construct node in NE

All the best

EDITED: 13 Jun 2018 by JFH

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.1079 In reply to 7777.1078 
Hello James,

the Network factory is one of those who crashes MoI, if the Input is not correct. Futhermore it is difficult to sort and orient the curves in the right way for the Input. A lot of logic and checks would be necessary to bring the curves in a topological structure. And I don't know how MoI itselve handles that.

Have a nice day
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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1080 In reply to 7777.1079 
Hi Karsten,

Thank you for getting back to me.

<< Network factory is one of those who crashes MoI....I don't know how MoI itselve handles that.>>.

OK perhaps this is one node that is best left to Max.

But while I've got you here: you also some time ago observers that
<< rebuild curve would also help for a complete toolchain!.>>,

Is this something that you have looked at?

I loath coming across as a total ingrate, because the truth is, I could not be more grateful
for all your great work.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.1081 In reply to 7777.1079 
The Network factory has inputs like this:

0: Object list - U curves
1: Object list - V curves
2: List of curve orientation objects - U orientations
3: List of curve orientation objects - V orientations
4: String - Mode, One of "normal", "lighter", "custom", "uniform"
5: Number - Custom tolerance, Fitting tolerance to use when mode = "custom".
6: Int - Uniform Num Points - Number of interior points to use when mode = "uniform".

The way it works in the normal command is only the U curves are populated by the command script, and the orientation data is empty. Then when the it runs it sorts those into separate U and V lists and makes the orientation lists that records any flipping that was done so that when the factory is persisted into a history string and there is a history update late it won't attempt to resort them at that time.

If you can extract a sample of what's not working for you such that it is runnable outside of the node editor as just a regular command it would make it easier for me to track down what is going wrong there.

- Michael
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.1082 In reply to 7777.1081 
Hello Michael,

thanks for the information! It wasn't clear for me how it works and I thought at the end, I have to sort it in the JS-Code. The old documentation wasn't helpful - only 4 Inputs. So I will start working on Network again the next days, but with low priority -FIFA World Cup starts today and that requires a lot of capacity:-) Holy weeks for me!

A nice day to all
and thanks again
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 From:  James (JFH)
Hi All,

Only after doing gyroid nod file, did I discover early discussion of batwing gyroid on the forum & Jotero's suggested method.
However this took me to his online gallery. One of his sculptures was the inspiration for this: byrdCage.nod


EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH

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 From:  mkdm
7777.1084 In reply to 7777.1083 


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.1085 In reply to 7777.1081 
Hello Michael,

the problem was that the network factory need curves that are already added to the database - otherwise the factory shows this in the crash report:

.\Init.cpp 501: Moi starting up
Current command = none, Version = Sep-18-2014
7 network V1
22 objectlist 8 U curves0
22 objectlist 8 V curves0
21 string 4 Mode6 normal
49 double 16 Custom tolerance3f847ae147ae147b (0.01)
27 int 18 Uniform Num Points10

It reminds me to the 'removeduplicates' factory.

Now I can fix some other problems:-)

Many thanks and
have a nice day

@ James - Is railrevolve already distributed?
function RailRevolve()
	this.addOutput("Out","objectlist"); = { mode:[/*"Union","Union"*/"Long","Long","Short"], cap_ends:["On","On","Off"]};

RailRevolve.title = "RailRevolve";
RailRevolve.desc = "RailRevolve";

RailRevolve.prototype.onExecute = function()

		var data = this.processInOut([0], this.multiProcess,null, null, null );
		this.setOutputData(0, data.outputs[0]);

RailRevolve.prototype.multiProcess = function(prof,rail, f)
	var frame = f.getFrame();
	return [factory ('railrevolve', prof.item(0),rail.item(0), frame.origin, frame.evaluate( 0, 0, 1 ),[0] === "On")];

LiteGraph.registerNodeType("Construct2/RailRevolve", RailRevolve);
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
Hello James,

very untested - only some standard test:
function network()
        this.addInput("In", "objectlist");
        this.addOutput("Out", "objectlist"); = { mode: ["normal", "normal","lighter", "exact","custom","uniform"], tolerance: [0.01], numPts: [10]};

    network.title = "network";
    network.desc = "network";

    network.prototype.onExecute = function ()
        var inObj = this.getInputData(0, moi.geometryDatabase.createObjectList());
        var output = moi.geometryDatabase.createObjectList();
        var temp = moi.geometryDatabase.createObjectList();
   if (inObj.length > 3) {
            var tempname=getUID(6);
        for(var i=0;i<inObj.length;i++){temp.addObject(inObj.item(i));temp.item(i).name=tempname;};
            var nFac = moi.command.createFactory( 'network');
            nFac.setInput(0, temp);
	   	if ( ! nFac.canDoCoonsPatch &&[0]=== "exact" ){moi.ui.alert("Network option exact not possible! switch back to normal ");[0]="normal";};

	    nFac.disableUpdate( true );
//            nFac.setInput(4, 'normal');
//            nFac.update();
            output = nFac.calculate();
//            nFac.commit();
        var delfac = moi.command.createFactory( 'delete' );
	delfac.setInput( 0, temp );
           this.setOutputData(0, output); 
LiteGraph.registerNodeType("Construct2/Network", network);

Please make some experiments and report me about.

A nice day to all

EDITED: 14 Jun 2018 by KMRQUS

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.1087 In reply to 7777.1085 
Hi Karsten,

> the problem was that the network factory need curves that are already added to the
> database - otherwise the factory shows this in the crash report:

I'm glad you found the problem! This issue of not being able to use "loose" objects that are not in the database with an async factory should be solved in v4. The problem was that previously a newly created object was not assigned a unique id value until it was added to the geometry database, while in v4 this happens right when objects are created.

- Michael
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.1088 In reply to 7777.1087 
Hello Michael,

thank You for the explanation - now it's making sense to me. And the change in V4 can simplify the code and avoid some workarounds with naming. Top!!!

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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1089 In reply to 7777.1086 
Hi Karsten,

What a delightful & unexpected gift to wake up to...and not only that but a bonus node.

I've gone back to my gyroid experiments and replaced the imported element with a base surface
wholly constructed in NE via network node. Works perfectly.

I will continue to play around with it & rail revolve and report any issues.

Thanks again Karsten, you are a champion

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 From:  James (JFH)
Hi All

With new network node it is possible to distort a regular pattern to give it that 60's feel
so that when wrapped around an object there is no relationship between the distortion
and underlying topography. It is a bit of a silly experiment, but I think it hints at real
possibilities for graphic expression


EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH


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 From:  Finema
7777.1091 In reply to 7777.1090 
Hi James
It will be cool if we could choose and create the pattern (module) and the wrapped object out of Nodeeditor (not with code), just with MoI tools.
Thanks for your good job :)
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi Friends
I pushed, I believe at the Elephant limit ....
which can handle around 2800 surfaces and smooth them
It is not a brainer ....
Very Very Very Stronge Program ..
In addition, I see that Karsten goes on with new tools
Network. Swept Rail etc. etc.
very, very good , what to say , beyound thath Thanks to those
who make it possible....

For those interested the file is this link :
It is a Interwoven surface, quite complex
to test the true potential of the program
Happy weekend to everyone
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 From:  James (JFH)
Hi All,

Following on from my last post; attached is a .nod file for generating randomised distorted patterns.
4 example outputs below

Could be used for creating stone paving, by replacing circles with spheres: See additional image below


PS Go easy with increasing intensity slider unless you want a punk pattern.

EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH


Image Attachments:
Size: 35.7 KB, Downloaded: 28 times, Dimensions: 640x477px
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 From:  mkdm
7777.1094 In reply to 7777.1093 
AMAZING!!!! usual!

Fantastic stuff for all "2D-workflow" related works!

Your creations are of superior quality and I think that they CAN'T be missed by anyone.

You should (if you want) put all your latest/best nodes into a public storage to be accessible by all Moi' guys, without searching (and losing) them here on the "maremagnun" of this forum.

Thanks a lot James!

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1095 In reply to 7777.1094 
Hi Marco,

Thank you for your kind words. Funnily enough, I was inspired by your 2D workflow work when doing this .nod file. It is very clever the way you have used moi as a vector graphics tool like illustrator. It is something I intend to emulate more in the future. Anything to use Adobe's products less, the better.

As for an archive; I think it is a good idea, but probably best left until after NE is out of beta.

Thanks again
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