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 From:  Michael Gibson
7759.5 In reply to 7759.4 
Hi Pilou, it doesn't make any result in MoI, it makes a .csv text file which can then be opened with a spreadsheet program like Excel.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7759.6 In reply to 7759.5 
Yes it's the example image "Moi Objects Start / Result in Excel end"
for have an idea! Now I have just the Up Corner page ot the first post! :)

EDITED: 30 Apr 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7759.7 In reply to 7759.6 
Hi Pilou, sorry I don't have any image prepared for that. If someone is asking for a .csv file it's pretty much guaranteed that they already know what a spreadsheet looks like, so making an image of one wouldn't really do anything helpful for them.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7759.8 In reply to 7759.7 
Yes but it was just for make a little article in section Utilities or Script / Plugins of my site! :)
I will see that i can make!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Seems curves are not taken in count!
And there is problem with accents! ;)

(import inside excel made without format) :)

EDITED: 30 Apr 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7759.10 In reply to 7759.9 
Hi Pilou, yes both of those are normal - curves don't correspond to a finished object that will be correspond so the script only gathers up solids. It could be modified easily to look for curves also though if you had some use for that. And also usually a .csv file is just a plain ascii text file and so can't contain accented characters. It might work with some programs though, what spreadsheet program are you using to read it in?

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
<< what spreadsheet program are you using to read it in?
Refound Excel on my computer! ;)

Does it possible to link CutList with the CVolume of Max Smirnov ?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7759.12 In reply to 7759.9 
Hi Pilou, also what happens with your accented characters if you open the .csv file in Notepad, do they display ok there?

If so try saving it out again from Notepad using the Encoding UTF-8 option on the Notepad save dialog, your new file will contain a "Byte Order Mark" at the front of it which may then get recognized by your spreadsheet program.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7759.13 In reply to 7759.12 
Yes good accents are visible on the Notepad! :)

Ok perfect!

Waiting the CVolume by Max! :)

EDITED: 30 Apr 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7759.14 In reply to 7759.11 
Hi Pilou,

> Does it possible to link it with the CVolume of Max Smirnov ?

It could be possible, you'd need to copy the volume calculation code into the .csv generator script.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7759.15 In reply to 7759.13 
Hi Pilou,

> Yes good accents are visible on the Notepad! :)

So that means your text file is ok (meaning it has UTF-8 text data in it), it's just that Excel doesn't interpret it as UTF-8 text using the regular file open method.

You could try saving it out from Notepad as UTF-8 which will put the Byte Order Mark at the front of the file which may get Excel to read it as UTF-8 text, or you could try using the Data > From Text method in Excel to read it which I think has a way to specify that it's UTF-8 text as described here:

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7759.16 In reply to 7759.15 
Seems Excel accept directly (Ansi from the Moi Cutlist modified in Notpad in UTF8)

Just Sphere has extra measures ! ?

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
The original file 3dm (With Curve, Sphere, Box, Cylinder)

From the CVolume by Max there are Volume, Surface , Mass, Density, Material and Center of Mass! :)

EDITED: 30 Apr 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7759.18 In reply to 7759.16 
Hi Pilou,

re: Just Sphere has extra measures ! ?

Looks like that's because of the French way of having commas for the decimal point separator. Since commas are also used as item separators in the .csv file that makes Excel think there are more columns there.

This can be fixed by tuning up the CutList.js script file, on lines 31-33 of the script there's this currently:

		cutobj.x = moi.ui.formatCoordinate( bbox.xLength, 6 );
		cutobj.y = moi.ui.formatCoordinate( bbox.yLength, 6 );
		cutobj.z = moi.ui.formatCoordinate( bbox.zLength, 6 );

Try replacing those lines with this instead and see if that fixes it:

		cutobj.x = moi.ui.formatCoordinate( bbox.xLength, 6 ).replace( ',' , '.' );
		cutobj.y = moi.ui.formatCoordinate( bbox.yLength, 6 ).replace( ',' , '.' );
		cutobj.z = moi.ui.formatCoordinate( bbox.zLength, 6 ).replace( ',' , '.' );

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Yes the famous "decimal" point! :)

It's with little things like that billions are losted in reality in Space discovery with satellites, space rockets etc...!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
<< Try replacing those lines with this instead and see if that fixes it:

So perfect!
(I believe that this Moi export who is regulated on Ansi for any reason)

I am affraid that was a littme more difficult for the CVolume... :)

This correction will works also for people who have not decimal point problem
or we must have 2 versions ?
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 From:  bemfarmer
7759.21 In reply to 7759.20 
The comma replace modification, (Euro version), works fine with MoI solids in US version of MoI.
There are not any commas to replace, as commas are not used to separate thousands in the MoI numbers.
In Excel, format can add in the thousands comma, if needed for a gigantic solid object.
CutList is a nice little script!
- Brian
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7759.22 In reply to 7759.20 
Hi Pilou, yes the update should work for all cases, both with comma decimals and period decimals. I've updated the script in the original message with the fix.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7759.23 In reply to 7759.22 
THX for all!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Another little trap!

For a French version, what is the trick for messages, tittle etc...where there are " ' " like inside "Nom d'Objet" ?
Because this result a glitch inside Moi! :)
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