>> It IS working properly...given that sin(117) / 2 = -0.34, the floor value will be -1
Hello James, but I think sin(117) = 0.891 even calculator says that!
I assume the value of sin is not calculated in Degree? (I think it is in Rad)
How can I get 1 for values of A from 0 to 180, and -1 for values of A from 181 to 360? in Degrees.
for example I thought if I use : 1+( 2 * floor function of (sin (a)/2)) I could have 1 for 0<a<180 and -1 for 180 <a<360
.>>If you imagine a point revolving around a circle, at any point the sine of the angle: sin[a]
equals the y component / radius, so regardless of the radius the result will be 0 on the horizontal axis
and 1 & -1 at top & bottom of the vertical axis respectively, and the points in-between will give a result
ranging from -1 to 1
Luckily, I know about it! and I know if we imagine a circle and divide it by the largest horizontal segment (it's horizontal diameter) then "sin(an angle in the upper semicircle)" would be positive and "sin(an angle in the lower semicircle)" would be negative. :-)
I just don't know how to do it in Nodeeditor, How to turn all positive values of sin to 1 and negative ones to -1.
Edit: Dear James I always had struggle where t use RAD and where to use Degree!