Parametric design in MoI?
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7713.854 In reply to 7713.853 
Hi James!
Sorry, I have no plans (and I have no time) to write any math or geometry nodes for NE this year.
I certainly will continue development of node editor (January or February, I don't know..)
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7713.855 In reply to 7713.839 
Could this be used for guitar curves like arch tops?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7713.856 In reply to 7713.855 
Hi Neil,

> Could this be used for guitar curves like arch tops?

It's theoretically possible, but it would involve quite a lot of work. Basically the node editor is a different way to build models by building the instructions to do it. It's a form of programming.

- Michael
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7713.857 In reply to 7713.856 
OK - a bit too advanced for me then. Seems the guys who do car modeling use different methods than I do - although some car curves and guitar curves are quite similar. Would like to pick up more of their methods. Any suggestions?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7713.858 In reply to 7713.857 
Hi Neil, you might look for Rhino tutorials on car modeling. It tends to be a pretty advanced area.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7713.859 In reply to 7713.857 
Take a look at this beautiful nurbs car modeling tutorial ! ;) (there are also 2 cars tutorials at the same site)
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7713.860 In reply to 7713.858 
It took me almost a year to learn how to make a decent neck - and it's on going. If it's too advanced than maybe whats best is to continue learning basic tool use.
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 From:  bemfarmer
In MoI4, with the Dark version of nodeeditor working properly, and failing to get the Light version of nodeeditor to run, after re-reading many posts, the Light version now works, as described below.

Max describes how to install nodeeditor.v.1.rc3, in Windows (AppData directory) or Mac (Application Support directory) here:

In MoI4beta, for the above Windows type of install, to run nodeeditor, version 1, rc3, the following script may be utilized in 3 ways:

1. By creating a shortcut key , such as Ctrl+Alt+N (for dark version), or Ctrl+Alt+M (for lite version), with the corresponding one of two scripts shown below.

or 2. By Tab Paste to the MoI command window, of either script.

or 3. By using CustomUI: In the AppData "startup" directory, for example in the file 97 Nodeeditor.js, [A second file would have to be created for the light version, resulting in two icons at the bottom of the MoI screen.] a line entry that begins with: var command = <<<<< copy in either of the following scripts here>>>>>. NOTE, add a " at the beginning of the script, AND add a " before the final semicolon (";), in file 97 (or 98). Rename a copy of file 97 to 98 Nodeeditor.js, and rename the title to for example, var title = "NodeEditLite"; Also substitute the Light script below, with the addition of the two ".

For Max's Light color scheme, the script is as follows:

moi.ui.createDialog( 'moi://appdata/nodeeditor/index.html?scheme=Light', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:680,defaultHeight:420', moi.ui.mainWindow );

[For the light version, having light">nodeeditor/ added in, as per other posts, did not work on my computer.]

For the standard Dark color scheme, the script is as follows:

moi.ui.createDialog( 'moi://appdata/nodeeditor/index.html', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:680,defaultHeight:420', moi.ui.mainWindow );

Would someone please try methods 1 and 2 on a Mac, for the Light version?
For the Mac, Michael describes the install folder as:... Library/Application Support/Moi

[If a white window comes up, the nodeeditor is not located in the correct AppData/ sub/sub directories. sub/sub = Roaming/Moi but Roaming is not needed in the above scripts.]

- Brian


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 From:  Michael Gibson
7713.862 In reply to 7713.861 
Hi Brian,

> For the Mac, Michael describes the install folder as:... Library/Application Support/Moi

Just a small correction here - it's in the user Library: ~/Library/Application Support/Moi or /Users/[your user name]/Library/Application Support/Moi , not the system one.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
The macro can be "Stored" in two different formats. The SAVEd verson is unfavorable in my opinion.

Regarding storing a macro for later re-use, the macro should be EXPORTed, rather than SAVEd, to the macro folder under nodeeditor
in [.../appdata/.../ (Windows)) or [/Users/[your user name]/Library/Application Support [Mac)]
(Saving saves a sublevel of the macro, which seems to be unfavorable?)

To re-use a macro, a previously Exported copy should be Imported, or selected from the right-click drop-down window,
rather than loaded.

A SAVEd macro can be LOADed just fine, but if a SAVEd macro is selected from the drop down list, it comes in at a sublevel.

If an EXPORTed macro is LOADed, it appears in the nodeeditor screen in expanded form.

- Brian

EDITED: 20 Dec 2018 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  bemfarmer
A new, empty Macro may be used to add a title block to a node program. There are no input slots, nor output slots, and
the color may be different.
- Brian
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 From:  James (JFH)
7713.865 In reply to 7713.864 

Thanks for the tip: RE title blocks.

Another useful workflow element that may be introduced in the near future is grouping. The attached image, shows a different node application built upon lightgraph.js, the underpinnings of NE. Similarly, group blocks could be utilised for titling of a group of nodes that perform a particular discreet function, helping to make complex node circuitry more legible.

There have been a number of advances in litegraph:
It is worth having a look/play around, to see what new features may be part of NE’s development.

Anyway that is tomorrow and this is today,

Happy New Year to everyone here,

EDITED: 1 Jan 2019 by JFH

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 From:  bemfarmer
My Duh moment for today: ConvertPts node comes in 3 modes, Curves U, Curves V, and Points.



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Message 7713.867 deleted 4 Jan 2019 by BEMFARMER

 From:  bemfarmer
The following minor “bug?” was found for copy/paste of several nodes tried:

Let canvas1 be a canvas with macro detail subscreen1.
Let canvas2 be a canvas created by Alt + NewButton, which may have a macro subscreen2.

Copy/Paste of a Constant node from canvas1 to subscreen1, then the numerical contents of the constant node are copied, and the Information panel is viewable, and editable.

However, if the Constant node is copy/pasted from canvas1 to canvas2, or to subscreen2, then the Information panel is not viewable. But, if the copy in canvas2 is copied a second time, to canvas2, or subcanvas2, then the Information panel contents are viewable and editable.

- Brian
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7713.869 In reply to 7713.868 
Hi Brian,

>>The following minor “bug?” was found for copy/paste of several nodes
Yes, it's a bug, and I can reproduce it. I'll try to fix it today.

P.S. fixed

EDITED: 5 Jan 2019 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7713.870 In reply to 7713.839 
Hi James,

I've updated Remapper node. Now it works much better.

Replace nodes/interface.js file with this one

P.S. Hold Alt-key to turn on snapping

EDITED: 7 Mar 2022 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  James (JFH)
7713.871 In reply to 7713.870 
Happy New Year Max,

I’m away ATM, but I look forward to using this node on my return.
Your efforts are greatly appreciated. I know it was a difficult task.

Thanks so much,

EDITED: 7 Jan 2019 by JFH

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 From:  bemfarmer
To the ConvertPts node, add two more Modes,
InterpCurves U, and InterpCurves V.

I tried out modifying the factory 'curve' to 'interpcurve', in two places in the points.js code, and the curves changed their mode...
Caused my project demo to have the curves go through points, but interpcurve(s) are supposed to be wigglier...
Would need to duplicate two sections of code to add the two interpcurve modes, and keep the curve modes...

Also added "e" and "f" inputs to the mathPts node, by modifying ~a dozen lines of code. (But they may not be needed...)
Seemed to work, but I may have overlooked something, in my ignorance.

Maybe I'll make a new version for the points2 extension category...

- Brian
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 From:  James (JFH)
7713.873 In reply to 7713.870 
Hi Max

I have just returned home and have had opportunity to test your revised "Remapper" node.
It work brilliantly...great job.

I know that I originally proposed the node having a "range" input, but I wonder if it might be better for the script to determine the range values internally with Math.min() and Math.max() values from the input num array. If think it would simply its operation without a loss of utility.

Let me know what you think.
Thanks again,


EDITED: 25 Jan 2019 by JFH


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