In MoI4, with the Dark version of nodeeditor working properly, and failing to get the Light version of nodeeditor to run, after re-reading many posts, the Light version now works, as described below.
Max describes how to install nodeeditor.v.1.rc3, in Windows (AppData directory) or Mac (Application Support directory) here:
In MoI4beta, for the above Windows type of install, to run nodeeditor, version 1, rc3, the following script may be utilized in 3 ways:
1. By creating a shortcut key , such as Ctrl+Alt+N (for dark version), or Ctrl+Alt+M (for lite version), with the corresponding one of two scripts shown below.
or 2. By Tab Paste to the MoI command window, of either script.
or 3. By using CustomUI: In the AppData "startup" directory, for example in the file 97 Nodeeditor.js, [A second file would have to be created for the light version, resulting in two icons at the bottom of the MoI screen.] a line entry that begins with: var command = <<<<< copy in either of the following scripts here>>>>>. NOTE, add a " at the beginning of the script, AND add a " before the final semicolon (";), in file 97 (or 98). Rename a copy of file 97 to 98 Nodeeditor.js, and rename the title to for example, var title = "NodeEditLite"; Also substitute the Light script below, with the addition of the two ".
For Max's Light color scheme, the script is as follows:
moi.ui.createDialog( 'moi://appdata/nodeeditor/index.html?scheme=Light', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:680,defaultHeight:420', moi.ui.mainWindow );
[For the light version, having light">nodeeditor/ added in, as per other posts, did not work on my computer.]
For the standard Dark color scheme, the script is as follows:
moi.ui.createDialog( 'moi://appdata/nodeeditor/index.html', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:680,defaultHeight:420', moi.ui.mainWindow );
Would someone please try methods 1 and 2 on a Mac, for the Light version?
For the Mac, Michael describes the install folder as:... Library/Application Support/Moi
[If a white window comes up, the nodeeditor is not located in the correct AppData/ sub/sub directories. sub/sub = Roaming/Moi but Roaming is not needed in the above scripts.]
- Brian