Parametric design in MoI?
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 From:  James (JFH)
7713.830 In reply to 7713.818 
Hi Max

I had a look in the nodeeditor directory to see if there was a css file that I may alter so that the nodes showed input and output colours by default rather than only when being connected to. I believe it would be better if the nodes communicated what they "needed" from the outset. (perhaps when they were being connected to, they could high-light in white? OR alternatively dot coloured from the outset & labels coloured only when being connected)

Also in most cases it seems redundant to label outputs, but even more so, if they are coloured.

Maybe you are not in agreement with this proposal, but please give it some consideration.

Have a great weekend

PS I found css stuff, in index.html. I'll see if I can modify.

EDITED: 30 Jul 2018 by JFH

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7713.831 In reply to 7713.830 
Hi James,

you can't change it with css.
NE have a hidden feature which highlights inputs and outputs titles. Alt+Left click on Info button (left upper corner).
In the next version I'll add an ability to switch it using a color scheme settings (colors.js)

>>Also in most cases it seems redundant to label outputs, but even more so, if they are coloured.
I need to think about it. We can't hide all output titles.


1. replace colors.js and main.js with this files
2. set "io_text_highlight" and "io_highlight" parameters in colors.js

EDITED: 29 Jul 2018 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  James (JFH)
7713.832 In reply to 7713.831 
Hi Max,

Thanks for getting back to me, & thanks for the update: it's perfect! Great Stuff.

>> 2. set "io_text_highlight" and "io_highlight" parameters in colors.js <<.

I think it is best with "io_text_highlight" set to "false"

Did you happen to see my earlier post regarding a graphical num array re-mapper:

Is this something that would be capable to achieve in canvas?
I do think it would have wide ranging application.

But I don't want you to think I am not satisfied with your recent update;
I could not be more grateful

Thank you

P.S. Some thoughts on Remapper widget:

By input a new range as well as the array to be remapped will increase widgets utility, so curve may be a straight line if all that is desired is to remap an array to within new range with easing; replacing my macro:

EDITED: 29 Jul 2018 by JFH


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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7713.833 In reply to 7713.832 
Hi James,

>> I think it is best with "io_text_highlight" set to "false"
In my opinion it looks better with both "io_text_highlight" and "io_highlight" switched off :)

>> Some thoughts on Remapper widget
I'll try to write this node today evening. Thank you for a good idea!

EDITED: 7 Mar 2022 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  James (JFH)
7713.834 In reply to 7713.833 
Hi Max,

>> I'll try to write this node today evening.

Wow, this is exciting, Thank you so much...I can't wait.

>> Some...[MORE]...thoughts on Remapper widget

Grasshopper's Graph mapper has 10+ curve types, however several would have limited application.
Instead of emulating their approach, it would IMHO be better to have an anchor point at each end
and a pulldown menu in info panel for the number of control points (0,1,2,3 or 4). In that way, 0 control
points would give a linear remapping of numArray to new range and 1 or 2 control points provide easing.
3 or 4 control points could be used for defining geometry: say you have a linear progression (0,1,2,3,4,5)
wired into z input of Point node (x=0, y=0), as well as into Remapper node with curve as shown below.
The new series output is wired into radius input of Circle node & the Point node is wired into the Center input.
Loft the circles and you have a parametrically defined lathed form. This is a very simple example, but
imagine if multiple Remapper nodes were used together, say affecting rails and profiles of sweeps & rail-revolves,
or multiple curves Lofted or Networked to surfaces.

I imagine you are too far down the track for taking on suggestions, and if the new node allows num array
remapping by S-curve only, it will still be a huge advance for NE

I look forward to seeing what you have done

>> In my opinion it looks better with both "io_text_highlight" and "io_highlight" switched off :)

For future releases, then, have them both set to false and I will reset "io_highlight" to true myself.

EDITED: 1 Aug 2018 by JFH


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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Max , James and Friend
reconnect to the Graph Mapper or Remapper , or speech in any
another way we want to call it,
I unlike James, I would leave some types of curves by default :
and , add a Free Curve with n ° (to be defined) pt ... that govern the curve;

I believe that this way, I will be a more flexible instrument ..._

In addition, I would also like to explore the possibility of improving the tool
2D Slider, also including the possibility of multi-input
so that it becomes a sort of viewer of the curve to be obtained,
without having to pedanticly add more Slider2d ...
What do you think ?
In any case, however you decide, it will be a substantial improvement
good work
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 From:  James (JFH)
7713.836 In reply to 7713.833 
Hi Max,

>> I'll try to write this node today evening. Thank you for a good idea!

Did it turn out to be too hard?

I'm worried that I may have asked too much with my latter post and it made the task insurmountable.

If that is the case, please return to the minimum functionality of applying easing to a numArray as per

Thank you

EDITED: 13 Aug 2018 by JFH

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7713.837 In reply to 7713.836 
Hi James!
Sorry, I was in business trip last week :)

>>Did it turn out to be too hard?
I wrote this node two weeks ago, but I need more time to make it work as I planned it.
In fact it's really hard. :)

You can use it, but I certainly will change it later.

EDITED: 7 Mar 2022 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  James (JFH)
7713.838 In reply to 7713.837 
Thanks Max,

Remapper node is a brilliant start.

>> In fact it's really hard. :)
Please know that I am eternally grateful.

I'm sure you know full well what needs to be done for it to function correctly,
but by way of helping to clarify things I prepared the attached NE file.

At the moment the node only works within the range of input array.
So it first needs to remap the array to within new range.

The math to do this is very simple, as shown.
Ideally this functionality would be incorporated into the node.

In the event that no new range is input into the node,
the output array would remain within existing range.

I hope this accords with your intentions.

Have a great weekend
& thanks again

P.S. I know the remapping does not correlate perfectly with the curve,
(for instance a diagonal straight line does not result with no change to
array as expected), nevertheless it is still workable.
Although perfecting this is desirable, it is less urgent IMHO
than the remapping to new range as outlined above.

EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH


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Message 7713.839 deleted 9 Aug 2020 by JFH

 From:  mkdm
7713.840 In reply to 7713.839 
Amazing stuff!!!

I said this so long ago but now I repeat it: "I think there's a Moi BEFORE Max's contribution and a Moi after Max's contribution"
Moi is the EXCELLENT, TOP-NOTCH, basement, and Max's stuff is what makes Moi jump to the NEXT level!!!!

- Marco (mkdm)
My Procreate portfolio
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 From:  Barry-H
7713.841 In reply to 7713.839 
Hi James,
can you post the remapper nod I tried to repeat it but something not right.
Also I can't get the fillet node to work so not sure if I'm missing something.
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 From:  James (JFH)
7713.842 In reply to 7713.841 
Hi Barry

The reason remapped.nod failed to work may have been due to not updating interface.js
The attached file needs to replace the existing version at:
C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Moi\nodeeditor\nodes\interface.js

Hope this helps

EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH

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 From:  Barry-H
7713.843 In reply to 7713.842 
Hi James,
works fine I had interp node where yours as progression node.
My Interface.js was Ok.
Ps with regards to my fillet issue can you post a simple example.
Many thanks
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 From:  James (JFH)
7713.844 In reply to 7713.843 
Hi Barry,

>> I had interp node where yours as progression node.

It will work with both means of creating a num series, but
it is necessary that the input range is identical.

I am hoping that Max's fixes this so any range can be input
thereby deprecating my reMapRange macro.

>> Fillet

Fillet is a bit different from most nodes in that it requires manual
interaction mid-process. Refer to Karsten's instructions here:

Hope this helps

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Message 7713.845 deleted 21 Aug 2018 by JFH

Message 7713.846 deleted 15 Oct 2018 by JFH

 From:  FDP
Is there a way to autocenter the canvas, or have a mini zoomed-out preview of the canvas? Not having a middle mouse button has made canvas interaction a bit difficult, it would also be nice to allow easy remap of those buttons (sorry if that is already a possibility) and using +/- for zoom would be great as well!
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 From:  James (JFH)
7713.848 In reply to 7713.847 

>> Is there a way to autocenter the canvas, or have a mini zoomed-out preview of the canvas? <<

2 finger double tap on trackpad will zoom to mid-range, however it does not center the canvas.
Max is aware of this and says he'll will revise for next version.

Hope this helps
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 From:  bimaloy30
7713.849 In reply to 7713.630 
The editor is a plugin for MoI. MoI has a VERY ACTIVE community, with the owner/programmer answering any questions you have in the forum. It's hugely more easy to use than any other solids modelers and has one of the best if not the best NURBS to POLYS converter I've ever seen.

4 will be beta any day now, but you have to own 3 to be able to download it. It will probably take a year to go golden, so you're best off just purchasing 3 now.

It's a stunning app, perfect for solid design and concepts. IMO, one needs both a poly modeler AND a NURBS modeler (and a topology modeler). I still enjoy using both SketchUp and MoI and go between them often. I also really like 3D Coat for topology.

You won't go wrong trying MoI. It's that good.

EDITED: 27 Sep 2018 by BIMALOY30

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