Thanks a lot for the info.
Last question...
Which size and format the icon should be ? Png 24 bit (8red,8gree,8blue with transparent background) as we talked about months ago ?
Perfect! I think 64x64 is perfect for any kind of display monitor (both SD/HD/Retina)
One question...
Is there a way to attach and display the icons also for the "categories" end the "nodes"displayed into the scrollable toolbar on the left and int the RMB pupoup menu ?
This would be a great and nice UI improvements.
For example i never use the RMB manu but only the left toolbar that is much more user freindly for me, and having the chance to display icons and/or colored icons into that toolbar would be very useful.
if you mean the little Octane logo you have to use a base64 encoder/decoder in cmd.exe and run on a little png image
"base64 -e image.png > output.txt" and then copy the text from the output file in a string, like shown in Max's code example.
<< if you mean the little Octane logo
Yes :)
So I must read the code and make some headache tricky manipulations for the Nodes Menu!
Wish only one must be made for have the same on the screen of the node Logo Octane Tittle ? :)
No tricky or headache at all if you are a little bit familiar with this kind of things :)
Just use the online tool I've reported ( and follow this little example (pseudo code) :
// This is a js node definition file placed inside the "extensions" folder
function NameOfTheNode() {
... js code of the constructor function of the node
// here is the section that is important for you
NameOfTheNode.title = "NodeTitle";
NameOfTheNode.desc = "Node description";
NameOfTheNode.icon = "";
Just curious logo is not centered on the Menu's Lines?...
Maybe the original is not exactly at the center...
Edit : even the original is centered result is bottom offseted! ?
I have been playing with adding Icons in the node editor to see if they can be recognised at the 64 x 64 size.
On my surface Pro even when zoomed in I don't think over detailed icons will be recognised.
Any idea's on best colour's ?
Hi Rudi,
unfortunally there is no tutorial about the nodeeditor... its still a project in development.
But a good point to start is this forum ore the thread
You will find a lot of examples for whats possible to do with the nodeeditor.
An other thing are the extensions - a lot of people write special plugins for nodeeditor.
I will attach my extensions folder - i think its mostly complete. It goes into the nodeeditor folder