Parametric design in MoI?
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 From:  mkdm
7713.625 In reply to 7713.624 
Hi Max.

@You : "...Yes. I will upload every new version to my site...
Every nodeeditor release ( always contains all project files. In some cases I can upload some changed files separately, before the next release. In that case you need to copy files over the existing ones..."

This is Perfect. Thanks Max.

I've been waiting a long time to see the end of the never-ending-story of mixed version of P. Elephant and : "why this .nod file doesn't work? Where is the missing .js file or node ? Where is the download link ?"


I'm a software developer and one of the things I hate most is the versioning mess.

Thanks again!


Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi Max
I was wondering if you could improve Math and Math Point nodes
increasing the opportunity to place input-
Now we get to the letter d- , but
in the case of complex formulas there is need for more inputs
thank you-
Have a nice day
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7713.627 In reply to 7713.626 
Hi Al,

>>I was wondering if you could improve Math and Math Point nodes increasing the opportunity to place input-
Maybe later but not now. At the moment my high priority task is bugfixing and optimization. Also I prepare new features for v.1.xx releases.
Right now I would prefer do not touch well working code.
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 From:  mkdm
7713.628 In reply to 7713.627 
Hi Max!

@You : "...Right now I would prefer do not touch well working code..."

+1 for this wise choice :)


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7713.629 In reply to 7713.626 
Hello Al,
in many situations it should be possible to split calculations in steps, to get more parameters involved.
a+b+c+d+e=x - > a+b+c=m; d+e=n; m+n=x
I know that you already use this workaround and it has the advantage that very complex formulas will be broke down for a better understanding of the structure.
So have a nice day

p. s. Nevertheless it is always a good idea to push boundaries away;-)
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
In fact I planned this feature for 1.xx versions, but two last evenings was enough to take mess with it.
Macro nodes! :)

Other changes:
Added dynamic mousewheel delta adjusting (Knob/Slider nodes)
Fixed Extract node bug
Fixed Polyline nodebug
Fixed Mouse scroll glitch
Changed Node info windows scroll method
Minor interface improvements

I've made changes in getInputData function in core.js.
It's one of the most important and frequently used functions in nodeeditor.
Please test your node projects! Everything should work good.

EDITED: 7 Mar 2022 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
What a productivity!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  James (JFH)
7713.632 In reply to 7713.630 
Bravo Max,

Thank you for Macro function. It'll greatly enhance legibility of node circuitry so as to not intimidate non-noders.

Will it be possible to marque a group of nodes and make them into a macro? Like so:

Also, will there be a way of loading multiple nod files into Nodeeditor so that macros may be shared between projects? (assuming that there is not to be a new file type for macros)

Thanks again for your inspiring work

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7713.633 In reply to 7713.632 
Hi James

Yesterday I wrote Macro Export / Import tool. It can import nod files as macro. Wait for a next nodeeditor release.

>>Will it be possible to marque a group of nodes and make them into a macro
Yes, but not in the next release.
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 From:  James (JFH)
7713.634 In reply to 7713.633 
Thanks Max,

>>Yesterday I wrote Macro Export / Import tool. It can import nod files as macro. Wait for a next nodeeditor release.<<

This will be brilliant! The ad hoc approach to node wiring can be anything but systematic, so to be able to encapsulate working chunks into macros and then reimport into a overall scheme will provide a much needed layer of structure; so kudos.

>>marque a group of nodes and make them into a macro
Yes, but not in the next release<<

I look forward to then!

I greatly appreciate all your hard work

EDITED: 25 Sep 2017 by JFH

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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi Max
Great excitement and gratitude for the
continuous improvements
Good job....
we look forward to the next .....
Thanks so much ,
have a nice day-
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7713.636 In reply to 7713.630 
Hello Max,

that's really great - thanks for that big improvement!

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)

Added macros Import/Export tool
Fixed Basic/Output remove bug

I desided do not create special file format for macros. All macros will be saved as normal nod-file, and every nod-file you can import as a macro.
If you will try to open saved macro as top-level file all inputs/outputs nodes will be blocked.

Also you can create subdirectory nodeeditor/macros and put there your macros. They will be shown in Macros submenu.
Unfortunately, at the moment I can't scan subdirectories in nodeeditor/macros directory using MoI functions, so I can't create subfolders in macros submenu.

EDITED: 7 Mar 2022 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  mkdm
7713.638 In reply to 7713.637 
Hi Max.

Thank you very much for all your developing efforts!

With this new features for "Macro" you're doing a great job!!

I would like to find some extra spare time ('s a hard challenge) to write some sort of "UI Control Panel" for NodeEditor,
with buttons/tabs/expandable sections, all dynamically created,
in order to give a different UI other than menu, that is very uncomfortable.

Do you think is it feasible ?

I stay tuned.


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7713.639 In reply to 7713.637 
Hello Max,
thank you very much - a first test shows that every thing works fine. Reusing the macros will give the productivity a boost.

So have a nice evening
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 From:  bemfarmer
My only experience with MACROS is in Microsoft Excel, where a series of key presses may be recorded, to reduced repetitive tasks.
"pressing the Macro key causes the sequence of key presses to be repeated."

My attempt of a definition of a MACRO in nodeEdit program:

NOTE: These statements are apparently FAULTY...

A MACRO is a group of nodes which have been pre-wired, or pre-assembled, to perform some function, or portion, of a full .nod program.
A MACRO is a building block. Several MACRO building blocks may be combined to make a .nod program. (?)

Rather that build a .nod file from scratch, by selecting individual nodes, and wiring them up, the .nod file may be built in smaller blocks. (?)
A library of pre-defined MACROS may be built up which accomplish common or typical portions of .nod files.
The programmer loads the appropriate MACROS from the MACRO subdirectory, loads any desired single nodes, (?)
and wires up appropriate connections between the MACROS and single nodes.(?)

Example of a super simple MACRO: A Frequency node wired to a Quartz node. One selection versus two selections and one wire and one label change.
I saved Frequency + Quartz as "Clock.nod" to the Macro directory. (Well, it should be exported...)

I guess a MACRO is saved by saving a .nod file to the Macro directory?
I have not managed to load more than one MACRO at a time.
There is a little box which says Macro, and another little box which says Clock...
Clicking on the Macro box loads Max's Macro.
Clicking on the Clock box loads Frequency+Quartz, but Max's Macro disappears...

- Brian


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 From:  bemfarmer
7713.641 In reply to 7713.640 
So Max's CubePts is a macro container, which can be opened.

Double clicking on a macro container also opens it in a new window with a back button.

I cannot open more than one macro at a time...

- Brian


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 From:  James (JFH)
7713.642 In reply to 7713.640 
Hi Brian,

>>I guess a MACRO is saved by saving a .nod file to the Macro directory?....There is a little box which says Macro.....<<

You need for example, to export the macro "cubePts.nod" out of Max's original "macro.nod" file, like so:

then it & others can be imported into a new project like so:

Hope this helps

EDITED: 2 Oct 2017 by JFH

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7713.643 In reply to 7713.642 
About this example CubePtrs.nod

It's only the node "CubePtrs" who is saved or the Node "CubePtrs" + Knob + Slider + OutPut who is saved as "Macro A" ?
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 From:  James (JFH)
7713.644 In reply to 7713.643 
Hi Pilou,

>>It's only the node "CubePtrs" who is saved<<
Yes, the macro can be exported with any name, though it makes sense to give the .nod file the same name as the macro within.

.>>or the Node "CubePtrs" + Knob + Slider + OutPut who is saved as "Macro A" ?<<
No, I only included "MacroA" highlighted to illustrate that multiple macros may be imported into a project.
The Knob + Slider + OutPut will not be included in the export.


EDITED: 2 Oct 2017 by JFH

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