Hi Max,
Thank you for your continued development of node editor.
Brilliant as ever!
The new interfacing capabilities will be a real enhancement to
productivity: in particular the marque selection of multiple nodes.
This is very useful for ordering complex node wiring diagrams,
however there would also be great utility in being able to delete
multiple nodes at once. Is it possible to activate the "delete" key
to work with litegraph core?
Also as I understand it, Javi Agenjo imposed a limitation on nodes
that they can receive only single inputs, but may have unlimited
multiple outputs. However in node editor, nodes with object outputs
are further limited to single outputs necessitating the "clone" node.
Particularly as is, with only 2 outputs, the "clone" node
introduces a lot of unnecessary complexity to wiring diagrams,
greatly inhibiting their legibility. Obviously, this problem could be
improved vastly with the allowance of additional outputs.
However it would be better to deprecate the "clone" node altogether,
and introduce unlimited multiple outputs to object out nodes as well.
Is this something that is even possible?
Thanks again for your great work,
I can not express enough how appreciative I am of your efforts.