Parametric design in MoI?
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 From:  James (JFH)
7713.529 In reply to 7713.528 
Hi Karsten

Ornament is a crime :-)

I think there may have been some semantic confusion.
I meant pattern as order not ornament; designation not decoration.

Thanks for updating these nodes, I greatly appreciate it.

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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hello Friends
a new little exercise to test some Karsten's nodes

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7713.531 In reply to 7713.529 
Hello James,

I agree with you about ornaments and the different interpretation of "pattern". But I'm not an artist and haven't the creativity like some others here, so there are many different points of view about the aesthetics of ornaments, that I can accept.

Have a nice day

p.s.: Please, don't let us start a dicussion about that here - I'm afraid about that!
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 From:  mkdm
7713.532 In reply to 7713.528 
Hi Kartsen and good morning.

Thank you for updating my old arraysExt.js and litegraphExt.js.

N.B. I will begin by saying that I'running latest Max's verison "" at

Well...I'm sorry but it seems that your updates doesn't works for me.
I think that I'm doing something wrong or I'm getting a little bit confused among various versions (mine and yours).

When I run your last experiment "ashuffle.nod" (
I get this error :

Also if I run this simple .nod file ( I get this error :

I'm running your arraysExt.js that you uploaded (
and this is my litegraphExt.js that has your modifications :

// litegraphExt.js v.0.1 - Marco Di Mario (mkdm), 2016
// based on :
// 		Max Smirnov's Node Editor, v.0.65 - 2016
// 		litegraph.js library (c) Javi Agenjo

pointArray.prototype.getElement = function(n)
	var idx = (n || 0);
	var shift = idx * this.recordLength;
	var element = {"pt":this.getPoint(idx),
	return element;

pointArray.prototype.copyElementDataTo = function(source_elem, n)
	var idx = (n || 0);
	var shift = idx * this.recordLength;
	if (source_elem) {[shift+0] =[0];[shift+1] =[1];[shift+2] =[2];[shift+3] =[3];[shift+4] =[4];[shift+5] =[5];[shift+6] =[6];

What I'm doing wrong ?

P.S : Would you like to rewrite my lost :( experimental nodes ArrayDistinct and ArrayBoolean that I mentioned in my previous post ?

Have a nice day ?

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7713.533 In reply to 7713.532 
Hello Marco,

sorry that I forgot to say that you don't need the litegraphExt.js and so I didn't posted an updated here. Max has integrated the getElement in the last version. The copyElement -Stuff I have integrated inline. So try to remove litegraphExt.js from index.html.

Have a nice day
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 From:  mkdm
7713.534 In reply to 7713.533 
Ahhhh....Ok Kartsen,

I did what you said and now all works fine. Thanks a lot!

What do you think about my proposal to rewrite my lost :( experimental nodes ArrayDistinct and ArrayBoolean that I mentioned in my previous post ?

Unfortunately, for the time being I can't deal that effort.
Maybe when Max's will release 1.0 version of Elephant...

Have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hello Max and Friends
Someone is willing to post some examples
illustrating the use of the node length .........
for me it's difficult to figure out how to function
thank you
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7713.536 In reply to 7713.535 
Hello Al,

the length node evaluates the number of elements in a given array. With the RMB you can change the type of the input (numarray - default, pointarray or geometrical
objects). The output is type of numarray (number) with only one element.

Now it's up to you - but I saw that you have already used it!

Have a nice day
and thanks for sharing your examples
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi Karsten
thanks for your reply, I have many other questions to ask ,
but let's degrees.....
attached a file that contains two surfaces, you get with your Node Swep,
how do I use the Blend Node?
Swept gives me a single input, the surface, how do I
to extract the edge you want to use for the blend?
I also used two simple curves, I thought
that blend so it worked, I was wrong ....
Can you please show me the use of this Feature ...
Needless to say ... thank you very much

have a nice day,friend

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7713.538 In reply to 7713.537 
Hello Al,
I will try to explain the attached file and the workflow. First you have to create your surfaces. I have used here sweep with a circle placed to the startframe (getCrvSFrame). Important: Switch of CapEnds in the sweeps!. The created sweeps are connected to the nodes BRepNameSubObj. This node takes the sweep and gives edges and faces a name. If the elephant runs, it creates also a tempobject with the same names. Now you can preselect both edges. Do not clone the BRepNameSubObj node, because the clone would have the same basename for the subelements. When you now create the blend the names of the edges will be evaluated and stored in the blend node. Connect the wires and switch of the tempobjects in the BRepNameSubObj nodes.
It's a little bit complicated, but at the moment I can't find a better solution for the function.

Have a nice day

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7713.539 In reply to 7713.537 
And your file with a blend:-)

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 From:  James (JFH)
7713.540 In reply to 7713.538 
Hi Karsten,

Thank you for your clarification of the application of BRepNameSubObj node together with Blend node. I know I asked about this earlier:
but this a prime example of where inputs into a alt version of const node (called say Num node) would be very useful. In this way a short series could be constructed with variable inputs as shown.


EDITED: 6 May 2019 by JFH

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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hello Karsten

First of all thank you for the explanations....
I would like to ask you some things that are not
very clear

1- theBlend object surfaces are sweep, loft etc etc
must always be closed (solid) ???
Name BrepSubObj Node- does not recognize the surfaces
as Brep? ........
2- I need to clarify if, once connected my
Surf with BrepNameSubObj- Node, run Elephant, I have to selected
the edges which appear to me to video ,before or after
It made the final connection with the final Blend -Node ......

3- Blend curves, Curves Joint , Rebuild Curve, I think they are Nodes
absolutely essential for the growth of Our Elephant,
and given the Your ability to create Scripts, I think you should give it a thought

Have a Nice Day and many .. many .. Thanks
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7713.542 In reply to 7713.541 
Hello Al,

1. the sweep, loft, ... has to be a surface not a solid - the loft works only for egdes of surfaces.
2. Select the edges before you create the blend node - very important, because the blend node evaluates the names of the edges with the selection.
3. I have already thought about that, but time is limited and it is useful to think about which functionallies have to included in which node. Max has made a great job regarding to intelligent data handling with a small amount of nodes - very flexible. As well as the internal structure regarding to the programming. Every time I have a look in his code I'm surprised and impressed, but most of the time - first shocked and then confused, until I understand the concept. So are all my nodes are only studies to help developing and it's not clear if there are better solutions for some functionallity. So I hope they are useful, If not, we should disscus and find better solutions. Important! Play with them!

Have a nice day

p.s.: @James: I try to make a node based on Max Concat, with the length node functionallity (flexible input types)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Does not a good idea to make a little general diagram by the creator of new nodes because text is not very catching in a wink!

between Original Max Elephant / where that must be placed...what download...

because now we are totally over passed! :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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Message 7713.544 deleted 6 May 2019 by JFH

 From:  mkdm
7713.545 In reply to 7713.543 
Hi everyone,

> between Original Max Elephant / where that must be placed...what download...
> because now we are totally over passed! :)

I totally agree with you Pilou.

I think that, until Max will not release his 1.0 official version of Project Elephant,
it would be really helpful for everyone if we create a new thread dedicated to all the experiments that most of us are doing
with brand new nodes and/or with the improvement of the existing ones.

What do you think about ?


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hello Karsten

I had to work hard to understand the mechanism of selection for
connect Blend Node
now it's works finely............

I must say it has a great performance
Grasshopper even has a tool so wonderful-
Could you add (Go Continuity ) in the feature into it's Node ?....

I also ask you, if the board surface is not a single board, just
Click in sequence the naked edge?

I am attaching a small example of the beautiful performance obtained
combining it to Boolean Intersect Node
in the coming days continuing my exploration
You will definitely ask more from you


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 From:  bemfarmer
I like the yellow crosshair in Karsten's modified .85 version,, message # 7713.485.
It looks good for a lighter canvas background.
The cursor is located in \the zip file at core\img as cursor.png.
This cursor.png can be copied to the corresponding img subdirectory in Max's nodeeditor program, to change to the yellow crosshair.

Maybe Max could add an "Options" button, to include cursor selection and also lighter color scheme?

- Brian
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
Hello Max,

is it right, that the node editor while loading a node-file from disk, only read the first element of an array with strings? Is it a feature to increase performance? I had some problems to reread an array of strings of stored names. The node file supports the complete array, but I only get the first string back. I solved the problem by a number as first array element, so the whole array will be restored. I hope, that you don't have plans to avoid the complete storage for arrays of strings in your next version.

Thanks in advance
and have a nice weekend!
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