Parametric design in MoI?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7713.390 In reply to 7713.389 
Surrely because I relaunch Moi and all works fine! ;)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Can i start translations of new nodes or I must wait some other updates?

PS I suppose this can be made ?

EDITED: 22 Sep 2016 by PILOU

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7713.392 In reply to 7713.383 
Hello Max,

thanks for sharing this great work. I've started to study your changes and saw there are a lot. I think it will take a while, until I understand all the improvements. I've tested also some of my old nodes without number inputs and they all seems to work:-) Only the pushFrame has still the rad/deg conversion problem?

Thanks a lot and have a nice day
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7713.393 In reply to 7713.392 
Hi Karsten,

>Only the pushFrame has still the rad/deg conversion problem?
I've forgot about this. Fixed. :)

>I think it will take a while, until I understand all the improvements.
Most noticable change is processInOut function. I'll explain how to use it.
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 From:  mkdm
7713.394 In reply to 7713.393 
Hi Max,

> Most noticable change is processInOut function. I'll explain how to use it.

Explanations will be much appreciated. Thanks.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Just finished my supper :) Now I'm ready to explain how to write nodes for the last version of nodeeditor.

this is an example. check the comments
function Star() // let's make a new node
	this.addInput("Center","pointarray");		// input 0, type: pointarray
	this.addInput("Radius","numarray");		// input 1, type: numarray. In fact it's just a common numeric array like [1,2,3,4,5]
	this.addInput("Ratio","numarray");		// input 2, type: numarray
	this.addInput("Sides","numarray");		// input 3, type: numarray
	this.addOutput("Out","objectlist");		// output 0, type: objectlist = { mode:["Long","Long","Short"], radius:[1], ratio:[0.4], sides:[5] };
	// each node has two types of properties. both of them will stored when you save a .nod file, or clone a node
	// there  are only one difference: .properties is shown in nodeinfo panel and .internal is hidden
	// string arrays like mode:["Long","Long","Short"] will be processed as a droplist. First value "Long" points to selected value. Other ones is available values: "Long", "Short".
	// numeric arrays will be processed as numarrays

Star.title = "Star";	// default title
Star.desc = "Star";	// legacy litegraph parameter. At the moment I don't use it.

Star.prototype.onExecute = function()	// this function will run on node execution command
	var data = this.processInOut([0], this.multiProcess, null,,,;
	// .processInOut function processes input arrays and creates output arrays
	// first parameter: (string) array processing mode. 
	// modes supported:
	// Short, Long as described above in my post
	// Short+, Long+ same as  Short, Long, but objectarray will be processed as one element
	// Long# same as Long, but pointarray will be processed as one element
	// second parameter: callback function which will be called for processing of each value set (important!)
	// other parameters is optional. it's a default values for each input, which will be used if the input is not connected
	// you may skip it or set it to null. in this case processInOut function will generate default value automatically.
	// autovalue for numarray: [0]
	// autovalue for pointarray: (0,0,0)
	// autovalue for objectlist: empty objectlist
	// if you want to use another values, you need to set them directly like in this example:
	// null - autovalue(0,0,0), - [1], - [0.4], - [5]
	// this function returns structure { inputs:[ input0, input1, ... input n], outputs:[output0, output1, ... output n]}
	// input0, input1, ... input n  - if the input connected, it wil return connected node data
	// output0, output1, ... output n  - returns concated output data generated by callback function for each output = data.inputs[1];  // you can update properties values if input data is changed = data.inputs[2]; = data.inputs[3];
	this.setOutputData(0, data.outputs[0]); // set node output data

Star.prototype.multiProcess = function(center, r, rt, s) // callback function which will be called for processing of each value set (center = input0, r = input1, rt = input2, s = input3)
	// object array data will be sent as objectarray with one object (except Long+ Short+ modes)
	// point array data will be sent as pointarray with one object (except Long# mode)
	// numarray data will be sent as number
	var frame = center.getFrame();  // center.getFrame() = center.getFrame(0);
	return [factory( 'polygonstar', frame, frame.evaluate( 0, r, 0 ), s, frame.evaluate( 0, r*rt, 0 ))];
	// this function should return array [ output0, output1, ... output n ]
	// return [factory( 'polygonstar', frame, frame.evaluate( 0, r, 0 ), s, frame.evaluate( 0, r*rt, 0 ))] 
	// is the same as
	// var outputs = [];
	// outputs[0] = factory( 'polygonstar', frame, frame.evaluate( 0, r, 0 ), s, frame.evaluate( 0, r*rt, 0 ));
	// return outputs;
	// if node has more than one output you nned to set outputs[1], outputs[2] .. etc
	// correct output[n] data is objectlist / pointarray / number

LiteGraph.registerNodeType("Curves/Star", Star);
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Frenchy Pilou
>Can i start translations of new nodes or I must wait some other updates?
No need to wait, you can start now

>PS I suppose this can be made ?
I can't implement this using current javascript api. Let's wait until Michael release MoI v.4.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7713.397 In reply to 7713.396 
So maybe tomorrow! :)
And wait & see 4
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7713.398 In reply to 7713.395 
Hello Max,

many thanks for the commented example. The important information for me at first is the automatic assignment of the sequence of the inputs to the parameters sequence of the callback, I supposed that, but I was not shure.
(// callback function which will be called for processing of each value set (center = input0, r = input1, rt = input2, s = input3) )
Am I right, that I can also direct access to the elements of a numarray with [] ? I can't find a explicit definition of that type!?

Have a nice evening

p.s.: Incredible what is possible!
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7713.399 In reply to 7713.398 
>Am I right, that I can also direct access to the elements of a numarray with [] ?
Yes, you can access any element. It's just an array like [1,2,3,4,5].
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 From:  mkdm
7713.400 In reply to 7713.395 
Hi Max,

Thanks a lot for the little tutorial. Much appreciated.

When I used previous versions of Project Elephant, I needed to comb through the code many times to understand the businnes logic...

I'm going to transfer this new logic into my old nodes.

Good night!

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
7713.401 In reply to 7713.400 
My Friends I are in confusion.............
I started using Elephant, and I uploaded some applications....
Now, I post pictures of my ui
where you see what I've uploaded ...

Considering the last release of the legendary Max
the question is;
What should I charge, to have the updated features, I can add
that load in my Node Editor without removing what is already
..... or , do I have to remove everything, and in this case what should I enter

I await yours suggestion

sorry for my bad English, I hope
I understand my problem

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7713.402 In reply to 7713.401 
Hello Al,

it seems that you use a very old version of the Elephant.(Date 2015). So you should rename your nodeeditor folder to e.g. nodeeditor-old. Than extract the archive and rename the folder nodeeditor.0.77.a to nodeeditor. Copy the folder to /ui of your Moi installation. Your node-files will not work with the new version - if you need them, you can change or dublicate your shortcut-key and can use them also.

Have a nice day
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
It's me or there is no "a" on the N° 0.77a of the last Elephant ?

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
@Max : here the lang.js (0.77a) If you can add this part in your futur version (s) that will help me for avoid to reload numerous old versions! :)

Maybe there is somewhere in Sub- menus, ... something other to translate ?

French version of the Nodes! :)

EDITED: 23 Sep 2016 by PILOU

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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
7713.405 In reply to 7713.402 
Hi Karsten
Many Many Many....Thanks for your indication
Now Ok - Work fine
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Added function updateThisNodeGraph. This function updates node graph without canvas reloading.
Knob, Slider and Output nodes has been rewritten. Now they use updateThisNodeGraph. Significant interface performance boost!
Fixed pointArray.pushFrame deg/rad bug
Changed node connections (lot of graphical changes)
Arrays group renamed to Points

Due lack of time I didn't tested all new graphical features well. Send me a message if you find glitches and bugs.

EDITED: 7 Mar 2022 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7713.407 In reply to 7713.406 
Hello Max,

thanks for the update, but I have some problems to get it to run. It seems that arrays.js is missing - as file and as link in index.html!?

Have a nice evening

p.s.: Adding from 0.77a fixed it:-)

EDITED: 25 Sep 2016 by KMRQUS

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7713.408 In reply to 7713.407 
Hi Karsten,
I've renamed Arrays section to Points in the last version.
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7713.409 In reply to 7713.408 
Hello Max,

thanks for the reply. Ok, I understood! And now I see you mentioned it! I've tested the example.0.77 and get some errors, so I fixed it in the wrong way.

Have a nice evening
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