Quartz is in the translate list.
Quartz is also a basic node, but its activation is commented out in the basic.js file.
Quartz refers to a quartz watch.
To activate Quartz, by editing the basic.js file, uncomment it by changing //LiteGraph.registerNodeType("Basic/Quartz", Quartz);
to: LiteGraph.registerNodeType("Basic/Quartz", Quartz);
Try replacing the slider in motor2.nod with a Quartz node for slow, continuous animation.
The Hz (Hertz) input should control cycles per second, somehow?
The Hz input does not seem to do anything?
- Brian
Hmm, there is also a Watch node...
The Watch node can be wired in just after the Quartz node.
The Watch node displays the input numbers. With Quartz, the numbers go from 0 to 359.
Quartz can have its step value changed, and has a tic-tac mode.
So Quartz acts like an automatic slider?