Hi Karsten,
I'm glad to know that you appreciated my little contribution and also that you haven't found some strange bugs...
Currently i'm working on a node that will be called "ArraySketcher".
It will process a PointArray and, following some criteria, it will use the array elements to draw some basic geometry objects :
"Triangles", "Quads", "Curve", "Interpcurve", "Arc3pt", "Circle3pt", "Rect3pts", "EllipseDiam","EllipseCen" and some others...
I also wrote "PatternSelObjects" node, that does the same things of "PatternSelArray", but with it,
it's possible to operate on a ObjectList rather than a PointArray.
I hope to post soon these new nodes.
Thank you for your reply and have a nice day!
Marco (mkdm).