Pilou, Brian
I think it's not a good idea to put all words in one sorted list.
It would be better if we make five separate list (as in the russian translation):
1. Main window interface (Save, Load etc )
2. Context menu (Add Node, Colors, Clone, Red, Green ... )
3. Node class names (Arrays, Curves, Solids ..)
4. Node names ( Const, Loft, Extrude, Revolve ... )
5. Inputs/outputs ( Min, Max, Count ... )
>>If frame.z-axis lying on or parallel x-axis -> frame.zaxis.y=0 && frame.zaxis.z=0 -> atan2 will get a bitch ... (NaN)
Yes. I forgot about this. The new version:
var rx=ry=rz=0;
if ( frame.zaxis.y === 0 && frame.zaxis.z === 0) { ry = ( frame.xaxis.z > 0 )?90:-90; }
rx = Math.atan2(frame.zaxis.y, frame.zaxis.z);
ry = -Math.asin(frame.zaxis.x);
rz = Math.atan2(frame.xaxis.z*Math.sin(rx)-frame.xaxis.y*Math.cos(rx), frame.xaxis.x*Math.cos(ry)+(frame.xaxis.y*Math.sin(rx)+frame.xaxis.z*Math.cos(rx))*Math.sin(ry));
>>if frame.zaxis turns over ry>90deg (z-axis downwards) you will get the same result as between 0-90deg
It's not a problem. For any frame we can get at least 2 sets of angles. It doesn't matter which one we choose.