As of version _NodeEditor0.55.2016.5.06, the language used by NodeEditor is the same as used in the users MoI program,
and is determined by the moi.ini file.
For example, to change from say English to another supported language, say French:
From the MoI screen, select Options, edit moi.ini, then under [UI],
change Language=English to Language=French. (Or Russian)
Currently supported by NodeEditor are Russian, English, and French thanks to Pilou.
(Except for "Clean" :-)
hmm, Russian works in NodeEditor, but does not work in my MoI, because I do not have RussianStrings.txt in MoI ui directory
- Brian
A google search for "RussianStrings.txt MoI" located a download of the txt file, but I cannot read or understand Russian.