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 From:  Sven (SVEN123)
7679.9 In reply to 7679.8 
@chippwalters: Funny you mention ZBrush and hard-surface modelling. Some days ago I found a video from Zbrush Summit. The guys from Red Storm Enterprises show a little bit of their workflow (https://youtu.be/Fg6QPJ7XirE?t=1187). They show how they doing box modelling in Max to get base shape and shapes for boolean operations which they do in ZBrush via DynaMesh.
When I saw that, I was just wondering why they do not Solid modelling only. Would be much faster....

EDITED: 28 Oct 2015 by SVEN123

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
ZBrush has now a terrific Low Poly modeler - ZModeler ;) (a curious Interface - maybe radial menu will better who knows)
An another way to modelize - a sensitive mood! :)

By Mahlikus the Black

EDITED: 28 Oct 2015 by PILOU

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 From:  Teddy
7679.11 In reply to 7679.1 
I'm on my 2nd day of the trial version.

I managed to mock a camera mounting plate to the point of ready to 3D print in 15 minutes within installing MOI without any previous experience. The same project I spent 4 hours in Sketchup and still couldn't get to work properly.

Now I just need to save up the money to buy MOI as it's a little pricey for a hobbyist.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7679.12 In reply to 7679.11 
Hi Teddy,

> I managed to mock a camera mounting plate to the point of ready to 3D print
> in 15 minutes within installing MOI without any previous experience. The same
> project I spent 4 hours in Sketchup and still couldn't get to work properly.

I'm glad that you're able to get stuff done so quickly!

I hope MoI will continue to be useful for you.

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  Fubax
I love MoI too <3, bought it for 3D modeling, but now use it even for vector graphics. Great software.
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