Beretta M92FS Concept
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 From:  niko (NICKP100)
7633.26 In reply to 7633.1 
On a more positive note....really good work Martin!!
Can you share how you modeled that fading line near the muzzle?
A picture of the model, instead of a render would also help
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 From:  TpwUK
7633.27 In reply to 7633.26 
Thanks Niko - The front part of the slide is one of the most awkward parts of the model. If i remember rightly it was achieved by Boolean Difference but it was awkward to achieve and is not 'physically correct' but it's still close enough for render purposes :)

Send me your e-mail in a private message and i will wetransfer the working model to you that has all of the construction and trim curves included ... Or you can wait until a render artist friend of mine has done his renders then it will go onto GrabCAD.


Full model now available from

Anyone wanting the working file please let me know as that one has all the curves :)

EDITED: 1 Oct 2015 by TPWUK

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 From:  ArianDesign (ARIANSHAMIL)
Very nice work Martin!
I'm not expert on weapon at i can't say nothing about the real gun....
I'm speaking just about the modeling...and I like it
....if i can, just a my opionion (I repeat, i don't know details about guns or fire weapons) I'd smooth a little the edge where the edges ar too "hard" (so in the render light will do a very better effect on the edge).
But I'm speaking just about my 3d taste, not because i've a weapon knowledge :)
I like a lot this project, and as is always nice to see how powerful MOI is under the right hands :)

About the discussion....I know Martin and he helped me a LOT of times...he was always superkind with me...he used his times a lot of time to help me...and first of all...he tolds me about Moi the first time...i didn't know this little masterpiece...I know Moi thanks to Martin.
And in different ways, Andrei helped me a lot of times too with his fantastic tutorials (i used and appreciate them a big numbers of times).

I consider both of them resources for the forum and Moi community.
I hope that everything will be solved well and soon.
Personally, i think that via forum (or by text) can be easy to be misunderstood. and because of that...sometimes the things can degenerates.
I hope that all this can be solved peacefully.

Sorry for my bad english.

Please guys....I love this little community and i love Moi of course....i think that everyone, who more who less, can improve in a way or another this in my opionion is always a bad things if someone leaves.

Different point of views are normal...



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 From:  TpwUK
7633.29 In reply to 7633.28 
Thanks for the reply and kind words Arian ...

>> I'm speaking just about the modeling...and I like it
....if i can, just a my opionion (I repeat, i don't know details about guns or fire weapons) I'd smooth a little the edge where the edges ar too "hard" (so in the render light will do a very better effect on the edge). <<

There are fillets already added to the model, they are small but are still visible on the render. Trying to create larger fillets was difficult because of the amount of booleans that were needed to add details. As far as i am aware the rule of thumb is for fillets to be applied after all boolean operations are complete so that's the approach i took. If i had done fillets and blends before and after booleans i think the model would have been far more problematic than it already was.

About the discussion ...>> Personally, i think that via forum (or by text) can be easy to be misunderstood. and because of that...sometimes the things can degenerates.
I hope that all this can be solved peacefully. <<

I agree whole heartedly with language barrier problems but to use the term 'mediocre' does not get added via something like google translate service, in order to have that word, you would need to add it in your native language, that's where the problem lies. I make allowances for mis translation but not insults, your critique is accurate, fair and most importantly polite. Rude comments are rude no matter what your native language.

So i guess a clash of personalties and over sensitivity comes into play on things like this along with bad days and bio-rythms if you believe in such things, but again this should not apply to almost every post made. I am sorry he left and would have been so much happier if he had just remained polite. It's done and gone and is better left in history. Lets just all move on and enjoy what the community has always been. A good polite community based on many opinions and an unbelievably great resource for help and answers.

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 From:  Elang
That's a very nice one. Can you tell me what's the most difficult modeling part out of it? (I'm trying to get any insight about modeling here)

Also, the 'un-smooth' gradation (what do you people call it in english?) on the top left of the picture seems still occur in KeyShot. I've been bugged with that too for quite a while. How to solve it in KeyShot?

Thank you very much in advance for replies and pardon my English.
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 From:  TpwUK
7633.31 In reply to 7633.30 
Hi Elang, the hardest parts to model on the Beretta are the pistol grips and the front of the slide where the barrel shroud terminates.

The gradient from KeyShot seems to be when rendering to 8/16bit formats such as jpg if you step to 24/32 bit formats such as png, tiff, jpg2000 etc then the 'banding' is mostly eradicated.

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