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 From:  nacho65 (JUANGALVAN)
762.44 In reply to 762.43 
Hi Michael:

At the moment I execute the antivirus AVAST and I don't really possess big knowledge in security of the system. Can your to recommend a system of security better than AVAST?

Mainly that it doesn't consummate too many resources of the system.

One finishes suggestion to define if it is better format the hard disk because you remember that MOI works very well in user's secion.

Best regards

Juan Galvan
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 From:  Michael Gibson
762.45 In reply to 762.44 
Hi Juan, thanks. I just want to try that same Anti-Virus system over here and see if it possibly is interfering with MoI's operation.

I've been trying to do some research to find out what might cause your script errors. I found a couple of discussions about problems with permissions getting messed up in the system registry.

If this is the problem on your machine, it is possible to fix it up by following the procedure on this blog entry:, under the section "How to download and run SubInACL". That is a tool you can download and use with the script shown there to reset registry permissions.

I'm not sure if this is the cause in your case or not, but it is something that you could try that is easier than a full reformat.

You also might try creating a new limited user account and try with the new account. That may get you a fresh registry configuration and also might help.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
762.46 In reply to 762.44 
Hi Juan, Avast Pro edition has a "Script blocker" component - you might try disabling or pausing that and see if that makes any difference.

- Michael
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 From:  nacho65 (JUANGALVAN)
762.47 In reply to 762.46 
Hi Michael.

Today I could check that only one user of the system has that writing problem all the other they work very well
My system antivirus is Avast Family Licence.

Best regards

Juan Galvan
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 From:  Schbeurd
Although I had only a few occasions to play with MoI recently I still enjoy it a lot !
I'll definitely be with you when V.1 will be released

Re : extrude planar surfaces along their normals. Would it be possible to have the same kind of effect with non-planar faces ?
See example in attachment


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 From:  Michael Gibson
762.49 In reply to 762.48 
Hi Schbeurd, long time since you've been over here!

re: non-planar faces - I'm a little bit worried about just trying to cook up some kind of average direction for non-planar faces. There may be situations where it causes unexpected results.

Here's an example:

I think it is probably expected in this case for extrude to go directly upwards as shown. But if I tried to take a general averaged normal direction for non-planar surfaces, that would change the default direction for this case to kind of shoot off at some semi-random slanted direction...

- Michael

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 From:  jbshorty
762.50 In reply to 762.49 
Hi Michael. I would most often perceive the average direction to be perp to the surface border (including trim boundaries). In program "R" i would find it by doing something like - dup edges, extract points, fit plane through points, select plane and then cplane to object, then extrude vertical to Cplane. Of course would be nice to do this automatically. The wavy face usually makes no difference to my perceived extrusion path.

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