Can anyone help repair this ?
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 From:  keith1961
7616.29 In reply to 7616.28 
Thanks BurrMan
I get what you say, I hope. I like nurbs but coming at it from an uninformed direction did not really understand why there were several types of modeling. You have all helped m understand something that to most people is very specialist knowledge. I have HUGE respect for you all and have been trying to explain to my wife, a psychologist, how you all make things out of maths, points and lines. I think she humors me:)
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
7616.30 In reply to 7616.29 
Hi Keith1961 from Mauro(1962) :)
talking about Moi mesher to obtain a good export it depend also what tools you use
let me show few example,pictures talks better than my english ;)

an egg shape obtained first with a revolve,then from solid, extracted isocurves for loft and add two points at the poles

now exporting you can see little differences between them, a better sudbivision for loft at the pole area

now a wavy surface using same extracting method:sweep and network

again little differences, better regular subdivision on the network

the egg should be done obviously using revolve but if you don't need an accurate shape,it can be done using loft because of better subdivision at the poles
it's better to export with the good foot before render ;)


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 From:  Michael Gibson
7616.31 In reply to 7616.30 
Hi Mauro - yes the different UV surface structure of different construction mechanisms can have an effect on meshing.

But the differences you show there are very minimal - the one for Sweep versus Network probably has more to do with using the "aspect ratio limit" parameter - it's just a matter of luck that the sweep is very slightly shorter in length (as traveled along the surface because of slightly different shaping) than the Network and so the polygons near the border are just under that limit while the Network one are just very slightly over it. If you change that parameter slightly to different values like 1.8, 1.9, 2.1, 2.2, etc... you should be able to arrive at the same result for either one of those surfaces. I rarely use the aspect ratio limit myself, usually the distance-based "Divide larger than" parameter has a more uniform effect.

For the Revolve versus Loft, there will can be slight differences depending on the control point spacing on your revolve profile versus the spacing of the sections for the Loft.

I would recommend not really worrying so much about these kinds of very minimal differences - if you need that extreme level of control over the polygon output like more polygons in just one single spot and not in other areas, you are probably better off building the entire shape in a polygon modeler from the beginning rather than generating polygons through any automatic process at all...

For normal use, if you don't have enough polygons in a particular area like the pole, just move the angle slider towards the "more polygons" side until you have enough, just don't worry so much about having a few more in other areas as well. If you have shallow curvature then the slider alone may not give enough detail since it's based on curvature - to make shallowly curved areas to have a higher density use the "Divide larger than" option as well to break down any large polygons to a more uniform size.

If you want to post your 3DM model files for those cases, I can try to show what mesh settings to use to get good output for each of those cases that will look exactly the same as each other when rendered.

- Michael


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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
7616.32 In reply to 7616.31 
Hi Michael
This was just a "side note"..showing this example we expand the knowledge of Moi thanks to your explanation,like in other situations.
Sorry i didn't save the file but agree with you about rendered result.

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