Custom view navigation controls

 From:  Metin Seven (SEVENSHEAVEN)
Hi Michael,

I've been separated from MoI for a while, having spent a few months learning ZBrush. I now want to combine MoI and ZBrush for the ultimate modeling pipeline.

The view navigation is one of the most important things that needs to be synchronized between applications for a fluid workflow.
In both MoI and ZBrush I can rotate using RMB, and zoom using Control + RMB (using MoI's reverse zoom direction option), but I can't pan using Alt + RMB, like in ZBrush.

The problem with ZBrush is that you can't customize its viewport navigation controls. I really hope MoI will expand its custom view navigation options in an upcoming update. In the mean time, is there maybe a workaround trick? I don't mind if it requires installing some third-party tool. That would have to be a Mac OS tool though.

If you could provide a quick hack, like a MoI data file replacement containing pan control adjusted from MMB to Alt + RMB, then I would be very grateful, but I completely understand if I'm asking for too much.


— Metin

——————— — pixel art • illustration • 3D (print) models • characters • icons • logos • infographics • visualization • animation

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7577.2 In reply to 7577.1 
Hi Metin, I'm sorry but currently there is no built in way to set it up for using Alt + RMB to pan.

Currently for panning you can use any of:
- middle mouse button (no modifiers just click down and drag).
- Shift + RMB
- Shift + Alt + LMB (as in Maya I think).

> If you could provide a quick hack, like a MoI data file replacement containing
> pan control adjusted from MMB to Alt + RMB

Unfortunately I don't know of any way to do it with just a file replacement - it would need to be something that was changed in MoI's code and then a new version released, which I'm not ready to do anytime soon.

You might try looking at a keyboard remapping utility, something like this:

If you remapped your Alt key to be Shift instead while MoI was running that would do what you need since shift + RMB does do panning.

Here's another one you could try - this one looks like it supports doing special mappings just for a particular app:

- Michael
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Hi Metin,

if you are using Windows try x-mouse.
Freeware, portable, powerful.
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 From:  Metin Seven (SEVENSHEAVEN)
Thanks for your replies, Michael and Max, appreciated.

Michael, I'll check out your keyboard remapping tool suggestions.

Max, thank you too, but I'm finally using Mac OS, after many years of Windows (and Amiga before that). Wouldn't want to return to Windows, ever. :D

Cheers guys,

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 From:  Metin Seven (SEVENSHEAVEN)
A quick update, maybe useful for other readers:

In ZBrush, the non-customizable navigation controls are: RMB = rotate view, Ctrl + RMB = zoom view, Alt/Option + RMB = pan view.

To have corresponding pen tablet navigation controls between Blender, MoI and ZBrush, I've done the following on my Mac (but I guess it's applicable to Windows Wacom users as well):

1: Customized the MMB side-button of my Wacom pen to be Alt/Option + RMB (= pan in ZBrush) only when the ZBrush application is running.

2: Blender — Customized controls to: RMB = rotate view, Ctrl + RMB = zoom view; activated LMB selection mode, and activated the reverse mouse zoom direction option to match ZBrush zoom direction.

3: MoI — Set Reverse zoom option in preferences, that's all. The rest of the controls match those of ZBrush when using the above custom Wacom pen button setting for ZBrush.

By doing it this way, no additional utilities are necessary if you use a Wacom pen. There's a slight lag when using the customized button for panning in ZBrush, but I can live with that.

All the best,

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