MoI v4 beta?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7568.25 In reply to 7568.24 
Hi Isaiah,

> I'm hoping to see Moi start moving toward VR and AR in V4.

Unfortunately I don't expect for this to be in the cards in the foreseeable future. Doing VR and AR would require a major redesign of many of the fundamental areas of MoI for basic stuff like UI and workflow. It would be more like starting from scratch and not like a port. Meanwhile there is still a lot more I want to add to the desktop version of MoI. I just don't have enough time available to do a major new experimental project while also working on making the current version more mature as well.

- Michael
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 From:  PaQ
7568.26 In reply to 7568.24 
// Prediction: Once AR becomes main stream, between 2017 and 2020, it's going to be game over for 3D programs that are still stuck in a 2D window.

Sounds like an apocalyptic prediction, or a good black mirror episode :O)
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 From:  mkdm
Hi Michael!

I don't remember if you've already answered some times ago to this question.

In this case I apologize.

But...did you finally decide which new base CAD kernel you will use for the next versions of Moi ?
If yes, this new kernel will be used starting from V4 beta ?


Ciao !

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7568.28 In reply to 7568.27 
Hi Marco,

> But...did you finally decide which new base CAD kernel you will
> use for the next versions of Moi ?

Nothing final yet.

> If yes, this new kernel will be used starting from V4 beta ?

No, not from the first beta since it's already taking me so long to get it ready. But hopefully I'll be experimenting with that area sometime early in the beta release process.

- Michael
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 From:  mkdm
7568.29 In reply to 7568.28 
Hi Michael,

and thanks a lot for the clarification.

I hope it will be the KCM kernel from Kubotek :)


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Ken (OKURO)
7568.30 In reply to 7568.29 
KCM kernel seems to be no longer supported / developed ?

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 From:  mkdm
7568.31 In reply to 7568.30 
Hi Ken,

As far as I know it should be still in active developing, in another form.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
<< Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Kubotek USA, Inc.

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
Any news for the fan club?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7568.34 In reply to 7568.33 
Hi Marc, sorry just more of the same - getting close... I should be able to knock another thing off the list tonight and it's getting really short.

- Michael
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Message 7568.35 deleted 10 Mar 2017 by FRACTIONALIST

 From:  Michael Gibson
7568.36 In reply to 7568.35 
Hi Ced,

> Is there a way you can design v4 one of perhaps 2 different ways? E.g. Have a customized
> INSTALL option where you could pick and choose what installs over the current v3 installation,
> or have an ADD-ON zip that would install a selection of options = such as 'lighting - objects
> - icons - interface skins - points - etc?

It would take a lot of time and effort for me to do that, so unfortunately the answer is no that will not happen for v4.

In the future I do want to do some work in this area though to make it easier to do customizations and to make them stored external to MoI like in your user data folder so they can persist between installs but there is a tricky problem around this area which is to merge together changes in the default UI with your own changes in an automated way.

For now when you customize MoI you should keep a record of what you do so you can repeat it with new releases.

If you don't want to do that then either don't customize it or wait until the final v4 release before using v4 so you will only need to do it one time.

When you apply all these customizations like you've been so fond of, you should understand that you are outside of the standard supported target of Moi and you are taking responsibility for doing your own work on it.

- Michael
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Hmmmm - perhaps expand the controls on the 'what-ever-its-called' GUI Interface customizer so that you can make MORE changes, it already has a lot of great options.

If I add NOTES to the HTM - and send you that HTM code with the notes within it - would that help you? Then anyone could scroll down the code and know what does what and how to change it?

If I'm just one voice in the wilderness - nevermind - however - it doesn't seem that difficult to add notes to the code.

My biggest problem was FINDING what I was looking for! Once somebody pointed me at the appropriate htm page - and the title of the object - it was easy!

I'd be willing to help beautify the hml code with notes - and add a zip with png files - etc., if that would be something you would like to offer to the inmates of this lunatic asylum.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7568.38 In reply to 7568.37 
Hi Ced, if you want to help others with your notes just post them here on the forum, it's not necessary to send them to me.

- Michael
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Hmmm... wonder how different the folder placement & sidePane.html will be in v4... as well as the png which were altered for the interface.

Looks like I'll need to wait and see, then compare old & new, and at that point write a side-by-side instruction manual on how to customize Moi3d v4.

I'll be hard pressed (again) to glean the latest & greatest scripts, shortcuts, nodes, appended command customizations, lighting effects, object window controls, folder layouts, new font styles, icons & window view spacer color changes & window title header size & placements.

If nothing else I'll add NOTES in the HTML with a zip containing the grab bag of png's.

If you feel caffeinated - HTML notes WHERE those rid bits populate your code within the pages would be useful in that you wouldn't become exasperated being peppered with 'where is..." 24/7.

You can bet the forum will overflow with chatter upon release of v4.

Ha-ha! The horror!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7568.40 In reply to 7568.39 
Hi Ced, the v4 SidePane.htm is about 95% the same as v3, there are some tweaks to CSS values and a couple of small structural changes like a an additional <div> wrapper around palette content, to adapt to changes in the HTML rendering engine. It's now using a newer version of WebKit and there a few differences in behavior from the old one to have better HTML standards compliance. Also MoI v3 was using an early version of flexbox containers that is now deprecated in WebKit, I've switched over to using the standard flexbox now so there are a few changes to CSS property names and container structures because of that.

Overall the changes are small tweaks though, nothing major. However, it won't work to just copy the entire v3 UI completely over, you'll have to reapply your changes within the new UI.

- Michael
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"For beta or worse?"

Perhaps 'beautify' the sidePane.htm code & add descriptive notes?

Then have a download area for ADD-ONS - it would be easy to customize so much - and facilitate adding the Lighting Options, Objects, Shortcuts & Scripts with an INSTALL checkbox where one could choose an EXPRESS INSTALL or CUSTOM INSTALL!

See below:

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7568.42 In reply to 7568.41 
Hi Ced,

> Perhaps 'beautify' the sidePane.htm code & add descriptive notes?

It's already as beautified as it needs to be and there are already comments in there about the different sections like the title bar, filename and context area. So no I don't expect to put any more in there currently.

> Then have a download area for ADD-ONS - <....>

I've already given you the answer on this about 10 times already.

- Michael
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Message 7568.43 deleted 10 Mar 2017 by FRACTIONALIST

 From:  Michael Gibson
7568.44 In reply to 7568.43 
Hi Ced, I didn't design the color scheme myself, it was done by a professional designer. I've received positive comments specifically about that so I know that a lot of people do not agree with your assessment.

It's not likely to change soon so I'd appreciate it if you would quit with the snarky comments over and over and over again. If you don't like it then you are free to change it, which I thought you'd done so I don't really understand your continuing complaints about it.

As I've mentioned about another 10 times again, in the future I do want to ship MoI with a couple of different themes that you could more easily choose between. It will take some infrastructure work to do that, and I consider the color scheme to be mostly a cosmetic detail of minimal importance compared to stuff like workflow and reliability so it isn't a priority as of yet.

- Michael
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