Heightmap [script]
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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
7547.21 In reply to 7547.1 
Make my first 3D prints using Max's great script.
The image is of a child's hand. Cropped from a much larger photo. And then edited to remove any light coloured elements near the hand.
The blue image is a lithopane with light coming through the differing thickness of a translucent material.
The white one is more opaque to light and looks more like a carving.
Image Attachments:
Size: 247 KB, Downloaded: 110 times, Dimensions: 1414x1181px
Size: 642.1 KB, Downloaded: 95 times, Dimensions: 1459x1297px
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 From:  raytownmike (HOPPER)
Is that code all that would be in line 7?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7547.23 In reply to 7547.22 
Hi raytownmike,

> Is that code all that would be in line 7?

Yup, the current code on line 7 in the file _Heightmap.js looks like this:

	var dlm = moi.filesystem.getPathDelimiter();

If you change that to be what I wrote above, like this:

	var dlm = '\\';

Then after that it should work on the Mac. You need to open the file _Heightmap.js in TextEdit.app and edit the 7th line from the top of the file.

- Michael
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 From:  raytownmike (HOPPER)
7547.24 In reply to 7547.23 
Got it I suppose I had a character off! Yours worked great and thank you.
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)

Increased points density
Increased scale speed
Added support of bmp-files
Changed path delimiter to "//" (seems it works good with windows version also)
Added image size info

EDITED: 7 Mar 2022 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
>> Does this perform similarly to zsurf4?
I don't know. I never used it. :)

>>.. might it possible to analyze a surface and produce a height map
Yes, it's possible. We can use PGM as output format. You can open it with photoshop.
Maybe later I'll write such a script.

Thanks for advice with delimiter

Frenchy Pilou
>>Does it possible to have density of curves
Right now it's not possible. But you can resize an image. If you want to get 60 curves, resize image to 60x60 pixels.

Interesting work. Try to use the new version. It can produce much more detailed surface.
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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
7547.27 In reply to 7547.25 
Mas, I've tried twice to process an image that I successfully processed with the previous version of your excellent script. Moi crashed both time. The original image was 2761x2761 pixels.
It imports OK - I used a scale factor of 7.
I then scaled down to about 1/25 of size to give a 395 curves of xyz of 100 100 5.62.
Then loft OK but MOI locks up when I tried to extrude by -5mm.
I guess that it's run out of memory.

Had another go but reduced the original image to 1381x1381 before importing it.
Much the same, still couldn't extrude.

Any chance of making the point density adjustable?

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
>> If you want to get 60 curves, resize image to 60x60 pixels.

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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
7547.29 In reply to 7547.28 
Thanks, I can experiment. Any idea what number of curves the original script gave?
That would be my starting point
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Message 7547.30 deleted 20 Aug 2015 by BURRMAN

 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7547.31 In reply to 7547.27 

>>Any chance of making the point density adjustable?
Maybe later. Right now you can adjust it by resizing a source image.

>>Any idea what number of curves the original script gave?
If you will load an image 60x60 pixels, you will get 60 curves with 60 points per curve. 500x500 -> 500 curves, 500 points per curve.
If image larger than 600px it will be downscaled automatically.
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 From:  Marbleman
Thanks Max

Awesome script!
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 From:  moritzbock (MORITZ)
7547.33 In reply to 7547.1 
Hello Max,
it doesn't seem to work on a Mac.
When I start this script, the dialogbox to choose an image appears - but with a click on the OPEN button the scriptwindow (marked in red) is closed immediately and nothing else happens.
Can you help?


some minutes later ......

Hi Max, forget about that.

Your script works great with the note from Michael (thanks):

code: var dlm = moi.filesystem.getPathDelimiter();

If you change that to be what I wrote above, like this:

code: var dlm = '\\';

EDITED: 23 Aug 2015 by MORITZ


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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7547.34 In reply to 7547.33 
Hi Andreas,

This issue was fixed in the last version of the script. Download it.
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 From:  phlatt5th (P5TH)
7547.35 In reply to 7547.20 
Hello Mac users, I made the change with Text Edit to line 7 of Max's script as per Michael's instructions and the script works beautifully on My Mac.
Many Thanks to Max and Michael.
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 From:  Marbleman
Works fine on mine too!
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
phlatt5th, Marbleman
update this script to v.0.6
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 From:  phlatt5th (P5TH)
7547.38 In reply to 7547.37 
Just did :)
Thanks again Max.
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 From:  Mindset (IGNITER)
Hey Max:

Another Heightmap idea would be to include a clipping plan to remove the background (black) or to ignore an alpha channel.
Again thanks for all your terrific scripts.

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 From:  Michael (ORION20036)
Will this script work with MOI V2?
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