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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
? :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  krass
Maybe LOFT?
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
7414.8 In reply to 7414.7 
Piter -

I also got a nice result using Loft to Point.

You can look up Loft in the on-line documentation for instructions to Loft to a point.

Ed Ferguson

Edit: I see Krass and I were thinking Loft at the same time :)


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 From:  krass
7414.9 In reply to 7414.8 
Ed, Loft-shift is the most logical solution to this situation. I would use LOFT
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 From:  Piter44
Thanx to all!

Blend makes is not good surfaces connection. I use Tangent (G1) and Bulge 1.0.

Loft and Revolve is not acceptable. I would like make spherical part above plane part like in the image but with smooth conection. It is possible?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7414.11 In reply to 7414.10 
Hi Piter,

> Blend makes is not good surfaces connection. I use Tangent (G1) and Bulge 1.0.

Well, that's what tangent surfaces look like, so that's normal to get that type of result with those options. If you want it smoother then try the "Curvature (G2)" option instead of the Tangent option.

- Michael
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 From:  Piter44
7414.12 In reply to 7414.11 
Hi Michael,

I tried Blend Culvature G2 option with Bungle 1.0 and other. I still not satisfacted the surfaces connection(((. I want ABSOLUTELY smooth, like a bubble, like remnant of a cake of soap. Sorry for my English, I mean a soap after some use)))
It is normal for moi3D? May be I want more than moi3D can give?


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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
Hi:let's use Martin's file:

select yellow loop and union

on top wiew draw two circles R=2

sweep:two circles as sections and yellow curve as rail

trim your solid using red sweep object

select both loop edges and blend using G2-bulge=1

to avoid wrinkled blend,select PLANAR SECTION option on the Blend window

you'll have a straight line instead of curved wrinkled seam

hope is smooth enough for you

say lot of thanks to Michael to make this fantastic software,not to me....

file attached: M

EDITED: 27 May 2015 by M-DYNAMICS

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 From:  krass
7414.14 In reply to 7414.13 
Mauro, this - very cool! ))
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7414.15 In reply to 7414.12 
Hi Piter - those things you are complaining about are just display artifacts, you should ignore them.

It's normal for there to be various kinds of small display artifacts in MoI's real-time modeling window display - that's because it has to do its job very fast and it would not work very well to make a perfect looking display there since it would make modeling become very sluggish with the display updating very slowly.

The little white dots are probably because you have not joined your surfaces together - join them and then the display mesh will be unified along that edge and there won't be cracks as there will be between 2 totally separate independent unjoined surfaces that are just sitting next to each other. But it's still possible for there to be a small number of dropouts in the realtime display between 2 joined surfaces (but usually to a lesser extent), that's again a side effect of the emphasis on the real-time display to be fast and so there are various shortcuts that it takes at the expense of quality.

The other things you don't like are just normal artifacts from a smallish number of triangles being used in those area for the shaded display. It does not mean that your actual surface is problematic. You can check this by exporting to a polygon mesh format and setting the mesh parameters to make a finely diced up mesh and when you view that finely diced up mesh in shaded mode you should see those things you are worried about are gone.

> It is normal for moi3D? May be I want more than moi3D can give?

Those are normal display artifacts, you are just worried too much about how the real-time display looks.

If you want to post your 3DM model file of your G2 blend I can show you what it looks like with finely diced up mesh if it will help you.

- Michael
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7414.16 In reply to 7414.13 
Mauro, it's smooth enough for everyone :)
I like this method.
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 From:  OSTexo

A part made by Trimming the egg in half and extruding the squarish end, running Blend between those two surfaces and tweaking the bulge on the G2 Blended result.


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 From:  Piter44
Many Thanx to all!

Mauro's method is very well, but I have a problem with export to IGS.
I have made a simple test: two sphere cut and blend, its surfaces was join, solid done. I made export to IGS and open in PROE. Images attached. What I made wrong?

Moi3D solid export to IGS:

IGS import in PROE:

The handle in PROE:

Image Attachments:
Size: 20.1 KB, Downloaded: 16 times, Dimensions: 702x467px
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 From:  Piter44
I have found a solution as I need. I have made some profiles curved in longitudinal direction and use Loft only.

Meanwhile, the IGS problem described above still there(((


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 From:  Finema
7414.20 In reply to 7414.19 
Why don't you use a boolean Union (screenshot1) and a fillet. I think it's the easy way.

EDITED: 9 May 2020 by FINEMA

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 From:  Piter44
7414.21 In reply to 7414.20 

I tried Boolean Union and a fillet, but the surface is not absolutely smooth.
I would like surface connection as solids wearing stockings.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
7414.22 In reply to 7414.21 
Hi Piter, re: IGES problem - somehow Pro/E does not like how that one surface is trimmed. The best thing to try is do a new export using STEP file format instead and see if that works better.

> I tried Boolean Union and a fillet, but the surface is not absolutely smooth.
> I would like surface connection as solids wearing stockings.

You should use a G2 blend instead of a circular fillet then. As far as I can tell, you had the kind of result you are looking for in this previous message here:

All those things you are complaining about in that message are just visual display artifacts, not anything wrong with your surfaces themselves.

Please read my reply here which explains all that in detail:

If you would like you can post your model with the G2 blend in it and I will show you what it looks like with a finely diced up mesh for display so you can see that those visual imperfections are just display artifacts and not really something to worry so much about.

- Michael
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 From:  Piter44
7414.23 In reply to 7414.22 
Hi Michael,

A lot thanks for comments! I study it and tried made so.

I cut the tube and the egg different curves and blend G2 0,5.

Exprot to STL max mesh and open in Blender

Export to STP and open in PROE

Non-cutting tube and egg in 3dm attached.

What I made wrong?

And very big question about export to PROE, is there any solution this problem, plagin or other???

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7414.24 In reply to 7414.23 
Hi Piter,

> What I made wrong?

I'm not sure - can you please post the 3DM file that you are trying to export ? The finished file I mean, not the earlier version of it. I will try it in a few other programs and see if I can see what they might be complaining about.

> And very big question about export to PROE, is there any solution this problem, plagin or other???

I'm not all that familiar with Pro/E so I don't really have a lot of advice. What specific version of Pro/E are you using?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7414.25 In reply to 7414.23 
For smoothness it will probably help if you give the blend a bit wider space to work with, and also slice off a larger portion of the ellipsoid so that you don't have so much of it curving inwards which will then make the blend continue to curve inwards as well.

I've attached a smooth version here, if you export to a mesh format such as .obj and use the following settings you can see that it's very smooth, dense meshing settings like this will get rid of the display artifacts that you were worried about earlier:

- Michael

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