Extrude Normals
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 From:  Michael Gibson
739.7 In reply to 739.6 
Hi 3dvisuals dude, that is a great idea with the symmetry steps you described.

Unfortunately there isn't currently any way for a script to detect and select symmetrical faces like that yet and it isn't really an easy thing to add. So that will have to be more of a longer range project. I would definitely like to add in a bunch of symmetry stuff in the future.

However, I was able to tune up just the regular extrude so that it handles a multiple selection with different normals better now.

Here's an example - here is an extruded 12 sided polygon, with every other face selected:

With the new tuned up extrude (which will be in the next beta), doing a single extrude will do this now:

Your mouse will track along the normal of the last object that you selected, but the distance that you track along it will be applied to each other selected object along their own normals. If you want them all to go in a common direction you can still do that by using "Set Dir" to define a new direction - once you define a direction by pushing "Set Dir", then each object will no longer extrude along its own normal and instead use the direction you specified.

So hopefully this should streamline your extrusion procedure. You still have to manually select all the faces you want, but you can punch them all out along their own normals with just one extrude step with the next beta.

- Michael

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 From:  3dvisuals dude (ODWYERVISUALS)
739.8 In reply to 739.7 

This is awesome Michael! Great work! Thanks!!!

This will be a huge timesaver for me and I'll definitely be using it every day!

Maybe sometime down the road a similar method might also be used for multi-face sweeps or multi-face scaling too!

Man, when you set your mind to a thing you certainly tend to accomplish it very fast, you truly amaze me.

Thanks again,

MOI just gets better every day!!!!

- 3dvisuals dude
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 From:  WillBellJr
739.9 In reply to 739.8 
Yes, that IS AWESOME, Michael - thanks a lot for adding this in!

Building my spaceships and buildings are just getting easier and easier with each addition you make - can't wait for the next release!


PS - You said you made some fixes with the chamfer command in this next beta, right?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
739.10 In reply to 739.9 
> PS - You said you made some fixes with the chamfer command in this next beta, right?

Hi Will, I haven't quite got to that yet, but it's about next on my list. It's mostly going to be a UI tuneup for chamfer.

I'm trying to squeeze in a few more tuneups like this (and a few last bug fixes) before releasing the next beta because I want it to be pretty much the last beta.

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
739.11 In reply to 739.10 
I understand, and I look forward to it - I'm glad you added those last few modeling tune-ups - I certainly appreciate them!

Besides, I'm looking forward to your documentation as well.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
739.12 In reply to 739.11 
Hi Will, I'm tuning up chamfer now and now I figured out what is strange about it in the current beta.

Currently it takes 2 distances, and for every edge it has to figure out which side of the edge should get distance 1 and which side should get distance 2. The way it currently works is that if you have a face selected, or all the edges of a face selected, then that will get distance 1 to the side of that face. Everything else gets distance 2.

But this means that if you have an entire object selected (no faces or edges selected), then everything will use distance2, that's why it feels weird currently with things only having an effect when you change the second distance only, and nothing happening when you change the first distance.

I'm tuning this up for the next beta so that by default chamfer will just have one distance input which will make things easier to control for simple chamfers. There will be a "use 2 distances" checkbox that will let you show the 2nd distance and make things behave the same as the current beta, except I'll switch it so that if no faces or edges are selected everything will get distance 1 instead of distance 2 since that just seems a bit more expected..

EDIT: there is actually another bug mixed in there for the current beta that makes the whole distance1/distance2 thing get fouled up after the first run through as well..

- Michael


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 From:  WillBellJr
739.13 In reply to 739.12 
Okay great Michael!

For me, a lot of times, nothing would happen when I run the command - perhaps it's because it was expecting a distance2 entry instead of 1 - most of the time I'd just put the same value in both but still nothing would happen.

Hopefully it'll work for me as well as fillet does when you're finished with it!

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