Let's Model a Car: A Tutorial
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
That is is curious because all plugins by Max are something like _Subdiv_beta6 with a "_" as first letter!
Have you modified the name of the original script as shown on your list of files ?
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 From:  bob (TOYGUY)
7389.69 In reply to 7389.67 

Thank you, I was trying to use the detected buttons, but the shortcut keys work!
This is really a great addition to your program. I have friends that rave about Creo for product design, this seems to give a MoI another level of flexibility in model generation.


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 From:  bob (TOYGUY)
7389.70 In reply to 7389.68 

yes I did (my ignorance). Micheal's direction on the shortcut keys got it working.
I'm really excited to try out this new tools!

thanks for your help

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 From:  WillBellJr
Absolutely awesome tutorial - thanks so much for this!

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 From:  Hamish Mead (HAIRYKIWI)
Thank you so much for producing this wonderful tutorial Ed!

Definitely one I'll be putting on the reference shelf - and referring people to as a great example of just how capable MoI (+ Max's SubD) is.

Keep up the great work.

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 From:  ArianDesign (ARIANSHAMIL)
Hey man...you did an OUTSTANDING JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll never be tired to say that....I love to see this project...in the right hands, this little gem of program can do really amazing things! :)

Great job, and thanks a ton for the tutorial!!!! :)



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 From:  Wlawton
7389.74 In reply to 7389.2 
When I download the .zip file for the Bridge script I only get 1 file: _sBridge.js. There is no .htm file included. Is there something missing or is the .htm not required for the bridge command.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7389.75 In reply to 7389.74 
No need for the function Bridge : Generaly htm is used for UI, menu, parameter etc...
So make just a short cut or press tab then write _bridge (upper caser letter(s) or not but don't forget the "_") !!!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7389.76 In reply to 7389.74 
Hi Wlawton,

> When I download the .zip file for the Bridge script I only get 1 file: _sBridge.js. There is no .htm file
> included. Is there something missing or is the .htm not required for the bridge command.

That's normal that there's no .htm file for that particular command.

The .htm files contain user interface elements for a command like buttons and checkboxes and stuff like that. If the way a command works is that it just immediately performs an action and doesn't have any UI for buttons and options or things like that, then it may not have an .htm file in it.

- Michael
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 From:  keith1961
I found adding the scripts a bit confusing at first and struggled along installing them piecemeal before discovering there is a link that allows you to install them all complete with a new set of icons in Moi's UI. Oddly nobody ever seems to point this out despite the tools being present in some tutorial videos. I'm off to work now but you should be able to find them on Max's page http://moi.maxsm.net/startpos/8. And looking at this thread I'm missing a few:)http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=6507.1
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 From:  keith1961
I gave up on making a car when Carrara kept ripping up the smoothing. I found half an old model today so put some wheels on it and rendered it in Simlab. I like the smooth surfaces but I don't think I will finish the model as I feel like doing something new.

Moi is really amazing!


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Very elegant!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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