NVil, Samardac Config 1.0
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
7299.62 In reply to 7299.60 
I'll argument that statment about kid. NVil has this crease commands (Smardac Config):

Shortcut - B, Drag to create/modify creases.

LMB - Creas/Uncreas
RMB - Uncrease (Drop crease)
MMB - Select creased

Shortcut - N, Crease Modifier. Drag to modify Crease

LMB - Creas/Uncreas Start
RMB - Creas/Uncreas End
MMB - Bias (Change mid point of Uncreasing)
Alt+N - Reset Individual Edge Creas Modifier. (Use it when you modify Single edge that is not divided by another edges)

And this is what this shortcut (N) does this is called Falloff in MODO:

or this:

You can move Bias to change center of Falloff. You can Creas/Uncreas Start/end to control amount of crease in Falloff. (You can check that video from 1.50 to see it in work)

Does Modo has all this commands? And are they so streamlined like in NVil? (only 2 shortcuts B and N and no any windows and other needless stuff). This is why I consider NVil the best.

"Also Nvil seems to loose weight tension when you freeze your model" No it loos nothing.
I'm not very familiar with that different types of SubD in MODO but I can reproduce all that examples in seconds.

And Shaded:

I just changed amount of crease. In middle example it was set to maximum.


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 From:  Andrei Samardac
7299.63 In reply to 7299.61 
Personally I can not think about Zmodeler in serious way. For me it is like some new toy from ZBrush. I can be wrong but looks like it is far away from Real SubD modeling capabilities. So many nuances is here.

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 From:  Andrei Samardac
New version 2.3 is here.

1. Creased edges was back to red Color. I accidentally make them black in previous version.
2. Now in Retopo mode you can transform and it will snap to reference object.

Experimental features:

1. New feature that keep Harden edges Hard after Autosmooth, allow me to make Autosmooth practically automated. Now it set to Alt. And It will run everytime when you navigating viewport.

2. Quick Pivot setting was added. I analyze what combination of pivot position/orientstion I use most of all and made buttons for this. Also I set Shortcuts for this, check it in toll tips.

Use no less than this version: http://www.digitalfossils.com/Download/NVil-Apr-23-15.rar



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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7299.65 In reply to 7299.64 
What is the nature of the link above http://www.digitalfossils.com/Download/NVil-Apr-23-15.rar

a free version, a demo version, a pro version ?
Who can use it ? a customer of Nvil, a register member, a simple visitor?

Some infos of the new toy Zmodeler ;) (scroll the page)
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 From:  PaQ
7299.66 In reply to 7299.65 
Hi Pilou,

Looks like a full version, but you can turn it in demo mode if you don't have a serial.

Hi Andrei,

Thanks for the info, looks like I have 2,3 feature request to do for Modo :o)

As for the customization, should be possible in Modo too ... well I'm note sure about the contextual sticky key + mouse button, but I'm not a big fan of this kind of thing as I never remember them.

Just a last one, it's me or there is no other display mode that the default one ? (you know, like reflective environment to get a better idea of surface quality)

EDITED: 23 Apr 2015 by PAQ

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 From:  Andrei Samardac
7299.67 In reply to 7299.66 
"Just a last one, it's me or there is no other display mode that the default one ? (you know, like reflective environment to get a better idea of surface quality)"

You mean some kind of matcaps? No there is no this thing in NVil. The only thing you can change now is specular, transparency and color. We asked for this but it was not implemented yet. I use specular to control surface quality. Works good :)

Also I just do not notice does Modo highlite creased edges with some color? If yes it indicates falloff changing along that edges? Nvil have very nice implemintation of this maximum of crise is red and minimum is white. So you can control everytime what you have.

Also if you do not like that kind of shortcuts with mouse buttons NVil is not for you. For sure you can set regular shortcuts but you will loose all advantages of NVil. The basic advantages of nvil is this kind of streamlined tools. So you can work only with shortcuts without any windows and other UI stuff. For example I works only with shortcuts and I use about only half of my keyboard. But if set all that shortcuts in Modo, Max, etc, I'll need 2 keyboards :)


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 From:  Andrei Samardac
7299.68 In reply to 7299.65 
I read about that features of ZModeller, some times ago. First of all it is for low poly modeling and it lacks so many features for real Poly Modeling, so it not allow me to think about it as a real Polygonal SubD modeler.

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 From:  PaQ
7299.69 In reply to 7299.67 
Hi Andrei,

I didn't mean matcaps, just a reflection shader to control surface deviation. (not that I need advanced surface analysis, it's 'just' poly modeling after all)... I can hardly think to model anything without this display mode.
MoI specular is very handy for than purpose, as it quickly show surfaces problems.

I have check Nvil specular option, but it's a vertex shader, it's not accurate enough for my taste.

You can highlight crease in modo, it's in the viewport options. It shows a red vertex color intensity over the shading model, + numerical info overlay by edges.
I do agree Nvil edge display color is better, in the other hand tweaking weight is more a visual process, that's why a good shading feedback is important.

As for shortcut, it's not than I don't like them. I of course customize a lot of them in modo, but only important tools that I use often.
Modo topopen for example has a lot of sub function, left click, middel click, shift middle click, etc etc ... very handy if you do retopo all day long, but hard to remember if you use it once a month.
If I have to remap or create shortcut for the thousands of modo function, I don't need a second keyboard, but probably a second brain.

Nvil seems a very capable modeler, with some tools I would like to have in modo (that's why it picks my curiosity), but if you can model in any 'big' software (max, xsi, modo), I don't see any good reason to switch.
I hate 3dsmax for modeling, but I have many co-workers that making amazing models every day with it ...

Btw don't underestimate zbrush, ... I will never use it for poly modeling (I'm an old school modeler :)), but I'm sure tons of artist will do outstanding stuff with this new poly modeling tools !
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
7299.70 In reply to 7299.69 
"I didn't mean matcaps, just a reflection shader to control surface deviation. "
Can you make screenshot, want to look at this.

About ZModeller, people created great stuff and 10 years ago. Great stuff is more about people and less about software. There are thousands talented people that creates great stuff in ZBrush, Max, Modo etc... I just analyse facts about ZModeller and compare it with NVil and it was my conclusion. So in my conclusion I talked about soft capability, not about human skills :)

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 From:  Andrei Samardac
Version 2.4 is here.

I continue to experiment with Pivot window and looks like I found nice solution, this is how it looks now:


I made the settings that you will use most of all the bigger button and small that you will use very rare.
Also I tried to make Orientation and Position to look visually different, to help you distinguish them.

When you go to the object mode(F1) Position and Orientation will set to Object.
When you go to subobject mode from object mode or spline (1,2,3) Position will set to selection and Orientation will set to World.
When you go to manual mode(F2) Position and Orientation will set to Manual.

(F1) Set Position and Selection to World. Also Set Object Pivot.
(F2) Set Position and Selection to Manual. Also Set Manual Pivot.
(F3)* (New Shortcut) Drop Pivot, i.e. set Position to Selection and Orientation to World.

Also you can click RMB to set both Position and Orientation at the same time.

I tested this scheme looks nice, I hope it will make you work with Pivot in the Most comfortable way ever!
Also I hope you will use this window very rare because a lot of things now automated for the best use.
Other stuff you can read in Tool Tips.

Some modification was made with lightning.



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 From:  Andrei Samardac
Hay, I'm very glad to present you 2.5 version of Samardac Config!
There are some big updates here. And looks like NVil now is the best for the Hard edge work. Also now going from Hard edge to SubD is few clicks deal, it is simple like never before!
Read more here: www.nvil.info

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 From:  Andrei Samardac
Check how fast is workflow from Hard Edge to SubD, also check how nice shading have hard edges during navigating viewport.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
A concept tutorial for Space Ship (With ZBrush but not with the new ZModeler here)
Can be adapted with some progs! ;)

By Igor Puskaric
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
Samardac Config 3.0


--- Hard Edge/Organic Types was implemented. Check tool tips for tutors.
--- Now practically all commands have not only tool tips but also tutorials and help. You can open them by pressing Ctrl or Alt or Shift + Button.
--- Keep colors function was added to the Installer. It will keep all colors of the user interface.

Hard edge selection tools:

(LMB) Select Hard edge Island
(MMB) Select Similiar
(RMB) Select Hard Edge

(RMB) Select edges that is Hard but not creased.

--- Polish command was deleted now we have 2 commands: 1. Auto-smooth (RMB) 2. Optimize (O)
--- Transform Section was rebuilded. Locally button was added.
--- Harden/Soften edges now has black color.
--- Pivot window was rebuilded.
--- (F3)Drop Pivot was Changed to Orientation Object, Position Selection.--- (Alt+F3) Set Position to selection
--- (F4) - Set Position Selection, Orientation World
--- Duplicate, Combine, Split shortcuts was back to the previous, check them in UI.
--- Organic/Hard buttons was added
--- Reference List is now separate window.

Download: www.nvil.info

Use no less then this version:

Hard Edge/Organic Types tutorials:

Now NVil have Online Help with video tutors, check how it works:


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 From:  bisenberger
7299.76 In reply to 7299.75 
Looks like Istonia is adding some nice NVil updates too.
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