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 From:  OSTexo

You do realize the concept of continuity has been used in design for hundreds of years, don't you? I am unfamiliar with the term "ideal continuity" that you're using, I've not heard of it, please explain. I think you're beginning to respond to your own posts you've made earlier in the thread, I'm not sure why.
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
7275.100 In reply to 7275.99 
Ideal continuity I mean class A surfaces with G2 or G3 continuity. I'm sure you talked about this.
But looks like now you are going to talk about it in terms of Art Forms or even Mathematics functions.

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 From:  OSTexo

I fail to see what makes it "ideal", now you're resorting to make believe terminology? Go back and reread what I wrote, I certainly did not use the term "ideal continuity", since you just made up that term out of thin air. I have no idea why you're talking about art forms and mathematics, I meant exactly what I said in my most recent previous post, that the concept of continuity has been used in design for hundreds of years. If you had the slightest idea what the term continuity means you'd realize those designers Mauro mentioned used and understood it, as well as countless other designers (automotive and otherwise) before and after.

You have the nasty habit of trying to make yourself look better by knocking others hard work, even when said work is perfectly relevant to the subject thread. Let's dispense with the nonsense of the context of your posts being misunderstood because of translation, you and I both know that isn't true since you exhibit the same behavior regardless of subject at hand.

You start out by knocking MoI saying it's no good for concept modeling, especially in automotive design. Then when you are shown that it can in fact be a beneficial tool in conceptual design you attack the designers proficiency with the tool. Then you try to resort to deflection and derailing the topic because your objective is not to have a constructive discussion on topic, in your mind it's how many people you can get to stroke your ego. And when someone else get's some attention for the hard work they've done, (whether a design, plugin, etc.) you try your hardest to put others accomplishments down, it's as if you can't stand not continually being in the spotlight, regardless of the consequences.

You might want to step back a moment and see how silly it's making you look. I have a thick skin when it comes to things like forums, then again I think you know the context in which I put your comments, not a big deal in my case, but they can be upsetting to others. Perhaps I've given you something to consider, if not that's OK too.
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7275.102 In reply to 7275.1 
I don't think that you need moi or g2, g3 or g×√π for vehicle design. You need insperation and a pencil and a sheet of paper.
Ok, Maybe, You need also a black turtleneck sweater, glasses with a thick spectacle frame - especially if you don't have problems with your eyes(simple float glass), some cool apple gadgets, a Artemide Tizio on your desktop and a showcase with some old Braun products;-)

Kind regards
p.s: Am I redirected? Or is this really the moi M O i - Forum???
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 From:  chippwalters
7275.103 In reply to 7275.102 
..and a showcase with some old Braun products..

Does this mean my Bellini Olivetti calculator doesn't count? ;-)

Have you seen MoI Interface Builder?
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7275.104 In reply to 7275.103 
And a Bellini Olivetti calculator ..... also.
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 From:  chippwalters
7275.105 In reply to 7275.104 
Right (not the Sottsass one).

Have you seen MoI Interface Builder?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
the Sottsass one ;)

All the collection ;)
and of course here;

EDITED: 7 Apr 2015 by PILOU

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 From:  BurrMan
7275.107 In reply to 7275.101 
"""""""""There are no even such a term Like 3D modelling when Marcello Gandini created Countach or Miura."""""""""""

No, he would have used things like "French Curves" And "Drafting Machines" and a heavy "understanding of math" for the ability to actually use a French curve...... Also understanding that he was creating a 3 dimensional object which needed to maintain the beautiful characteristics of Curvature...

He most definitely didn't just draw something and say "Look at that!"...............
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
I never known why this is called "French Curve" ! :)

In French that is a "Perroquet" (a parrot) look the last one on the right side!

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7275.109 In reply to 7275.108 
Image Attachments:
Size: 2.8 KB, Downloaded: 9 times, Dimensions: 142x142px
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7275.110 In reply to 7275.109 
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7275.111 In reply to 7275.110 
Hi Pilou,

I don't know why they called french curves, but the name Ludwig Burmester may be interessting for you!

Have a nice day
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Yes, mister Pierre Bezier was his successor! :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7275.113 In reply to 7275.112 
Dont't forget Bernstein and De Casteljau;-)

Nevertheless, my hero is Ivan Sutherland:-)
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 From:  BurrMan
7275.114 In reply to 7275.113 
Those guys were monsters in math and masters of geometry.

Burmester was working on "lightlines" before je moved into creating his motion theory.
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
...after Catia,continuity and mathematics don't forget taste,stylish,elegance..what we Italians call "the concept of beautiful"
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
For some "Designers" here, check this video this will be a 7 minute master class for you about design.
Filippo Perini talked about design of Huracán, also he creates concepts for such an iconic cars like Sesto Elemento and Aventador.
You will not hear not about Catia, not about Concept of Continuity not about any 3D modeling stuff. This is pure design, thoughts behind design and creative process.

Here some of "Designers" can not understand that there is design in 3D for concepts, that do not need precision, closed surfaces(watertight), ideal continuity etc... All that stuff will be made by you - 3D Modellers when concept will be approved. So lets everybody will do their things, designers will create design and modelers will create perfect 3D models.
And when 3D modellers start to talking about design(some persons in this forum) it looks awful.


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 From:  Andrei Samardac
Also this is new Russian Tram:

Design was made by guys that never have deal with 3D their work was creating web sites, brands, images etc (marketing stuff)...
They even have no educational background in any kind of Design.
But they made nice job.
And fore sure they work in team with engineers and 3D modellers, but everybody made his job.
So pleas stop talking about design in terms of 3D technical stuff. You will never create any beautiful stuff if you will think like 3D modeller, not with Catia nor with MoI.


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 From:  Andrei Samardac
And about MoI and Car Design...
For sure MoI is not good for Car Design in terms of Concepting and forms research. Polygons is perfect tool for this. MoI may be suitable in modeling cars from already made concepts and blue prints. But it defenetly lucks of some essential tools for this work so it is not the best choise for car design.

Why I'm so against MoI in this situation is that I want people do not waste their time doing car design in MoI or any other "Organic" stuff. Their enthusiasm will finish one day and they will have to spend time to learn another app...And this is will be very hard. Because you will have to change your habits, minds, understanding of modeling etc... Personally for me it was very hard task. So this is how it was with me. So why people have to repeat somebody's mistakes?
MoI gives you a lot of inthusiasm with its simplicity but you will have to pay price for this - limited possibilities.


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